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As you begin plans for your garden this spring think about creating an edible landscape. Edible landscaping is becoming more popular now that vegetable prices are increasing.


Edible landscapes are attractive to the eye, as well as enticing to the palate. What more could a home gardener ask for than to be walking through the landscape eating vegetables and fruits produced from their very own effort?  The additional color edible landscapes offer is a bonus.

Locating the edible landscape in the right spot is important. Make sure it is planted in an area that will be easily accessible and visible. It is fun and rewarding to watch vegetables grow and work in the garden. 

One of the numerous benefits of edible landscape gardening includes obtaining freshly picked produce on a regular basis.  Such freshness offers higher nutritional value and enhanced flavor, since produce is at its highest peak right after harvest. This is a benefit because most vegetables sold through large supermarkets have been stored and transported for days or weeks, depending on the product.

Food costs have been on the rise due to rising fuel and fertilizer prices, increasing regulations and competition from imported produce. By creating an edible landscape, the home gardener can reduce their food costs. As a bonus, fresh food will be right outside!  

Read more on this topic by visiting the UF IFAS edible landscaping page

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