The Inaugural 2016 FWC Lionfish Challenge has come to an End… So What Now?

The Inaugural 2016 FWC Lionfish Challenge has come to an End… So What Now?

Most coastal residents along the panhandle are aware of the invasive lionfish and the potential impacts they could have on local fisheries and ecosystems. Since they were first detected in this area in 2010, there have been tournaments, workshops, and presentations, to help locals both learn about the animal and ways to control them.  Existing non-profits have joined the fight and new non-profits have formed.  In 2015 FWC and local organizations began hosting the Lionfish Removal and Awareness Day (LRAD) events.  These are held the weekend after Mother’s Day.  During the 2016 event in Pensacola, 8,089 lionfish were removed.  In 2016 FWC introduced the Lionfish Challenge.  This program began at the conclusion of the LRAD event and ran through September 30.  Lionfish, or lionfish tails for those who wanted to keep the animal, could be turned into local collection sights and submitted for state awards and recognition – a Hall of Fame was created and King Lionfish.   Over 16,000 lionfish were logged during this event. But has any of this helped?  Are we getting control of this invasive species?

The Invasive Lionfish

The Invasive Lionfish

Maybe… having conversations with local divers who work with researchers and remove for profit, it appears that the 2016 Pensacola LRAD may have made an impact. If you review the literature it states that to control an invasive species a minimum of 25% of the population should be removed annually.  Others say you need to remove 75% and others still say it should be 25% each month.  The problem here is that we do not know how many lionfish are actually out there.  We know how many we are bringing in but is it enough?


One report, submitted by the non-profit REEF (from Key Largo) a few years ago, indicated they had removed about 70% of the lionfish in their area during one tournament. Based on this, the argument that tournaments are effective was supported.  The recent Pensacola LRAD suggest the same.  Local divers who remove lionfish with researchers, tourists, and as a commercial venture for themselves told us that their “sweet spots” – where high numbers of lionfish can be found – are not so sweet anymore.  They are finding lionfish, but prior to LRAD it was not uncommon for some locations to have 50-100 lionfish around them.  These same locations may yield 10-20 now.  Though this information is anecdotal; it does suggest that these intensive tournaments may be having an effect on managing them.  Of course a quantitative study is needed to confirm these observations, but it is encouraging none the less.


It is believed the tournaments alone will not solve the problem. With their high reproductive rates, continuous removals are needed.  To encourage this divers can obtain a Saltwater Products License from FWC and sell what they catch.  Some dive charters are now making it a tourism trip – “lionfish hunting”.  As long as it marketed properly (as in they are not going to find tons of them – but will enjoy shooting a few) customers seem to be happy and are enjoying it.  Of course they are still working on an effective trap so that non-divers can participate in control programs.  It is also important to note that you should not get into a commercial venture on lionfish as your main source of income.  To do so would lead to the argument “we do not want to get rid of lionfish because they are my livelihood”.  The objective is to make them uncommon and reduce their impact on our marine resources.


Of course it will take time to know for sure just how effective the tournaments have been. Several will be meeting this week in Ocala to discuss the 2017 tournament season.  I have written a longer update on the lionfish, which can be found at the Escambia County Extension Marine Science page.

Seafood… What’s in Peak Season for October?

Seafood… What’s in Peak Season for October?

It’s October and it feels great outside. Time to fire up the grill and enjoy football with your favorite local seafood.  So what’s in peak season this month?


Clams – cultured Cedar Key clams are always in season and can be purchased at some local markets.

Oysters – they like the cooler months, there are a lot of ways to prepare them but we recommend cooking them

White Shrimp – other varieties of shrimp are not in peak season at this time but still available

Spiny Lobster – the Florida (Spiny) lobster is still in peak season but more available in south Florida

Stone Crab – we are JUST entering peak season for these guys, but like lobster – they are more common in south Florida.

Flounder – a local favorite this time of year – we are in peak of peak season – enjoy.

Mullet – This is a local favorite with those along the Florida panhandle.

Snapper – these are in peak season year round, but harvesting regulations reduce their abundance at the markets – so you will need to check.

