Celebrate Gopher Tortoise Day – April 10

Celebrate Gopher Tortoise Day – April 10

This gopher tortoise was found in the dune fields on a barrier island - an area where they were once found. Photo: DJ Zemenick

This gopher tortoise was found in the dune fields on a barrier island – an area where they were once found.
Photo: DJ Zemenick

The state of Florida has designated Sunday April 10 as “Gopher Tortoise Day”.  The objective is to bring awareness to this declining species and, hopefully, an interest in protecting it.


During his travels across the southeast in the late 18th century, William Bartram mentioned this creature several times.  As he walked through miles of open longleaf pine he would climb sand hills where he often encountered the tortoise.  These turtles do like high dry sandy habitats.  Here they dig their famous burrows into the earth.


These burrows can extend almost 10 feet vertically below the surface but, being excavated at an angle, can extend 20 feet in length. There is only one entrance and the tortoise works hard to maintain it.  Field biologists have been able to identify over 370 species of upland creatures that utilize these burrows as refuge either for short or long periods of time. These include the declining diamondback rattlesnakes, gopher frogs, and the endangered indigo snakes, but most are insects and small mammals.  Because of the importance of the burrows to these species, gopher tortoises are listed as keystone species – meaning their decline will trigger the decline of the others and can upset the balance of the ecosystem. Gopher burrows can be distinguished from mammal burrows in that they are domed across the top but flat along the bottom, as opposed to being oval.  The width of the burrow is close to the length of the tortoise. When danger is encountered the tortoise will turn sideways – effectively blocking the entire entrance.  Though there are cases of multiple tortoises in one, the general rule is one tortoise per burrow.


Tortoises are herbivores, feeding on a variety of young herbaceous shoots, and fruit when they can get find them. Fire is important to the longleaf system and it is important to the gophers as well.  Fires encourage new young shoots to sprout.  If an area does not receive sufficient fire, and the ground vegetation allowed grow larger with tougher leaves, the tortoise will abandon their burrow and seek more suitable habitat – which, especially in Florida – is becoming harder and harder to find.  They typically breed in the fall and will lay their 5-10 eggs in the loose sand near the entrance of the burrow in spring.  In August the hatchlings emerge and may hide beneath leaf litter, but will quickly begin their own burrows.


This tortoise is only found in the southeast of the United States and it is in decline across the region. They are currently listed as threatened in Florida but are federally protected in Louisiana, Mississippi, and western Alabama.  They are found across our state as far south as the Everglades.  There are several reasons why their numbers have declined.  Human consumption was common in the early parts of the 20th century, and still is in some locations – though illegal.  Some would, at times, pour gasoline down the burrow to capture rattlesnakes – this of course did not fare well for the tortoise.  A big problem is the loss of suitable habitat.  Much of upland systems require periodic fires to maintain the reproductive cycle of community members.  The suppression of fire has caused the decline of many species in our state including gopher tortoises.  These under maintained forest have forced tortoises to roadsides, power line fields, airports, and pastures.  In each case they have encountered humans with cars, lawn mowers, and heavy equipment.  Keep in mind also that our growing population is forcing us to clear much of these upland habitats for developments where clearing has caused the burial (entombment) of many burrows.


This is a unique turtle to our region and honestly, is a pleasure to see. We hope you will take the time to learn more about them by visiting FWC’s Gopher Tortoise Day website, enjoy watching them if they live near you, and help us conserve this species for future generations.

Nature Tourism in the Panhandle – Intracoastal Waterway – Navarre

Nature Tourism in the Panhandle – Intracoastal Waterway – Navarre

All Photos:  Molly O’Connor


In this monthly series of highlighting outdoor adventures in the Florida Panhandle, we are visiting locations along the Intracoastal Waterway; from the Alabama State line to the Aucilla River.  In January we wrote about Perdido Key, last month we visited Pensacola Beach, this month we move east along Santa Rosa Island to the beach community of Navarre.


Navarre Beach is a relatively quiet community on Santa Rosa Island between Pensacola and Ft. Walton Beach.  There are some good places to eat, a new RV campground, and plenty of water/outdoor activities.  Navarre Beach became famous in the 1970’s as the location for the film Jaws II.  I personally witnessed much of the shooting of the film and it was amazing to see how it all actually all works.  The hotel that was used in the film is no longer there but the stories are!


