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Watch for “Melting Grass”

Watch for “Melting Grass”

As the temperatures warm into the 60’s (or greater) and the rain chance remains good, keep an eye open for disease in your lawn.  Large patch disease is common in turfgrass this time of the year.  It is caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani.  The fungus is present in the soil and thatch layer year-round.  When the temperatures rise into the 60’s and 70’s it begins to spread.  Large patch thrives under these conditions, especially when the soil is wet.  With frequent showers the disease spreads quickly.  The first symptom of large patch is circular, discolored areas within the lawn.  The outer borders of the patches are orange to yellowish in color.  In the center of the circle there are grass blades trying to green up again.  They are usually unsuccessful, resulting in odd-shaped patches of dying grass that begin to connect to each other.

Circular patch of declining turfgrass

Picture from UF publication

A simple field diagnostic techniques to confirm large patch disease is to pull on the diseased grass shoots near the edge of the circle.  The blades will come loose from the stolon easily.  At the base of the leaves the stem and sheaths will appear dark brown and rotten.  Yes, it is large patch.

Grass blades rotten at the base

Photo from UF publication

If the weather gets colder or hotter very quickly, the disease will go back into dormancy.  Looking at the long-range temperature predictions, the rest of February will be going up and down.  Remember, the groundhog said six more weeks of winter.  So, start looking for a fungicide or two or contact your pest control service.  However, remember fungicides don’t cure existing problems.  They are utilized as a protectant for the unaffected portions of the grass.  When favorable conditions are present, the turf should be sprayed in order to keep the fungus from penetrating the grass blades.  Repeat applications will be needed for as long as the weather is cool and wet.  Check the product label for the correct intervals.  Several cultural practices promote large patch infection including over-fertilization, over-irrigation, low mowing height, poor drainage and excess thatch.  This spring, after the grass has greened-up on its own, is a good time to look at these factors and make corrections.  Keep a close eye because as soon as the temperatures drop again in the fall, large patch can reappear if the corrections were not complete.  For more information:

Palms Can Suffer in the Cold

Palms Can Suffer in the Cold

Not what palms are used to seeing

While palms may survive, or even thrive, for years in climates cooler than those to which they are native, eventually they may experience temperatures cold enough to cause injury.  The January 21st snow and wind chill is likely to take a toll on many of the palms in Northwest Florida.  We have experience with this since it also happened in January 2014 and December of 2022.  Unfortunately, much of the damage in 2014 was not evident for 18-24 months and we are not out of the window for 2022.  Healthy palms can hold on with stored food reserves, but repeated events can continue to weaken them.  When cold damage is severe, plant tissues are destroyed and water uptake into the plant may be reduced for years.  Many times, it is only the protected bud that will remain alive.  These palms can still be saved if the bud remains alive.  Winter is not over, even though the temperatures are now creeping higher and higher.  So, evaluate what damage you may already have and prepare for any additional, yet to come.  Here’s a reminder of what to do.

One of the most common problems associated with freezes is that the freeze-killed lower portion of the spear leaf is degraded by secondary fungi and bacteria that are always present in our natural environment.  Palm owners are often anxious to trim off the damaged leaves following a cold weather event.  Avoid the temptation to remove these fronds until danger of additional freezes has passed.  Even dead leaves provide insulation to the critical bud.  As the weather warms, the dead fronds need to be removed from around the bud so that the spear can begin to dry out.  Drenching the bud area with a copper fungicide will reduce the secondary microbes.  Repeat applications will need to continue as the palm leaves develop.  Copper fungicides, unlike other fungicides, are active against bacteria and fungi.  Be cautious to not use a copper nutrient spray rather than a fungicide.  Delay fertilizer application until new fronds have developed.  The best analysis for palms is 8-2-12 + 4Mg.  Utilization of proper palm fertilization can improve cold hardiness of palms.

Palm trunk decay appeared 2 years after 2014 freeze.

Palms damaged by cold can still show symptoms six months to three years following a freeze.  New leaves in the spring may appear misshapen.  Usually, the palm will outgrow the damage.  However, sometimes the palm loses its ability to take up water.  If there is a sudden collapse of the fronds in the crown during the first hot days, the palm may die.  There is nothing that can be done to save the palm.