Yellowfin Tuna – these have been in peak season for most of the summer; we are on the down side of it.


The Striped Mullet. Image: LSU Extension

The Striped Mullet.
Image: LSU Extension




This is one of those – “either you love them or you hate them” fish. It is not news that these are not a popular food fish in much of the Gulf region.  In some locations that have an oily/muddy taste that does not appeal to many.  In those areas the fish is still abundant but is used as bait.  They are an oily fish and are preferred fried or smoked when fresh.  Mullet that sit too long develop a strong fishy taste.  Mullet roe has its fans… and its enemies.  Andrew Zimmern (Bizarre Foods) – did not care for them.  They were very popular in the Orient for a period of time, and the local mullet population suffered for it, but that fad has waned.


We actually have 3 species found in the northern Gulf. There are two that frequent the estuaries – the white and the striped mullet.  As the name implies, striped mullet does have body stripes as adults.  They grow a little larger than the whites and are the one of choice for eating.  At times though, the stripes on the striped mullet are hard to see.  What then?… well – the white mullet has 9 soft rays on their anal fin, the striped have 8… have fun counting those.  Another way is to look at the operculum (the bony plate covering the gills).  On FRESH mullet, the white will have a gold spot here that is missing on the striped.  The iris of the white mullet has a gold stripe that runs vertically… on the striped mullet the entire iris is gold.


Both species are what we call euryhaline – meaning that can tolerate a wide range of salinities. Striped mullet have been found several hundred miles inland and in Baffin Bay TX (where the salinities can reach 70 ppt).  The white mullet prefer saltier habitats and do not frequent the upper estuaries and rivers.  White mullet gather and spawn in the spring, striped mullet spawn in the fall – both spawn offshore on the continental shelf.


If you have not tried fried mullet, or smoked mullet dip, give a chance and see what you think. As always – enjoy our local seafood.

Are We Losing Our Natural History Skills?

Are We Losing Our Natural History Skills?

Recently I attended a conference that included a series of talks at the University of Florida’s Whitney Marine Lab. One of the talks was presented by the director of the lab, Dr. Mark Martindale, who discussed the history and mission of the lab.  However, in that talk he made a comment that caught my attention.

Is this a Cuban Tree Frog? Do I have to rely on DNA barconding to know for sure before I decide to euthanize it? Could I be making a mistake? Image by Dr. Steve A Johnson 2005.

is this a Cuban Tree Frog? Do I have to rely on DNA barconding to know for sure – before I decide to euthanize it? Could I be making a mistake?
Image by Dr. Steve A Johnson 2005.

He was discussing the work of the lab and mentioned the great diversity of microscopic life that existed in the Intracoastal Waterway right out their back door. But while discussing this he also mentioned that today’s biology students identify organisms by DNA markers.  Going are the days of collecting the creatures and using taxonomic keys to identify using physical characteristics of the organism.  What do I mean by this?  Well, the “old timers” would wonder through the woods and shorelines, collecting specimens, and observing their physical characteristics… do they have legs? How many legs do they have?  How many antennae do they possess?  These “old timers” would observe the natural world, develop taxonomic keys (list of characters to help identify), have them peer reviewed, published, and occasionally updated.  New microscopic techniques would alert them to mistakes they may have made and thus corrections and “re-do’s” could be done.  There were specialists in this field called taxonomists.  If you brought in a seashell, they would be able to identify relatively quickly.  If they were confused on a few characters, they would contact their colleagues and an agreement would be reached on the proper identification.  And so it went.


Today, this is not needed. The sequencing of genomes of many species have been done.  The barcode method of identification by the “new school” is more accurate… as long as the sequence is correct, your identification is correct.  There are fewer mistakes.  Now problems like identifying what is partially digested in a fish gut can actually be done accurately.  In some cases, we are learning that the classic “taxonomic tree” may have some flaws.  Creatures whose physical characteristics suggest they are related, may in fact not be.  We are looking at the progression of life all over again – it is an exciting time for biologists in many ways.  But are we losing something by letting the “old natural history” methods go?


