by Thomas Derbes II | Jan 31, 2025
Snow in Florida? Yeah, it happens. We sometimes get the dusting, we sometimes get the icing, but we never really get the good stuff, the “accumulation.” Well Tuesday, January 21st will go down as the snowiest day in Florida recorded history, and I was lucky (or unlucky) enough to be smack dab in 9 – 10 inches of snow.

“Snowmageddon” 2014 in Pensacola – Thomas Derbes
The week before the snow, I mentioned to fellow co-workers and oyster farmers that “snow is on the way,” and I kind of meant that jokingly. We joked “snow in Florida? That’s why we live here, to avoid that stuff.” Like I mentioned earlier, snow in Florida has happened. In January of 2014, Pensacola experienced a dusting/icing event that shut the town down for a day, and that is fully what I was expecting to happen. Fast-forward to 10:15 am January 21st, 2025. The snow had arrived, but I was still skeptical of the snow. I thought “maybe an inch or two, but there is no way we hit 3 inches.”

Dog’s Love The Snow – Thomas Derbes
By 3:00 pm, my ruler measured 6 inches of the most beautiful, powdery snow I have seen other than Colorado. By 7:30, the snow had calmed and I was able to measure 9 inches in the front yard. The whole neighborhood was blanketed in snow, and the dogs were both confused and excited to enjoy this white, powdery cold stuff. Everyone’s minds were blown, and the area was shut down for a few days to let the snow and eventual ice melt.

9 Inches of Florida Snow – Thomas Derbes
This rare winter storm was caused by a meeting of two systems. A low was forming in the Gulf of Mexico and was pulled up by the very strong Polar Vortex descending from the North. This “perfect storm” dumped record snowfall all along the Gulf Coast, from Texas to Apalachicola. NOAA recently released a beautiful satellite image of the snowfall.

Southern Snow Satellite – NOAA
One of the coolest things about the snow was the “snow glow” that happened Tuesday night. I had never witness this phenomenon before, and it was almost daylight outside. “Snow glow” happens when light reflects off individual ice crystals in freshly fallen snow, creating a bright, sparkling effect. Each crystal acts like a tiny mirror, bouncing light upwards. This phenomenon becomes even more pronounced under sunlight or artificial lights, such as street lamps, making the snow appear to glow.

Backyard Snow and Snow Glow! Photo Taken With No Flash at 9:00 pm – Thomas Derbes
I hope you were able to enjoy a rare Florida snow day! Many people ask “can this happen again?” Even though I am not a meteorologist, it is typically a once-in-a-lifetime event. However, anything is possible!
by Thomas Derbes II | Nov 8, 2024
The Atlantic Tripletail (Lobotes surinamensis) is a very prized sportfish along the Florida Panhandle. Typically caught as a “bonus” fish found along floating debris, the tripletail is a hard fighting fish and excellent table fare. Just as the name implies, this fish is equipped with three “tails” that help aid it in propulsion; and also help contribute to their strong fighting spirit. In addition to the caudal fin, tripletail have very pronounced “lobed” dorsal and anal fin soft rays that sit very far back on the body, giving it the appearance of three tails (triple-tails).

Atlantic Tripletail (Lobotes surinamensis) – FWC, Diane Rome Peebles 1992
Tripletail are found in tropical and subtropical seas around the world (except the eastern Pacific Ocean) and are the only member of their family found in the Gulf of Mexico. Tripletail can be found in all saltwater environments, from the upper bays to the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. In the Florida Panhandle, tripletail begin to show up in the bays beginning in May and can be found up until October/November. They are masters of disguise, usually found floating along floating debris, crab trap buoys, navigation pilings, and floating algae like Sargassum. When tripletail are young, they are able to change their colors to match the debris, albeit it is usually a variation of yellow, brown, and black. Adult tripletail can change color as well, but the coloration is not as vibrant as the juveniles. Floating alongside debris and other floating materials protects them from predators and gives them food access. Small crustaceans, like shrimp and crabs, and small fish will gather along the floating debris, looking for protection, giving the camouflaged tripletail an easy meal.

