Planting annuals is a great way to add color and texture to the landscape.  Annuals can provide an added visual component to the garden regardless of if they’re planted in the ground or in containers, or even better—both.  An annual plant completes its life cycle (growing, flowering, seed set, and death) in a single growing season.  Annuals can stay in good health and last longer if they are pruned back when they get leggy and by pinching off any fading flowers (deadheading).  To help plan your garden beds and container plantings please click below to enlarge the image of the handy “North Florida Annual Planting Guide”.  Please note the suggested planted dates in this guide are based on average monthly temperatures, but every year is different.  Some years we may have a late frost around Easter, other years we won’t have a cold front after February.

Northwest Florida Annual Planting Guide

Matt Lollar
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