On the Island

There are some great kayak and paddle locations on Navarre Beach. Paddling over the grassbeds and to the east of the Navarre Marine Park you can see a lot of coastal wildlife and great sunsets.  You can of course paddle the Gulf as well and maybe take a shot at kayak fishing.  You will find local kayak rentals and guides by visiting Naturally EscaRosa website.

Paddling in a kayak or on a paddleboard is a great way to view wildlife and natural scenes while visiting Navarre Beach.

Paddling in a kayak or on a paddleboard is a great way to view wildlife and natural scenes while visiting Navarre Beach.

The Navarre Fishing Pier extends over 1500 feet. Not only a great place to fish but a great place to view marine life.

The Navarre Fishing Pier extends over 1500 feet. Not only a great place to fish but a great place to view marine life.












Speaking of fishing, there is the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier which extends 1500 feet out over the Gulf.  The pier provides of variety of price options for fishermen of all ages and for $1 you can just walk and enjoy the view.  Sharks and sea turtles are often seen from here – and don’t forget the sunsets.


There are two educational interpretive centers on Navarre Beach. The Navarre Beach Marine Science Station is part of the Santa Rosa County School District.  They provide programs for elementary, secondary, and dual-enrolled high school-college students.  The Station also provides numerous youth camps during the school year and during the summer, as well as providing activities at local community events.  To see if they have something going for your young one while you are here visit their website.

The Navarre Beach Marine Science Station provides education for young and old.

The Navarre Beach Marine Science Station provides education for young and old.

Navarre beach marine science station sign














The Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center is an educational center that focuses on imperiled marine wildlife but the sea turtle is the star of the show.  The center will eventually house an injured sea turtle that can no longer be released but until one arrives, there is plenty to see and learn.  Learn more about the center at their website.

The Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center.

The Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center.

Santa Rosa County also provides a couple of nearshore snorkel reefs for the public. You can find them on both the Gulf and Sound sides.

Santa Rosa County also provides a couple of nearshore snorkel reefs for the public. You can find them on both the Gulf and Sound sides.

















These day markers are marking two nearshore snorkel reefs on the Sound side of Navarre Beach. They can be accessed from the Navarre Marine Park.

These day markers are marking two nearshore snorkel reefs on the Sound side of Navarre Beach. They can be accessed from the Navarre Marine Park.

A barge travels beneath the Navarre Beach Bridge as it heads east along the ICW.

A barge travels beneath the Navarre Beach Bridge as it heads east along the ICW.













Off the island

Actually, you have to leave Santa Rosa at this point. The island between Navarre Beach and Ft. Walton Beach is the property of the United States Air Force.

As you leave Navarre Beach to travel the ICW from the north side, you see the Panhandle Butterfly House on your left at the Highway 98 traffic light.  This is a great stop.  Viewing live butterflies feeding on native plants in all stages of their lives is a cool sight.  There are plenty of volunteers to educate you about native butterflies and there is a pond out back with a lot of turtles and birds to view.  It’s a neat and relaxing place.

The Panhandle Butterfly House is located just to the west of the traffic light on Highway 98 as you leave Navarre Beach.

The Panhandle Butterfly House is located just to the west of the traffic light on Highway 98 as you leave Navarre Beach.

Butterfly house NER














Numerous turtles can be found swimming and basking in the pond behind the butterfly house.

Numerous turtles can be found swimming and basking in the pond behind the butterfly house.

A snowy egret hunts for a meal in the turtle pond behind the butterfly house.

A snowy egret hunts for a meal in the turtle pond behind the butterfly house.












Nature Notes:   Sea Turtles

Who doesn’t love sea turtles! These silent, charismatic creatures have been navigating Gulf waters, and nesting on our beaches for centuries.  Certainly the largest species of turtle humans will encounter, weighing in between 200-300 pounds – with some reaching 1000 pounds, they are an awesome thing to see.  There are five species found in the northern Gulf of Mexico and there are records of four them nesting here.  Those species are the Loggerhead, Green, Kemp’s Ridley, Hawksbill, and the giant of them all the Leatherback.


Sea turtles begin their lives within the egg buried on a beach. The sex of the embryo is determined by the temperature of the sand they are incubating in – cold ones become males and 29°C appears to be the cutoff.  After 60-70 days incubating the young hatchlings emerge at night and orient towards shortwave light (moon or stars off the water).  However, in recent years much of the light we provide in our homes as directed them in the wrong direction (disorientation).  There are “turtle friendly lights” that use longwave colors and significantly reduce the disorientation problem.  All coastal counties along the panhandle require these lights for island structures.  Many of the hatchlings are lost as they wonder to the Gulf.  Ghost crabs, fox, coyotes, and now feral cats capture and consume many.