One example I can give is identification of a small marine creature called a lancelot.  I was doing a survey of marine life at a local restoration project and collected several of these.  I was trained by old school biologists and remembered there were four species of these found in our area.  I looked through my old college notes to see if I could find how to tell them apart.  I could not find those specific notes.  So I thought I would contact local biologists for assistance… no one knew… they suggested I try this… try that… I finally decided that the only one who still knew was my old vertebrate zoology professor, Dr. Herbert Boshung.  Unfortunately, Dr. Boshung – like so many other of the “old school” – had passed away.


And there I was… with a creature that I could not identify. The “new school” was not able to help.  Could this be happening across the country, across the world.  As the “old school” move on and the “new school” move in could we be losing a part of natural history that we won’t be able to get back?  This concerned me some.  To have people who should know, look at something and say “I do not know what that is” was a little disconcerting.  Dr. Martindale thought we may have to “re-discover” all of this knowledge within the “new school” – start again.


I am a marine science educator who is in between the two schools. I was taught and trained by the “old school” – folks like Dr, Boshung and Dr. William Cliburn.  I learned a LOT about our natural world through them and have used their “old school” methods to teach my students.  The “new school” method of learning about the natural world has made wonderful discoveries and it is exciting to see what corrections will be made and what lionfish are actually eating.  But I still feel the loss of the “old school” natural history is a true loss.  We in Extension are often asked “can you identify this creature?”  Those who have been trained “old school” can – or least to genus.  “New school” not so much anymore.  They can, but not by looking at it.  This just seems to be a part of science education we should hold on to.


There is one place where the non-scientist interested in learning some of the “old school” methods still can… the Florida Master Naturalist Program.  This program consists of three modules – uplands, wetlands/freshwater, and coastal.  Participants will learn about the natural history and how to identify specific groups of creatures found in these systems – the old school way.  For those interested in this I think it is a great program.  It is offered through most county extension offices across the panhandle.  To find out more about the program, and what modules are being offered in your area, visit

Panhandle Estuaries – National Estuaries Week

Panhandle Estuaries – National Estuaries Week

Humans have been settling on, and around, coastal estuaries since they first arrived in the panhandle over 10,000 years ago. These bodies of water have provided food and recreation as long as anyone can remember.  They are a magnet for those looking to build homes or businesses – and we continue to be attracted to them today.

Black Needlerush is one of the species of marsh grasses that live in brackish conditions.

Black Needlerush is one of the species of marsh grasses that live in brackish conditions.

Estuaries are defined as semi-enclosed bodies of water where fresh and sea water mix.  The point where the freshwater enters is called the head of the bay; the point where seawater enters is called the mouth. Seawater is denser than freshwater so during incoming tides the saline water tends to “wedge” it’s way into the upper estuary along the bottom.  Under certain conditions, it is possible to catch freshwater fish near the surface and marine species on the bottom at the same location.  The mixture of fresh and seawater makes for an interesting cocktail of salinities termed brackish water – which is required for the development of almost 90% of the commercially valuable seafood species we enjoy.  This ecosystem supports stands of vegetation which are also important in the development of some species – some of these systems are the most biologically productive on the planet.


We are lucky to have several large estuaries along the Florida panhandle. All of our bays are what are called drowned river valleys.  Most are very wide and pretty shallow, with the highest average depth being 17 feet in Choctawhatchee Bay.  The rivers that feed these estuaries begin in states north of us and bring with them needed freshwater and nutrients.  Each of the panhandle estuaries is unique and provides different resources for their neighboring communities.  Below is a breakdown of some of these characteristics.  This information was provided by


Bay Surface Area (km2) Drainage Area (km2) Avg. Daily Inflow (m3/sec) Avg. Depth (m) Avg. Salinity (ppt) Area of Wetlands (km2) Area of Submerged Vegetation (km2)
Perdido 130 3,100 62 3.0 15 688 ND
Pensacola 370 18,100 328 4.0 23 991 32
Choctawhatchee 334 14,000 241 5.0 25 1,133 12
St. Andrews 243 2,800 127 4.0 31 1,016 53
St. Joseph    ND
Apalachicola 554 53,100 824 3.0 22 2,396 36
Apalachee 412 11,900 150 3.0 30 2,813 130


You can see some of our estuaries have large areas and tremendous amounts of freshwater inflow. Others not so much, the bays with less freshwater inflow have higher salinities – and support a different ecology than the others.  Is one better than the other?… no… certainly our ancestors understood this.  Higher salinities meant more seagrass, scallops, and urchins – certain species of fish and maybe even marine turtles could be found here.  Lower salinities meant a different group of fish, oysters, and crabs.  It’s all good!  Residents should benefit from what the bay provides – and not try to make “your bay” more like “another bay”.


