Need some advice to get started with a fall garden?  The horticulture agents of the Northwest Extension District are pleased to present an interactive video series for the beginning gardener.


Broccoli, a popular winter vegetable. Photo by Mary Derrick, UF IFAS

The schedule is as follows:

September 9th – Starting a Home Vegetable Garden: Expectations, planning and site preparation

September 16th – Starting a Home Vegetable Garden: Tips to use whether you are starting with seeds or transplants

September 23rd – Tops and Bottoms for the Cool Season Garden: Cool season crops such as lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, chard, strawberries, onions, potatoes and carrots

Consult the list of Participating counties for the location nearest to you. The cost is $30 for an individual and $45 for a couple and covers all three sessions and informative handouts. All classes are held 6-7:30 p.m. Central time.


Mary Salinas
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