Those lucky enough to reach the water now have to deal with fish and bird predators. These young head offshore seeking the Sargassum mats where they will spend their growing years feeding and hiding.

As immature adults most species will return to the coastal areas to feed on seagrasses or invertebrates. As they become sexually mature they, once again, head to sea.  Though they travel far and wide they are known to return to their place of birth for breeding and egg laying.  Breeding takes place just offshore and females may come ashore more than once to deposit their clutch of 100+ eggs.


In addition to light pollution, marine debris, boat strikes, commercial fishing nets, and even holes and chairs left on the beach overnight have caused their numbers to decline. You should be aware that most coastal counties have a “leave no trace” ordinance asking you to remove your chairs, tents, and other items at the end of the day – and please fill in any holes you may have dug.  All species of marine turtles are currently listed and protected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  In Florida, the USFWS has yield management of these species to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.  They are truly a magnificent creature and we hope all get to see one while exploring our beaches.


Now it is time to move to Okaloosa County – the April issue will look at Ft. Walton and Destin. Let’s head there and see what cool outdoor adventures await us.


You can find information on ecotourism providers in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties by visiting Naturally EsacRosa.

Do Your Part to Stop the Spread

Do Your Part to Stop the Spread

AedesWith all the news about the Zika virus spread in Florida, now is the time to start thinking about mosquito protection. As the weather warms, they will be hatching.  Check out where the water is collecting in your yard.  The female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes lay their eggs in temporary flood water pools; even very small ones such as pet watering bowls, bird baths and upturned Magnolia or Oak leaves.  Dumping out the collection containers and raking through the leaves every couple of days can greatly reduce the population.

Becoming infected with Zika virus is not common.  Though the disease can be transmitted by mosquitoes, blood transfusions or sex, the only know infections in Florida were from people who had been “bitten” by mosquitoes while travelling to countries with active virus outbreaks. That is until this past week, when a person-person infection occurred between a man that had been infected while out of the country and the woman he returned to in Florida.  Mosquitoes usually obtain the virus by feeding on infected people, who may not exhibit any symptoms because they have been exposed and their body has built an immunity to the virus. Once the mosquito has drawn infected blood from the person, the infected mosquito “bites” another human, transmitting the virus mixed in saliva into the blood stream of the second host. If the second host is a susceptible pregnant woman, there is a risk of birth defects for the unborn child.  If the infected host is a man, he can transmit the virus in semen for about two weeks.

Government public health officials here in Florida are able to monitor mosquito-borne illnesses quickly and effectively.  Though the daily news can be alarming, the awareness is truly the message.

To protect yourself and reduce the sources for mosquitoes to breed, here are a few pointers:

Stay indoors at dusk (peak mosquito biting time).

If you must be outside, wear long sleeves and pants and/or mosquito repellents containing the active ingredient DEET.

Repair torn door and window screens.

Remove unnecessary outside water sources.

Flush out water collected in outdoor containers every 3-4 days.

Disturb or remove leaf litter, including roof gutters and covers on outdoor equipment.

Apply larvicides, such as Bacillus thuriengensis israelensis (BTI) to temporary water holding areas and containers.

The mosquitoes have been around all winter with the milder weather and frequent rain. As spring approaches they will be laying eggs on all the water surfaces they can find.  As you venture out into the yard or travel to the great outdoors, remember to protect yourself and look at all the ways you can remove the potential habitats for the pesky creatures.

An Ancient Mariner… the horseshoe crab

An Ancient Mariner… the horseshoe crab

Talk about weird and cool at the same time! The horseshoe crab is one of the oldest living species we have in the Gulf of Mexico.  Fossils of this animal date back to almost 500 million years… this is before there was such a thing as fish!  The separating of Pangea, the rise and fall of the dinosaurs, oh what stories these guys could tell!  And they are here today, trudging along in the soft sands of estuaries along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts… but they seem to be on the decline.  After all they have been through… they may be slipping away.