Baby Tripletail or Leaf? – Thomas Derbes II
Tripletail are opportunistic feeders that are what I classify as “lazy hunters.” Tripletail will hang out along any floating debris and wait for the food to come to them. They typically will not chase their prey items too far and will abandon the hunt if they expend too much energy. Since they are opportunistic feeders, their diet varies widely, but they cannot resist a baby blue crab, shrimp, or small baitfish like menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) that might visit their floating oasis. When further offshore, it is not uncommon to find many tripletail “laying out” on sargassum or floating debris. I personally have seen a dozen full-sized tripletail inside of a large traffic barrel 25 miles offshore that saved a skunk of a deep-dropping fishing trip.

Tripletail Caught Off An Oyster Farm – Brandon Smith
When targeting tripletail, anglers will typically sit at the highest point of the boat (some anglers have towers for spotting tripletail) and cruise along floating crab trap buoys, pilings, and sometimes oyster farms looking for Tripletail. These fish are very easily spooked, and a slow, quiet approach is best. Once in casting distance, toss your preferred bait (I typically want to have baby crabs or live shrimp when targeting tripletail) close to the floating structure, but not too close to spook the fish. You can usually watch the fish eat your bait (another added bonus) and once you set the hook, the fight is on! In the state of Florida, tripletail must be a minimum of 18 inches and there is a daily bag limit of 2 fish per person. Be very careful handling tripletail as they have very sharp dorsal and anal fins and their operculum (gill cover) is also very sharp with hidden spines.
So next time you’re out fishing and see something floating, make sure you give it a good look over. There might be a camouflaged tripletail that you can add to your fish box!

Tripletail Caught While Working Oyster Gear – Thomas Derbes
by Thomas Derbes II | Aug 23, 2024
Oysters are not only powerful filterers, they also provide a home and habitat for many marine organisms. Most of these organisms will fall off while the oysters are being harvested or cleaned, but some will stay behind and can be found inside or outside of your oyster on the half shell. Seeing some of these creatures might give you the “heebie jeebies” about eating the oyster, they are perfectly safe and can either be removed or, in some cases, consumed for luck. These creatures include mud worms (Polydora websteri), “pea crabs” (Pinnotheres ostreum or Zaops ostreus), and “mud crabs” (Panopeus herbstii, Hexapanopeus angustifrons or Rhithropanopeus harrisii).
Mud Worms (Polydora websteri)

A Mud Worm in an Oyster – Louisiana Sea Grant
One of the more common marine organisms you can find on an oyster is the oyster mud worm. These worms are typically red in color and form a symbiotic relationship with the oyster. Mud worms can be found in both farmed and wild harvest oysters throughout the United States. These worms will typically form a “mud blister” and emerge when the oyster has been harvested. Even though the worms look menacing and unsightly, they are a sign of a fresh harvest and a good environment. Mud worms do not pose any threat to humans and can be consumed.
If you find a mud worm on your next oyster and are still unsure, just simply remove the worm and dispose of it. Dr. John Supan, retired professor and past director of Louisiana Sea Grant’s Oyster Research Laboratory on Grand Isle, mentioned in an article that oyster mud worms “are absolutely harmless and naturally occurring,” and “if a consumer is offended by it while eating raw oysters, just wipe it off and ask your waiter/waitress for another napkin. Better yet, if there are children at the table, ask for a clear glass of water to drop the worm in. They are beautiful swimmers and can be quite entertaining.”
“Pea Crabs” (Pinnotheres ostreum or Zaops ostreus)
“Pea Crabs” are in fact two different species of crabs lumped together under one name. Pea crabs include the actual pea crab (Pinnotheres ostreum) and the oyster crab (Zaops ostreus). These crabs are so closely associated with oysters that their species name contains some form of the Latin word “ostreum” meaning oyster! Pea crabs are known as kleptoparasites and will embed themselves into the gills of an oyster and steal food from the host oyster. Even though they steal food, they seem to pose no threat to the oyster and are a sign of a healthy marine ecosystem.