Camellia Care

Camellia Care

Different color and styles of flowersCamellias have been a part of the landscape in the Southeastern United States for over 200 years.  They are native to Asia and were introduced near Charleston, South Carolina in 1786.  The common name camellia refers to varieties and hybrids of Camellia japonica and to lesser known varieties of C. sasanqua and C. reticulata.  The growing conditions in Northwest Florida are well suited for many camellia varieties.  Camellias can serve several functions in the landscape including foundation plantings, screens, accent plants, background groupings and hedges.  Maximum benefit can be achieved by mass plantings or groupings.  Single plants should be focal point in beds rather than randomly placed throughout the lawn.  Camellias flower in the fall and winter when their display of colorful blooms is most appreciated.  During the remainder of the year their evergreen foliage, interesting shapes and textures, and relatively slow growth make camellias excellent landscape plants.  Some camellia growers enjoy competing in flower shows and manipulate the flower buds to achieve larger and earlier flowers.  This involves removing competing flower buds and applying gibberellic acid (a plant hormone).  Individual cultivars can be selected for size and form ranging from small and irregular to large and upright.  Texture and foliage color also differ among the various species and multiple varieties.  Midseason flowering varieties that bloom from November through January are best suited for Florida conditions.  Warm fall temperatures may prevent early varieties from flowering properly.  Late-blooming selections may attempt to send out new leaves before the end of the flowering period which results in “bullnoses”.  Bullnosing is characterized by poor quality flowers which do not open fully and may even drop while still tight buds.  Extended dry periods while in the bud stage can make the condition more likely.  While flowering, camellias need 1 inch of water applied each week.  Camellias perform best in partially shaded locations which are enhanced by good drainage and air movement.  Fertile, acidic soils high in organic matter are preferred.  The soil must be well drained because camellias will not grow in wet areas.  Do not plant them in areas with a high water table and/or hard pan.  This will result in a shallow root system which is more susceptible to injury during dry periods.  Camellias should be installed where cold air can move in and out freely, but the area should be protected from strong northwest winds.  Plantings under established trees or in areas that have structures to block the wind are usually injured less by cold temperatures.  These conditions enable the plants to gradually thaw or warm in the morning before being exposed to direct sunlight.  Dense shade may result in sparse foliage and poor flowering.  Camellias exposed to full sun may appear yellow-green, but may yield more flowers.  Either situation is stressful to the plants and can lead to pest problems.  Tea scale is the most common insect on camellias.  Scales generally feed on the underside of leaves and may not be noticed until large populations have developed.  Symptoms include very small elongated white and/or brown raised “flakes” on the underside of leaves that turn yellowish in color.

Gardener’s To-Do-List for November

Gardener’s To-Do-List for November

Red Maple

Red Maple structure IFAS Photo: Hassing, G.

Though the calendar says November, the weather in Northwest Florida is still producing summer or at least spring-like temperatures.  The nice days are wonderful opportunities to accomplish many of those outside landscape chores.  But, it is also a good time to start planning for next month’s colder temperatures.  Since we don’t experience frozen soil, winter is the best time to transplant hardy trees and shrubs.  Deciduous trees establish root systems more quickly while dormant; versus installing them in the spring with all their tender new leaves.

Remove an inch or more for extremely rootbound trees.

Here are a few suggestions for tasks that can be performed this month:

  • Plant shade trees, fruit trees, and evergreen shrubs.
  • Do major re-shaping of shade trees, if needed, during the winter dormancy.
  • Check houseplants for insect pests such as scale, mealy bugs, fungus gnats, whitefly and spider mites.
  • Continue to mulch leaves from the lawn. Shred excess leaves and add to planting beds or compost pile.
  • Replenish finished compost and mulch in planting beds, preferably before the first freeze.
  • Switch sprinkler systems to ‘Manual’ mode for the balance of winter.
  • Water thoroughly before a hard freeze to reduce plants’ chances of damage.
  • Water lawn and all other plants once every three weeks or so, if supplemental rainfall is less than one inch in a three week period.
  • Fertilize pansies and other winter annuals as needed.
  • Build protective coverings or moving devices for tender plants before the freeze warming.
  • Be sure to clean, sharpen and repair all your garden and lawn tools. Now is also the best time to clean and have your power mower, edger and trimmer serviced.
  • Be sure the mower blade is sharpened and balanced as well.
  • Provide food and water to the area’s wintering birds.

    Mowing a lawn.

    Mowing a lawn. Photo Credit: University of Florida/IFAS



Looking to add something to brighten your landscape this autumn?   Firespike (Odontonema strictum) is a prolific fall bloomer with red tubular flowers that are very popular with hummingbirds and butterflies.  It’s glossy dark green leaves make an attractive large plant that will grow quite well in dense shade to partial sunlight.  In frost-free areas, firespike grows as an evergreen semi-woody shrub, spreads by underground sprouts and enlarges to form a thicket.

Bright red blooms of Firespike

In zones 8 and 9 it usually dies back to the ground in winter and resprouts in spring, producing strikingly beautiful 9-12 inch panicles of crimson flowers beginning at the end of summer and lasting into the winter each year.  Firespike is native to open, semi-forested areas of Central America.  It has escaped cultivation and become established in disturbed hammocks throughout peninsular Florida, but hasn’t presented an invasive problem.  Here in the panhandle, firespike will remain a tender perennial for most locations. It can be grown on a wide range of moderately fertile, sandy soils and is quite drought tolerant.  Firespike may be best utilized in the landscape in a mass planting. Plants can be spaced about 2 feet apart to fill in the area quickly. It is one of only a few flowering plants that give good, red color in a partially shaded site. The lovely flowers make firespike an excellent candidate for the cutting garden and is a “must-have” for southern butterfly and hummingbird gardens.  Additional plants can be propagated from firespike by division or cuttings.  However, white-tailed deer love firespike too, and will eat the leaves, so be prepared to fence it off from “Bambi”.