Horseshoe crabs breeding on the beach.   Photo: Florida Sea Grant

Horseshoe crabs breeding on the beach.
Photo: Florida Sea Grant

Actually, horseshoe crabs are not crabs at all. They belong to the same large group of animals the crabs belong to, Arthropods, but differ from true crabs in that they have fewer jointed legs and no antennae.  They are actually more closely related to spiders and scorpions.  There are 4 species remaining on Earth. Limulus polyphemus is the local variety with the other three living in Asia.  They are tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions.  Huge swings in water temperature and salinity do not bother them.  This is not surprising considering all of the environmental changes that have occurred since the species first appeared on the planet.  They are scavengers, plowing through the soft bottom of estuaries, they feed on worms, mollusk, and whatever else their crop-gizzard system can breakdown.  Their protective shell deters many predators; most horseshoe crabs meet their fate on the beach – where they must go to breed.


Breeding occurs all year in Florida. It typically takes place three days before and after the new or full moon.  The smaller males come near shore and patrol for the oncoming females.  As the females are intercepted the males will use their “hook” to hold on and the pair ride onto the beach.  This usually happens at night (though not always) during the peak of a spring high tide.  The female digs a small depression and deposits between 200 and 300 eggs, the male fertilizes them, and the female buries them.  They leave the young on their own for a month, at which time the next spring tide arrives and the larva, which resemble trilobites, emerge.  Many fall prey to shorebirds and many adults actually become stranded on the beach during nesting and die.


So why the population decline?

Well, they do tolerate large swings in environmental change, so increase temperatures, rainfall, salinities, do not bother them. Studies have shown that they are actually quite tolerant of many of the pollutants, including oil, we discharge into our bays – though mercury is a problem for the developing trilobite larva.  Along the Atlantic coast the animals are collected for bait and the biomedical industry.  Horseshoe crabs are used in eel traps and there are several medical uses for their blood.  Some biomedical industries collect the crabs, remove some of the blood, and return them – but not all survive this.  A big problem they are facing, and this would be closer to home, is the loss of nesting habitat.  Seawalls, jetties, groins, and coastal development in general have disturbed nesting beaches.


That said, they seem to be making a comeback on Pensacola Beach. There have been sightings at both Big and Little Sabine.  We would like to record where they are nesting in the panhandle.  If you would like to help – the full moon for the next few months will occur on March 22, April 22, May 21, and June 20.  The new moon will occur March 8, April 7, May 6, and June 4.  If you do see a horseshoe crab please contact me at (850) 475-5230, or email at roc1@ufl.edu.

Nature Tourism in the Panhandle – Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) – Pensacola Beach

Nature Tourism in the Panhandle – Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) – Pensacola Beach


All Photos by Molly O’Connor

We began our series on Nature Tourism along the ICW at the Alabama state line on Perdido Key and discussed the ICW itself.  This month we will continue in Escambia County with a visit to Pensacola Beach.

The dune fields of panhandle barrier islands are awesome - so reaching over 50 ft. in height. This one is near the Big Sabine hike (notice white PVC markers).

The dune fields of panhandle barrier islands are awesome – some reaching over 50 ft. in height. This one is near the Big Sabine hike (notice white PVC markers).

The cannons of Ft. Pickens protected the entrance into Pensacola Bay from the Gulf of Mexico. The views of the western end of Santa Rosa Island are great from here. There is a lot of nature and history here. Plan to stay the day.

The cannons of Ft. Pickens protected the entrance into Pensacola Bay. The views of the western end of Santa Rosa Island are great from here. There is plenty of nature and history to be discovered at this park. Plan to stay the day.


Pensacola Beach is on Santa Rosa Island.  The longest barrier island in the panhandle, Santa Rosa Island stretches 44 miles from Ft. Pickens, at Pensacola Pass, to Destin Pass in Okaloosa County.  With miles of some of the whitest beaches in the world, these panhandle islands have a variety of ecosystems.  The mineral that makes the beach so white is quartz, one of the minerals found in granite rock.  Over eons weathering and erosion has released these minerals from the granite in the Appalachians and sent it downstream to the Gulf coast.  The densities of the different minerals force it to settle out at different rates.  Quartz, being one of the less dense minerals, reaches the Gulf of Mexico where it encounters longshore currents.  In the panhandle these currents more often run east to west moving the quartz in that direction.  This sand forms bars and shallows which made colonial navigation a problem and good hiding places for pirates.  Some of the bars remain above sea level and form dune fields and plant communities, forming barrier islands.  Many animals, such as shorebirds and sea turtles, seek these islands for nesting because of few predators.  The xeric conditions favor reptiles and birds, but there are many mammals and insects as well.  Freshwater ponds form on many of the islands and here amphibians and fish came claim territory.  The high energy beach of the Gulf side supports a community of subterranean organisms which include the mole crab (sand flea) and coquina.  The low energy bay side harbors salt marshes along the shoreline and seagrass meadows below the surface.  These habitats support a rich variety of marine life, some of the most productive in the world.

