“Wanted” Sighting of Horseshoe Crabs!

“Wanted” Sighting of Horseshoe Crabs!

These curious ancient animals have been roaming the waters of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico for over 450 million years. Though they appear dangerous they are quite harmless and are actually more closely related to spiders and scorpions than crabs. Horseshoe crabs are not as common in Pensacola as they are in Panama City and Port St. Joe areas, but once were once found here and occasionally still are. Many coastal states have been concerned by the decline in their numbers. In the Chesapeake area where they were once very common, horseshoe crabs are harvested for their copper-based blood and also as bait for eel fishermen. The copper-based blood contains lysate which has been used to detect bacterial contamination in many drugs, as well as use for the diagnosis for some diseases.


The ancient horseshoe crab.  Photo UF/IFAS Communications

The ancient horseshoe crab. Photo UF/IFAS Communications

Though there is a fishery for them in Florida, the issue with most locals is just the loss of a really neat animal that has been around longer than the dinosaurs,. This time of year, near the full moon, horseshoe crabs begin to gather near nesting beaches to mate and lay eggs. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is asking locals and tourists who find a horseshoe crab to report it. They are interested in sightings of both adults and juveniles (less than 4” in length), the date seen, the time, the location, and type of habitat if possible. To report you can visit their website (www.MyFWC.com), email at FWRI@horseshoe@fwc.state.fl.us , or call 1-866-252-9326

If you have any questions contact your county Sea Grant Agent for more information.

Discovering Florida’s Panhandle – Barrier Islands – February 2015

Discovering Florida’s Panhandle – Barrier Islands – February 2015

Making the Big Sabine hike on Santa Rosa Island in February was COLD! A front had pasted over the day before and temp was in the 30’s with a north wind. But the sky was a beautiful blue and the Gulf was calm and clear.


The Gulf is smooth and clear most winter mornings.

The Gulf is smooth and clear most winter mornings.

Wildlands Environmental High School from Wisconsin making a dune hike on a cold Florida morning.

Wildlands Environmental High School from Wisconsin making a dune hike on a cold Florida morning.


Joining me on my hike this month was the Wildlands School from Wisconsin. They were visiting the Gulf Coast working on a variety of projects and wanted to learn more about coastal ecology… so I brought them along. Because of the drop in temperature we did not see much wildlife. In January I saw very little other than birds. In February we saw few birds… it was really cold. As we hiked from the Gulf to the Sound we discussed barrier island and dune formation and showed many of the plants common in the different dune fields we mentioned in our January issue. Most were brown in color but there were a few evergreens and we even had one secondary bush blooming! Beach Heather (Conradina canescens).


Beach heather (Conradina canescens) blooming early in the year on a cold morning.

Beach heather (Conradina canescens) blooming early in the year on a cold morning.


We did see a few mammal tracks and had a chance to discuss “animal sign” with the students, but no live animals were seen. The kids from Wisconsin were introduced to cactus (literally… many had it on their shoes) as we walked through the maritime forest and I had a chance to explain the xeric conditions found on our barrier islands and how this favored particular plants and animals. While in the maritime forest we also came across an old aquaculture facility and this gave me a chance to discuss this industry as well. But for me the most interesting discovery in the maritime forest was a “drag-line” that I had found in January near one of the ponds. As we walked past this area again – it was there again and seemed to be “fresh” (recently made). I am not sure what makes these drag marks – have a few guesses – but am hoping to discover the source before the end of this series.


Strange drag marks we have seen each month so far.  They are found near one of the ponds on the Sound side.

Strange drag marks we have seen each month so far. They are found near one of the ponds on the Sound side.


Despite the north wind the Sound was calm and clear. Most of the marine creatures had moved into deeper-warmer waters but we did find a dead cannonball jellyfish. The students from Wisconsin got a chance to hold the slimy creature and we discussed how the stinging cells (nematocyst) work. These small cells on the tentacles of jellyfish have a triggering mechanism that is actually discharged by the object that touches it… the jellyfish does not do this. Once the trigger is moved a dart with a drop of venom is discharged into whatever triggered it. Several of these firing at once is what causes the pain we feel, or the death of a small fish. They were also excited to discover a primitive camp site that locals use. I explained the correct protocol for doing this and hope that locals do the same.


I found this along the shore last winter.  These are cannonball jellyfish.

I found this along the shore last winter. These are cannonball jellyfish.


Though there was not a lot of wildlife to view in February but the beach is absolutely beautiful this time of year. The sunrises and sunsets are amazing. I encourage local “panhandlers” to visit your local island and take a long walk. I think you will enjoy it.