A Cute Little Pea Crab – (C)2013 T. Michael Williams
Pea crabs are soft-bodied and round, giving them the pea name. Pea crabs can be found throughout the Atlantic coast, but are more concentrated in coastal areas from Georgia to Virginia. While they might look like an alien from another planet, they are considered a delicacy and are typically consumed along with the oyster. If you are brave enough to slurp down a pea crab, you might just be rewarded with a little luck. According to White Stone Oysters, “historians and foodies alike agree that finding a pea crab isn’t just a small treat, it’s also a sign of good luck!”
“Mud Crabs” (Panopeus herbstii, Hexapanopeus angustifrons or Rhithropanopeus harrisii)

Smooth Mud Crab – Florida Shellfish Lab
Just like pea crabs, “mud crabs” is another name for two different species of crabs commonly found in oysters. These crabs, the Harris Mud Crab (Rhithropanopeus harrisii), Smooth Mud Crab (Hexapanopeus angustifrons), and the Atlantic mud crab (Panopeus herbstii) to name just a few, reach a maximum size of 2 to 8 centimeters and are hard-bodied, unlike the pea crabs. Mud crabs can survive a wide range of salinities, but need cover to survive as these crabs are common prey for most of the oyster habitat dwellers, such as catfish (Ariopsis felis), redfish (Sciaenops ocellatus), and sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus). These crabs are not beneficial to an oyster environment as they will seek out young oysters and consume them by breaking the shell with their strong claws. If you find a mud crab in your oyster, this is one to dispose of before consuming. However, these crabs typically live on the outside of an oyster and are typically only found when you buy a sack of oysters and do not have an effect on the quality of the oyster.
Don’t Be Afraid
Hopefully this article has helped shed some light on the creatures you might experience when shucking or consuming oysters. Here is a helpful online tool to help identify some marine organisms associated with clam and oyster farms (Click Here). While most of the organisms can be consumed, we recommend the mud crabs be disposed of due to their hard shells. Remember, some of these organisms can bring you luck and with college football season around the corner, some of us might need all the luck we can get! Bring on the pea crabs!
References Hyperlinked Above
by Thomas Derbes II | Aug 10, 2024
Many of us are given that Birds and the Bees talk; another majority have had to give it as an adult to their kids. It is usually an awkward talk, but someone had to step up to the plate and put on a straight face. I am happy to be the one today to discuss one section of the Birds and the Bees of the Sea, batch spawning. Batch spawning, also known as broadcast spawning, is the coordinated release of gametes (sperm and eggs) into the water column. Batch spawning is not just relegated to fish, many species of invertebrates also batch spawn. Some of the most commonly encountered batch spawners include Florida Pompano (Trachinotus carolinus), Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica), Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), and Gag Grouper (Mycteroperca microlepis), to name a few. In fact, most gamefish species in the Gulf of Mexico are batch spawners. This has its advantages, but also has its major disadvantages. We will dive headfirst into a few representative species of saltwater organisms that batch spawn, and their respective life stages to help shed some light on reproduction in the marine world.

Baby Snapper – Thomas Derbes II
Eastern Oysters are a perfect representative for invertebrate batch spawning. I have gone over their life cycle in a previous article (Click Here), but I will just quickly go over their spawning habits and life history. Eastern Oysters typically spawn during the changing of the seasons, particularly from Spring to Summer and Summer to Fall. As humans, we see these changing temperatures and weather fronts as an opportunity for a new wardrobe, but these changes are triggers for oysters to spawn. Once one oyster releases their gametes into the water all of the mature oysters in the area will start releasing their gametes. Waiting to sense for other gametes in the water is a very smart tactic. This allows for a coordinated spawn between masses of oysters and (hopefully) increases the fertilization rate of the eggs. Since oysters cannot move, batch spawning is the most beneficial way for them to reproduce. Females can release anywhere from 2 to 70 million eggs in one spawning event, with only a dozen or so becoming adults. Since they are batch spawners, the larvae are left unprotected by the parents and suspended in the water column for the first few weeks, leaving them susceptible to predation by filter feeders and bad water quality. Once the larvae have reached the pediveliger stage, they will settle out and “walk” along the bottom of the estuary until they find a suitable place to call home, usually another oyster or hard substrate. After 1-3 years, the oyster will mature and begin batch spawning when conditions are ripe, and the cycle continues!

