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In this age of tablets, smart phones, and whatever they come up with next, even the gardener can benefit from new technology.  Although gardening and landscaping to beautify our surroundings is a way to connect with the past, there are many new tools that are ready to help!  Here are a few web sites and phone apps that may prove useful to the gardener.

Sod Solutions Area Calculator 

Sod Solutions has made it easy to know how much sod you need to order by using a mapping system to create overlays that measure square footage.  Measuring square footage can prove tough for irregularly shaped beds or turf lawns.  This website can help measure accurately so one can also apply the correct amount of herbicides, pesticide, or fertilizer.  The website can be difficult for the technology challenged among us.  An easy solution is to find anyone under the age of 15 and they should be able to help!

sod solutions

Smartirrigation App: For Urban TurfSI turf app

The Smartirrigation Turf app is designed to help homeowners with automatic irrigation systems in scheduling their watering times correctly.  This app takes everything into account from soil type to local weather conditions.  For example, you set a watering schedule for Zone X of 15 minutes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then, it does not rain for an extended period of time. Because your lawn does not get the supplemental rain that was predicted, the app may tell the home owner to change the setting to 25 minutes.  To read more about using the app correctly, click on the link above.


Other apps that might prove useful are:

  • NCSU Lawn Care App – An App by North Carolina State University all about lawn care.
  • SoilWeb for Iphone – Produced by The California Soil Resource Lab that will tell you what kind of soil you are standing on.
  • Leaf Snap – Developed by Columbia University, University of Maryland, and Smithonian Institution.  The app uses visual recognition software to identify plants by taking pictures of its leaves.


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