Please join us for an informative workshop to learn about managing insects in fruit & vegetables. You will learn how to identify common insect pests, control insect pests and submit samples for diagnosis from University of Florida / IFAS specialists. Attendees will receive free Insect ID guides and participate in an on-site demonstration ! Pesticide CEUs will be available for license holders as well. This workshop Washington County Agriculture Center 1424 Jackson Ave., East wing. it will be Friday February 16, 8:30am-3:30pm and there is no cost. Pre-Registration required for count: Contact Nikki or Cynthia at 850-638-6180 or email Matthew Orwat at
Welcome 8:30am-8:35am
Matthew Orwat, Washington County Cooperative Extension
Introduction 8:35am-8:40am
Amanda Hodges, University of Florida
True bugs in Spring Vegetables-Identification and Management 9:00am-10:15am
Amanda Hodges and Ploy Kurdmongkoltham, University of Florida
Cowpea Curculio 10:15am-10:30pm
Ploy Kurdmongkoltham and Amanda Hodges, University of Florida
Break 10:30am-10:45am
Whitefly Management 10:45am-11:10am
Matthew Orwat, Washington County Extension
Importance of Invasive Species to North Florida Vegetable Production 11:10am-11:30am
Amanda Hodges, University of Florida
Invasive Stink Bugs and Related True Bugs 11:30am-11:50pm
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Bagrada Bug, and Kudzu Bug
Amanda Hodges, University of Florida
Lunch 11:50pm-12:30pm
Tomato leafminer Tuta absoltua 12:30m-12:45pm
Brad Danner, FDACS-DPI Survey Specialist
Old World bollworm and Exotic Spodoptera Pests 12:45pm-1:05pm
Silvana Paula-Moraes, University of Florida
Common Vegetable Plant Diseases in the Florida Panhandle
curcubits and hands on samples 1:05pm-1:35pm
Sanju Kunwar, University of Florida
Pest and Pathogen Walk 1:35pm-2:05pm
CAPS Exotic Corn Diseases of Concern 2:05pm-2:35pm
Brad Danner, FDACS-DPI Survey Specialist
Sample Submission, Arthropod and Disease samples 2:35pm-2:50pm
Ploy Kurdmongkoltham and Amanda Hodges, University of Florida
Conclusion and Post-Workshop Survey 2:50pm-3:15pm
Amanda Hodges, University of Florida
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