The Oyster Life Cycle – Maryland Sea Grant
Fish in the Lutjanidae (snapper) family are the perfect representative for batch spawning with fish. Snappers of all species are known to congregate and have mass spawning events typically around a full moon. The mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis) of South Florida and the Florida Keys are very well known for their ability to form massive congregations of tens of thousands of fish along the reef starting in April. Once the spawning commences, the mutton snapper will form a small subgroup of up to 20 fish in the late afternoon. This subgroup will travel to depths of up to 100ft to perform their spawning event. During this event, the female will signal to the males that she is about to release her eggs. The males will then rub up against the side of the female snapper, helping her release eggs while simultaneously releasing their milt (sperm). When the milt is released, the sperm is activated by the seawater and begins to swim. Eventually, the eggs are fertilized and an embryo is formed.

Massive Two-spot red snapper aggregation ready to spawn in Palau – R.J. Hamilton
18 – 24 hours later, the embryo is now a larval fish consisting of a yolk sac and lacking a mouth, eyes, and most organs. The yolk sac consists of amino acids and other nutrients that provide energy to the developing larvae. These larval fish have until their yolk sac runs out to develop the lacking vital organs, which usually takes between 24 – 48 hours. Only a very small percent of juvenile snapper make it to adulthood due to predation during their larval stage and predation as a juvenile. In fact, sharks and other large predators will prey on the snapper as they congregate and spawn, and filter feeders like manta rays are known to pass through an active spawning congregation to consume all the fertilized eggs and larval fish.
Well, I hope I didn’t scar anyone too badly. Batch spawning is fairly common in the marine biology world, and you can sometimes experience a spawning event without even knowing it. As for positives, this allows for many eggs to be fertilized at a time multiple times a season and for the larval fish and shellfish to be distributed through the estuary and reef via tides and waves. A major negative is the vulnerability of the juvenile and larval fish and shellfish, but the sheer number of eggs produced and fertilized helps outweigh the high potential for predation and unexplained loss of fertilized eggs and juveniles.
Oyster Spawning:
Mutton Snapper Species Spawning Profile:
Mutton Snapper Aquaculture Profile:
by Thomas Derbes II | Jun 21, 2024
In Part 1 of The Estuary’s Natural Filtration System article, we discussed the major contributors to natural filtration inside of the estuary. These examples included oysters, marsh plants, and seagrasses. In Part 2, we will discuss the smaller filter-feeding organisms including tunicates, barnacles, clams, and anemones.

Pleated Sea Squirt – Photo Credit: Don Levitan, PH.D. FSU
Tunicates, also known as sea squirts, are very interesting marine invertebrates and can be easily confused for a sponge. There are many different types of tunicates in the estuaries and can be either solitary or colonial. You might’ve seen these at an aquarium attached to different substrates, and when removed from the water, their name sea squirt comes into play. Tunicates have a defense mechanism to shoot out the water inside their body in hopes of being released by any predator.
Tunicates are filter feeders and intake water through their inhalant siphons and expel waste and filtered water through their exhalant siphons. Tunicates can filter out phytoplankton, algae, detritus, and other suspended nutrients. The tunicate produces a mucus that catches these nutrients as it passes through, and the mucus is then conveyed to the intestine where it is digested and absorbed.
An invader to the Gulf of Mexico, the Pleated Sea Squirt (Styela plicata), hitched rides on the hulls of ships and found the Gulf of Mexico waters very favorable. You can sometimes spot these organisms on ropes that have been submerged for a long period of time in salty waters. Even though they are non-native, these sea squirts can filter, on average, 19 gallons of water per day.