They have suffered some over the years – discharge containing organic and inorganic chemicals have tainted some drinking water supplies as well as reduce valuable aquatic resources. Increased sediments from development have darkened the waters reducing light and reducing submerged plants.  Heavily fishing and recreation have impacted both the habitats and the species that inhabit them.  Through the efforts of universities, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private citizens many of the problems have been addressed – and recovery is occurring… but there is still more to do.


National Estuaries Week is a chance for all who live in the panhandle to realize how important these bodies of water are to our locally economy and to our quality of life. We hope you will appreciate them and do your part to help protect them. HAPPY NATIONAL ESTUARIES WEEK!

Let’s Go Camping!

Let’s Go Camping!

This past week I was camping at a state park near Gainesville. Working on a variety of computer related items while sitting in my chair, I was acutely attuned to the sounds of life around me.  A small “pat-pat-pat” could be heard in the leaf litter around the tent.  Curious as to what was making the sound, I moved the leaves until numerous small frogs showed themselves – and immediately settled on my tent.  The wind rustling through the trees, the distinct “kee kee kee” of the red shouldered hawk, and the sounds of numerous woodland song birds filled the senses and all caused me to pause my work and listen to life.

Camping is a great way to clear the mind, think through problems, and experience the natural world. Photo: RIck O'Connor

Camping is a great way to clear the mind, think through problems, and experience the natural world.
Photo: RIck O’Connor

The evenings were no different… the loud rustling of digging armadillos, the distinct calls of at least two types of owls, and the howling of coyotes could be heard every night. Then one evening…nothing… it all stopped.  I heard no owls, coyotes, or frogs.  The woods had become completely silent.  Funny how you notice silence as much as you do the “calls of the wild”.

The following morning the skies were different. They were not dark but you could sense rain was in the area.  I moved into the tent in time for the rain to begin…a light rain, but rain none the less.  And it rained all day… and most of the night.  I was dry within my tent – continued to work on my computer – but was aware of the extent of the rain and of the silence around me.  It was not until later that evening that I heard there was a tropical system on the Atlantic coast.  The woods had become silent the afternoon before…did they know it was coming?


Camping does this… it reconnects us to the natural world. We can experience Florida the way our ancestors would have.  To listen to the animal sounds, sense the changes in the weather, and explore.  Yes, explore.  You can only sit at the campsite for so long.  Most campgrounds provide hiking trails and swimming areas where you can not only explore nature but get much needed exercise.  Some campgrounds provide elevated observation towers with benches where you can sit, listen, look, and let the hub-bub of typical daily life escape you for a while.  Honestly… here I get some of my best ideas for work.  I think clearer and can prioritize a hectic schedule of “to-do’s”.  I recommend bringing a small notebook to jot down ideas as they come.  It is very relaxing and productive at the same time.


If you have kids… perfect! There are fewer “wild areas” within neighborhoods for kids to explore their natural world.  Many youth today have not experienced finding hermit crabs or frogs.  Camping is a great way for them to do this.  I understand that some are nervous about different forms of wildlife while camping (snakes) but honestly, I rarely see them.  They have learned to stay clear of open areas – I have bigger problems with squirrels and ants.  Do not let that stop you from enjoying Florida.


There are several state parks with camp grounds in the Florida Panhandle; Torreya State Park even has a couple of yurts! You may need to reserve a site.  There are campgrounds scattered in the Apalachicola National Forest, which are less visited.  If you are in the Escambia / Santa Rosa area – you can visit Naturally to find camping options in that area.


So let’s chill a bit… and go camping!