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Why Are Sand Dunes & Sea Oats So Important?

Why Are Sand Dunes & Sea Oats So Important?

Florida is synonymous with sand dunes and sea oats and evidence can be seen across the state’s vast shoreline landscape. Sand dunes are an important part of both the ecosystem and as a storm protection measure for coastal communities. Sea oats play an integral role in maintaining this healthy coastal ecosystem.

Sand dune in St. Joe Beach. Credit: Ray Bodrey UF/IFAS Extension

The raw power of ocean waves and seemingly constant weather conditions keep sand in motion on Florida’s beaches. Fortunately, there is a natural mechanism that holds sand in place to stabilize the shoreline. Sand dunes are simply formed though three basic principles: sand, wind and space. The process of dune formation occurs when the ocean pushes sand on shore, wind blows sand further onto the beach and sand gets trapped and accumulates. This creates a frontal and back dune area. Dunes are categorized by many factors, such as size, shape, biodiversity and vegetation. Back dune areas are home to a diverse host of plants and animals. Wildflowers, shrubs, grasses and even trees can be found in the network of hills in the back dune area. Shore birds such as the snowy plover and ruddy turnstone find solace in these areas. The endangered dune mice also live in the back dune areas, as a place of refuge and protection.

With vegetation as a cover, frontal dunes are anchored and tend to stay in place. Storm surges can easily erode dunes without vegetation. This can affect coastal communities in combatting storm surge and flooding. One of the most viable plants that secure dunes is sea oats (Uniola paniculata). This clumping grass is found on both beaches and dunes. The plant gets its common name from the seed head, which looks similar to field oats. Sea oats are extremely drought and salt tolerant. These plants need limited soil fertility to grow, making them the perfect plants for sand dunes. Sea oats also reproduce vegetatively through complex root system call rhizomes. The vast root system caused by rhizomes is a big reason why these plants are excellent at securing sand on dunes. The plant structure is very flexible, so the plant can endure strong coastal winds. Sea oats are native species that help provide habitat for coastal animals, as well.

Recently restored sand dune in St. Joe Beach. Credit: Ray Bodrey, UF/IFAS Extension

Sea oats are protected by law. It is illegal to collect sea oats for any reason in the wild without proper permitting. There are native plant nurseries that propagate sea oat seedlings for dune restoration. For more information on volunteer opportunities to assist in dune restoration, please contact your local county extension office.

Supporting information for this article can be found at the UF/IFAS EDIS Publication, “Sea Oats, Uniola paniculata”:

How to Care for a Gift Plant

How to Care for a Gift Plant

It’s getting close to that time of year again! You may be the giver or receiver of a wonderful holiday plant soon. Dish gardens, potted flowering plants (such as azalea, begonia, poinsettia, or chrysanthemum), plants with attractive foliage, and even patio citrus make great gifts. However, special care is needed to keep them healthy throughout the holiday season and beyond!

For plants intended to be “house plants”, over watering, over fertilizing and poor placement are the most common problems encountered by caretakers. The first thing you need to keep in mind about gift plants is that most of them have been growing in a carefully controlled greenhouse environment for some time. These types of plants are acclimated to a specific temperature & humidity level. Therefore, they’re sensitive. When they’re moved into your home atmosphere, they typically go into a level of shock. If you received a gift plant, you’ll have to help it overcome this shock by paying careful attention to the important factors- light, temperature, water, and fertilization.

House Plants & Indoor Garden Examples Credit: UF/lFAS Communications

Indoor areas often restrict light and provide very low humidity. Plants with dense foliage prefer light, but not continuous direct light all day. Placing a plant near a window or near light fixtures should suffice for photosynthesis requirements. However, flowering plants such as mums and poinsettias will stand more light than most foliage plants and should be placed in very bright areas. Most indoor plants grow well in temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees. Be careful to not place plants in drafty locations where sudden changes in temperature occur. Also, don’t place plants close to radiators or air conditioner vents/returns. These areas typically dry soil excessively and could cause plants to wilt.

Watering is one of the major causes of failure with plants in the home, especially for containers which don’t have drainage holes. Most house plants will require a thorough soaking once a week.  Water only when necessary and don’t let the pots stand in saucers of water unless the plants are very tolerant to excess water.  Overwatering can kill plant roots, increase chances of disease, and eventually kill the entire plant.

Proper fertilization is another important part of growing healthy plants.  Fertilizer labeled for house plants or 10-10-10 are good, general-purpose, complete fertilizers to use. Always follow all the directions on the bag or container, so that you don’t over fertilize, causing the plant’s demise.

Following these basic practices to keep house plants healthy should keep your gift plant looking attractive for the remainder of the holiday season and beyond.

For more information on house plants, please visit:

or contact your local county extension office for more information.

Fall Leaf Colors Are Just Around the Corner

Fall Leaf Colors Are Just Around the Corner

Fall is a season that is synonymous for two great joys in life… games and the changing leaf colors! However, in Florida we just don’t have the incredible burst of vivid fall leaf color as our northern neighbors enjoy each year, but we do have enough temperate region plants that can give us some seasonal change in foliage.