Harvesting Safer Oysters – “From Bay to Table”

Harvesting Safer Oysters – “From Bay to Table”

Oysters on the half shell

Oysters on the half shell ready to eat! Photo Courtesy of Florida Sea Grant

Making oysters a healthy and sustainable seafood choice is the goal of oystermen and seafood dealers across the nation and the state of Florida. New education programs for the oyster industry went into effect January 1, 2014 and were implemented by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) this past spring. FDACS oversees oyster resources and seafood dealer certification.More information about FDACS division Aquaculture can be found at http://www.freshfromflorida.com/Divisions-Offices/Aquaculture .

As our fall harvest areas reopen, many local oystermen are now viewing a new 25 minute video which is now required along with a Commercial Saltwater Products License to harvest oysters commercially. Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) issues licenses for both commercial and recreational oyster harvesters and enforces laws related to harvesting. More information regarding proper licensing can be found online at http://myfwc.com/license .

All harvesters can do their part to insure seafood safety by following important harvesting guidelines. These include time and temperature protocols in the collections and transportation of shellfish to the dealer or home. Also important, are harvest boat safety, condition, and sanitation practices. Protection of oyster resources through proper culling and following the 3” inch size limit is important to creating sustainable oyster resources. The new video provides this education and an Oyster Harvester Training Certificate for commercial harvesters is available to those who watch the video at the following FDACS and UF/IFAS Extension Offices by appointment:

FDACS Field Offices:

Melbourne Office: 321-984-4890

Port Charlotte Office: 941-613-0954

Cedar Key Office: 352-543-1084

Tallahassee Office: 850-617-7600

Apalachicola Shellfish Center: 850-653-8317

UF/IFAS Locations:

Bay County: 850-784-6105

Franklin County: 850-653-9337

Santa Rosa County: 850-623-3868

This harvesting and training information is also appropriate for recreational harvesters even though it is not required.

Recreational harvesters regulations and instructions can be found at http://myfwc.com/fishing/saltwater/recreational/shellfish .

Seafood safety is of interest to everyone,including harvesters, seafood dealers, and consumers. Each year there are a relatively small number of serious cases of foodborne illness as result of shellfish consumption. Often illness is a result of poor choices made by consumers. Consumption of raw oysters or other shellfish is not recommended for individuals with compromised immune systems. Poor immune systems are often the result of liver-disease or when chemotherapy treatment is used. Patient diagnosed with diabetes, iron overload disease, and HIV/AIDS are also advised not to consume raw shellfish.

New research also suggests another risk group are patients with acid reflux and digestive issues. Some over the counter and prescription medications, including antacids and proton pump inhibitors, increase stomach pH which allows more potentially harmful bacteria to survive ingestion, leaving patients at a higher risk for a variety of foodborne illnesses. The best advice is to consult your doctor if you have questions about whether consuming raw shellfish is appropriate for your health concern. Cooking is also a tasty way to safely prepare and enjoy shellfish. For additional guidance please visit http://safeoysters.org .

Lions in the Gulf… Tigers in the Bay

Lions in the Gulf… Tigers in the Bay

This catchy phrase coined by Robert Turpin (Escambia County Marine Resources Division) describes the new invader to our marine waters. Many coastal residents are aware of the invasive lionfish that has invaded our local reefs but few have probably heard of the Asian Tiger Shrimp. This member of the penaid shrimp family, the same family are edible white, brown, and pink shrimp come from, was brought to the United States in the 1960’s and 70’s as an aquaculture project. Over the years farmers have moved from Tiger Shrimp to the Pacific White Shrimp and the last known active farm was in 2004.


The Asian Tiger Shrimp can reach lengths of 12"

The Asian Tiger Shrimp can reach lengths of 12″

In 1988 2000 of these shrimp were lost from a farm in South Carolina during a flood event. 10% of those were recaptured and some were collected as far away as Cape Canaveral. No more was heard from this release until 2006 when 6 were captured; one of those in Mississippi Sound near Dauphin Island. Each year since the number of reported captures has increased suggesting they are breeding.


2006 – 6 captured

2007 – 4 captured

2008 – 21 captured

2009 – 47 captured

2010 – 32 captured

2011 – 591 captured


One individual was caught in 2011 near Panama City and 5 were collected in 2012 in Pensacola Bay. In recent weeks the Sea Grant Agent in Escambia County has received reports of numerous Tiger Shrimp being collected from Escambia Bay. There is currently no scientific evidence of negative impacts of this shrimp in our area. They are aggressive predators of benthic invertebrates and may out compete our native penaid shrimps and could possibly feed directly on the juveniles.


Five tiger shrimp captured by shrimpers in Pensacola Bay.

Five tiger shrimp captured by shrimpers in Pensacola Bay.

