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The sweetly scented, golden yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers on the cascading, fine textured foliage of Carolina jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) covering fences and trees in open woodlands and along roadsides from late January to early April makes it one of the most beautiful vines throughout the Southeast.  Carolina jessamine’s growth rate is moderate, reaching 20 feet or more when maintained as a vine.  It can also be grown as a ground cover by cutting yearly in the late spring after flowering.

Yellow trumpet flower on a vine

Carolina Jessamine – Photo credit: Mary Keim (Flickr ID Mary Keim).

This vine is very adaptable and will grow in a variety of conditions.  Carolina jessamine tolerates either full sun or partial shade.  Flowering is more prolific and foliage growth is denser in full sun.  It grows best in rich, well-drained soil. But, it can grow very quickly up into the canopy of young trees.  You may want to limit how many vines are allowed to establish around the trees that are being raised for future shade or harvesting.

Yellow jessamine has been used by herbalists to treat eye ailments and as natural, perfumed hair oil. The essential oils of the plant are extracted for use in the perfume industry, since the pleasant odor is difficult to reproduce synthetically.

Insects or diseases rarely trouble Carolina jessamine. All parts of this plant are extremely poisonous, especially to livestock, if eaten; however, the bright yellow spring blossoms are a source of nectar for butterflies and deer often browse on the vegetation for food and fiber. The sap may cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals.  People, especially children, can be poisoned by sucking the nectar from the flowers.  This should be considered when choosing a location to allow the Carolina jessamine to grow.