Barnacles along the seashore is a common site for many.
Photo: NOAA
One organism that seems ubiquitous worldwide is the barnacle (Genus Semibalanus and Genus Lepas). The Genus Semibalanus contains the common encrusting barnacle we are accustomed to seeing in our waterways along pilings, submerged rocks, and even other animals (turtles, whales, crabs, and oysters). The Genus Lepas contains Gooseneck Barnacles and can be seen attached to flotsam, floating organic debris, and other hard surfaces and have a stalk that attaches them to their substrate. Interesting fact, certain gooseneck barnacle species are eaten in different parts of the world.

This image from a textbook shows the internal structure of a barnacle. Notice the shrimplike animal on its back with extendable appendages (cirri) for feeding.
Image: Robert Barnes Invertebrate Zoology.
Barnacles have over 2,100 species, are closely related to crabs and lobsters, and are a part of the subphylum Crustacea. At first glance, you might not think a barnacle is closely related to crabs, but when you remove the hard plates surrounding it, the body looks very similar to a crab. Barnacles also have life cycle stages that are similar to crabs; the nauplius and cyprid developmental stages. Inside of the hard plates is an organism with large feather-like appendages called cirri. When covered by water, the barnacles will extend their cirri into the water and trap microscopic particles like detritus, algae, and zooplankton. Barnacles are at the mercy of tides and currents, which makes quantifying their filtering ability difficult.
Hard Clams

Clams of North Florida – UF/IFAS Shellfish
Even though not as abundant in the Florida Panhandle as they were in the 1970’s – 1980’s, hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria and M. campechiensis) can still be found in the sand along the shoreline and near seagrass beds. These clams are also known as Quahogs and are in the family Veneridae, commonly known as the Venus clam family, and contain over 500 living species. Most of the clams in the family Veneridae are edible and Quahogs are the types of clams you would see in a clam chowder or clam bake.
Being the only bivalve on this list does not make it any less important than the oyster or scallop on Part 1’s list. In fact, a full-grown adult Southern Quahog clam can filter upwards of 20 gallons of water per day and have a lifespan of up to 30 years. Clams also live a much different lifestyle than their oyster and scallop cousins. Clams spend the majority of their life under the sand. Their movement under the sand helps aerate and mix the soil, which can sometimes stimulate seagrass growth.
Right outside the Florida Panhandle and in the Big Bend area, Quahog clams are commercially farmed in Cedar Key. Southern Quahog clams are also being used for restoration work in South Florida. Clams are being bred in a hatchery and their “seed” are being released into Sarasota Bay to help tackle the Red Tide (Karenia brevis) issue. According to the project’s website, they have added over 2 million clams since 2016, and the clams are filtering over 20 million gallons of seawater daily.

Tube-Dwelling Anemone Under Dissection Scope – UF/IFAS Shellfish
Anemones are beautiful Cnidarians resembling an upside-down, attached jellyfish, which couldn’t be closer to the truth. The phylum Cnidaria contains over 11,000 species of aquatic animals including corals, hydroids, sea anemones, and, you guessed it, jellyfish. Anemones come in many different shapes and sizes, but the common estuary anemones include the tube-dwelling anemone (Ceriantheopsis americana) and the tricolor anemone (Calliactis tricolor), also known as the hitchhiking anemone. If you have ever owned a saltwater aquarium, you might have run into the pest anemone Aiptasia (Aiptasia sp.).
Anemones filter feed with their tentacles by catching plankton, detritus, and other nutrients as the tide and current flows. The tentacles of the anemone are lined with cnidocytes that contain small amounts of poison that will stun or paralyze the prey. The cnidae are triggered to release when an organism touches the tentacles. If the anemone is successful in immobilizing the prey, the anemone will guide the prey to their mouth with the tentacles. Just like the barnacle, anemones are at the mercy of the tides and currents, and filtration rates are hard to calculate. However, if you ever see an anemone with food around, they move those tentacles to and from their mouths quickly and constantly!
In Parting
As you can see, there are many different natural filters in our estuary. Healthy, efficiently filtering estuaries are very important for the local community and the quality of the waters we love and enjoy. For more information on our watersheds and estuaries and how to protect them, visit Sea Grant’s Guide To Estuary-Friendly Living.