So what makes this brilliant display of autumn leaf color anyway? This seasonal change is brought on by a few variables, such as lower temperatures, shorter photo period/shorter days and chemical pigments found in leaf tissues. Some of the pigments that give autumn leaves their bright colors are actually present in the leaves as soon as they unfold as flush in early spring. But, during spring and summer, when the plants are growing vigorously, a green-colored material called chlorophyll dominates and shades out the other leaf pigments.

Chlorophyll plays on important role in a process called photosynthesis, which is the process by which plants capture energy from sunlight and manufacture food. Chlorophyll can also be found in water bodies and is an indicator of water quality. As plants get ready for cool season dormancy, the production on new chlorophyll decreases to almost being nonexistent. That’s when the before mentioned pigments, also called carotenoids, take over and make the leaves turn brilliant orange, red, purple and yellow.

There are some plants in the Florida’s landscape that do provide good fall color. Unlike most of the flowering shrubs, which hold their blossoms for only a brief period, the trees and shrubs that turn color in the fall will usually retain their varied hues for a month or more, depending on the weather.

Red Maple. Credit. UF/IFAS Extension

What are some examples of trees that will lend fall color in your Panhandle landscape?

  • Shumard Oak
  • Turkey Oak
  • Ginkgo
  • Hickory
  • Golden Rain Tree
  • Red Swamp Myrtle
  • Dogwood
  • Red Maple (see photo)
  • Sweet Gum
  • Black Gum
  • Crape Myrtle
  • Tulip Tree
  • Bradford Pear
  • Cypress

What about annuals that provide color in the fall? Petunias, pansies and snapdragons will be in full bloom over the next few months.

Firespike. Credit. UF/IFAS Extension

What about blooming perennials for fall? Salvia, firespike (see photo), chrysanthemum, beautyberry and holly are great for color in the fall and attract wildlife to your landscape.

A mix of these plants will ensure fall color in your landscape. For more information contact your local county extension office.

Information for this article was provided by Patrick Minogue, Forestry Specialist with UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center, as well as the UF/IFAS Gardening Solutions:

Growing Shiitake Mushrooms

Growing Shiitake Mushrooms

Whether you are interested in creating a shiitake mushroom operation or just want to have fun with a backyard production of mushrooms for yourself and others, growing shiitake mushrooms is a fascinating and delicious enterprise.

Below are some great facts about Shiitake mushrooms. They are a wood rotting fungus that grow on a wide variety of hardwood tree species, with “shii” – meaning oak and “take” meaning mushroom in Japanese. Florida is a major market for mushrooms in general, as the State’s population is a large consumer of mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms haven’t always been available at markets in the U.S. Prior to 1972, only dried mushrooms were available. Worldwide, Asia is still the leader in yearly production, boasting a billion-dollar industry.

Please join us on March 12th at the UF/IFAS Extension Franklin County Office on 261 Dr. Frederick S. Humphries St. in Apalachicola for a Shiitake Mushroom Workshop. Learn how to select the correct wood, inoculate logs with spawn, care for the logs and important tips on harvesting & storing the yield. Plus, you’ll get to take home your very own shiitake mushroom log!

Workshop fee is $20. Please register here:

Shiitake Mushroom Workshop Tickets, Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite

Chinese Cabbage Becoming Increasingly Popular in Panhandle Gardens

Chinese Cabbage Becoming Increasingly Popular in Panhandle Gardens

Looking for a mid-season vegetable to plant in your garden? Look no further, Chinese cabbage is a great option. This cabbage matures quickly and is ideal for growing in winter’s shorter days and cooler temperatures.

Figure: Bok Choy Harvested & Prepared in a dish.
Credit: Jieli Qiao, Guiyang, Guizhou, China

Growing Asian vegetable crops in Florida has become an increasing trend over the last decade, mostly due to health benefits and profitability by producers. However, the crop is new to many, who are interested in growing and consuming these vegetables. There are two sub-species of Chinese cabbage. The Pe-Tsai group are the broad leaved, compact heading varieties. The head may be six inches across and either round or cylindrical, in shape. The second group is known as Bok Choy (figure). These are non-heading Chinese cabbage varieties that have several thick, white leaf stalks, and smooth glossy, dark green leaf blades clustered together, similar to the way celery grows.

Again, cooler temperatures are key. Warm temps cause the plant to uptake more calcium, making the heads soft and bitter and may contribute to early seed development through bolting. Chinese cabbage matures in around forty to seventy-five days from planting, depending on variety. There’s no specific requirements to growing this cabbage in Florida, just follow the same soil preparation, liming, fertilization, and cultivation practices that you would use for other leafy vegetable garden crops. The main pests and diseases that occur are leaf blight, downy mildew, aphids, and cabbage caterpillars. Leaf blight and downy mildew usually occur in warmer times of the year, with higher temperatures and rain.

Chinese cabbage is very versatile. It’s great in salads, stir fry, pickled and even as a replacement for lettuce on your favorite sandwich. Enjoy!

For more information on Chinese cabbage, please contact your local county extension office.

Information for this article can be found at the UF/IFAS EDIS Publication, “Bok Choy, an Asian Leafy Green Vegetable Emerging in Florida”: & “Cabbage, Chinese – Brassica Campestris L. (Pekinensis Group)”:

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