The Florida panhandle has one of rich biodiversity.  This goes for the variety of turtles found here as well.  Many paddlers and hikers to our waterways see these turtles but have trouble identifying which they are looking.  In response to request by outdoor adventures wanting to learn more, UF IFAS Extension will be offering a one day workshop on field identification of panhandle riverine turtles.


The workshop will be held this Monday – May 16, 2022 – in Apalachicola FL.  Participants will attend a classroom session where the biogeography of our turtles will be discussed and visual identification will be practiced.  We will then take a boat ride up the Apalachicola River and practice in the field.


The program will begin at 8:30am (ET) at the Franklin County Extension Office.  The cost will be $25 and preregistration is required.  You can register at