The Florida Trail extends (in sections) over 1,300 miles from Ft. Pickens to the Florida Everglades. It begins at this point.

The Florida Trail extends (in sections) over 1,300 miles from Ft. Pickens to the Florida Everglades. It begins at this point.


There are many places on Pensacola Beach where visitors can enjoy these natural places.  At the west end of the island is Ft. Pickens, part of the Gulf Islands National Seashore.  Within the park you will find beaches to comb, piers to view wildlife and fish, jetties to fish or dive, fortifications to view the island, and a nice museum to educate you on both the natural and cultural history of the area.  Here the Florida Trail begins.  This trail is segmented and stretches from Ft. Pickens to the Everglades, but here it stops at Battery Langdon; it can be hiked or biked.  Along the trail there are freshwater ponds and sections of maritime forest with a variety of wildlife viewing and photography.  The multiple loop campground is found on this trail.

between these pilings at Park West is one of the county snorkel reefs. Visibility is tough but the fish are there.

Between these pilings at Park West is one of the county snorkel reefs. Visibility is tough but the fish are there.

There is a kayak launch at Park West as well.

There is a kayak launch at Park West as well.

Just outside the entrance to the park is a county park named Park West.  Here there is a kayak launch and nearshore snorkel reef on the bay side, with picnic area and beaches on the Gulf.


In Pensacola Beach proper there are several businesses that rent paddleboards for paddling the shallow seagrass filled Little Sabine.  There are two marinas which offer sailing, fishing, and diving charters as well as dolphin tours.  There are numerous artificial reefs off of Pensacola including the world’s largest – the U.S.S. Oriskany.  On the Gulf side you will find the Pensacola Beach Fishing Pier where not only can you fish but, at times, see marine life.  Sharks, sea turtles, dolphins, and large fish are often seen.  The sunsets are great here.  At the Visitors Center you can get a map to follow the Eco-Trail.  This driving trail of 28 kiosks will take you to natural spots and the kiosks provide education about the area.  There is a prize if you complete the trail.


Heading east from Pensacola Beach you once again pick up a portion of the Florida Trail.  At this location there is a bike path, which can be walked or biked.  Park East houses a popular nearshore snorkel reef.  This snorkel reef is on the Gulf side and there are beach markers to help the diver locate it.  On the bay side is Big Sabine.  This area of high dunes and salt marsh has no formal trail but there are PVC pipes placed to help navigate your way in and out.

The paddleboard entry to Little Sabine can be found next to the Pensacola Beach Marina.

The paddleboard entry to Little Sabine can be found next to the Pensacola Beach Marina.

The Pensacola Beach Fishing Pier is not only a great spot to catch fish, it's a great spot to see marine life - and great sunsets.

The Pensacola Beach Fishing Pier is not only a great spot to catch fish, it’s a great spot to see marine life – and great sunsets.

Further east you once again enter the Gulf Islands National Seashore.  Escambia County is lucky to have almost 50% of their portion of the island within this national park.  There are miles of natural beach to explore but you must use the public parking lots (no roadside parking) and watch your speed, this area supports several species of nesting shorebirds – some of which are listed as imperiled in the state of Florida.

The Santa Rosa island Authority's Eco-Trail has 28 kiosk to navigate and learn about the natural history of the island. It is a fun and educational trip. You can get the map for the trail at the visitors center on Pensacola Beach.

The Santa Rosa island Authority’s Eco-Trail has 28 kiosk to navigate and learn about the natural history of the island. It is a fun and educational car trip. You can get the map for this trail at the visitors center on Pensacola Beach.

To learn more about nature and farm tourism in Escambia County visit www.NaturallyEscaRosa.com and download the free app at the App Store or Google Play


Next month – Santa Rosa County.

Aligning these markers will assist the snorkeler/diver in locating the Gulf snorkel reef at Park East. The swim is a bit further but the visibility is much better.

Aligning these markers will assist the snorkeler/diver in locating the Gulf snorkel reef at Park East. The swim is a bit further than Park West but the visibility is much better.