NOAA scientists are interested in obtaining samples of this shrimp for DNA studies. It differs from other local penaid shrimp in that it is larger (8-12” long), dark in color (dark green to black) and has light stripes (white to cream colored). The larva and juveniles live in the bay. Sub adults will migrate offshore for breeding. They are a tropical species that have a low tolerance for cold temperatures, showing no growth below 20°C, but have a high tolerance for changes in salinity. If you thing you may have one of these shrimp and are interested in donating one, please contact Sea Grant Agent Rick O’Connor at (850) 475-5230 or roc1@ufl.edu.

Enjoy delicious stone crab claws now through May, 2015.

Enjoy delicious stone crab claws now through May, 2015.

Gulf Stone Crab Photo credit FWC

The commercial and recreation stone crab season has opened! Now is the time to enjoy local stone crab claws. Whether you catch them yourself or buy from a local seafood market, the delicious meat is worth the effort and cost.

There are 2 species of stone crab found along the Gulf Coast. The Florida Stone Crab is found in the southern part of the state, while the Gulf stone crab is found from the Western Panhandle to Mexico.

Stone crabs can be found in holes along oyster reefs, rock jetties and shorelines lined with riprap. Adult stone crabs feed on oysters, mussels, clams, worms and other crustaceans.

Recreational harvesters must have a valid Florida Saltwater Fishing licence and are limited to 5 traps that meet the specifications set by FWC. Maximum trap size is 2″x2″x2″ and traps must have a degradable panel that is 5 ½ inches by 3 ½ inches and is made of cypress or untreated pine slat no thicker than ¾ of an inch. These regulations are to protect marine life from ghost fishing, when traps are abandoned or lost.

The recreational bag limit is one gallon of claws per person or 2 gallons per vessel or which ever is less. Only one crab claw should be taken. Crabs are released alive with one claw intact and are able to feed and defend themselves, which allows the crab to be caught again in the future. The claw that was removed will grow back each time the crab molts. Claws must be 2 3/4 inches in length from the tip of the claws to the first knuckle.

Photo credit FWC

 Watch the following video from FWC to learn how to harvest a claw correctly without injuring the crab.

Stone crab claws can be enjoyed cold or hot, in the shell or peeled and in many different dishes. Enjoy stone crab claw meat with mustard dipping sauce, in soup and bisque, crab cakes, salads, etc. Many recipes can found on-line.

Use a butter knife, mallet, claw cracker or hard spoon to crack the shells. If you want to prevent shell from flying around, cover the hand that will hold the claw or the surface that the claw will be cracked on with a dish towel. Gently tap the sections of the claws, until they are cracked, be careful not to break the shell into the meat.

Check out this video to learn how to crack stone crab claws:

 For more information on commercial and recreational stone crab claw regulations click here.








What Is Up with All the Sharks?

What Is Up with All the Sharks?

Since the beginning of the summer, panhandle residents and visitors have been reporting numerous sharks hanging out along the sandbars near the passes. , cruising between the 2nd sandbar and the beach. One visitor was even bitten; raising the question – WHAT’S UP WITH ALL THE SHARKS?

The Scalloped Hammerhead is one of five species of hammerheads in the Gulf.  It is commonly found in the bays.  Photo: Florida Sea Grant

The Scalloped Hammerhead is one of five species of hammerheads in the Gulf. It is commonly found in the bays. Photo: Florida Sea Grant

Actually, over the years sharks have been feeding along on the sandbars. While tagging sharks at Dauphin Island Sea Lab we would send an ultralite aircraft up to spot their locations. The pilot often reported seeing sharks hanging out on the sandbars near the pass. The sharks generally moved slowly until the shadow of the aircraft would hit and spook them into swimming off. Surfers and fishermen alike know that sharks frequent the inshore waters near the beach during the warmer months. Some or the larger sharks certainly enter the bays where feeding and breeding probably occur. So, finding them in these locations is not that unusual.

What seems to be unusual this year are the numbers. Locals who have worked these waters for years say they have seen more sharks on the sandbars than they remember in the past. We do not have data on how many sharks typically are found on bars, so there’s no conclusive proof that the number seen this summer is significantly more. However, if the folks out there every day say they are seeing more, then there may be something to it.

The gathering of sharks may be due to feeding. Like any other animal, they gather where the food is. I have seen Jack Crevalle gather at the mouths of our bayous feeding after a fish kill. The big flood this summer dropped salinities below normal and many estuarine animals died; Big Lagoon was littered with dead clams. It is possible that the sharks are feeding on these with the outgoing tides. If there is more food there would be more sharks. Another possible explanation could be temperature control. Like all fish, sharks are ectothermic (cold-blooded) and need warm water to keep maintain their body temperature. Divers searching for lionfish this spring indicated that the bottom temperatures have been colder than normal this year; again, possibly due to the flood waters or an upwelling from the deeper Gulf. The sharks may be gathering where warmer water can be found: shallow water over bars. Outside of nurse and lemon shark species, breeding in sharks has rarely been observed. However, now is the time of year when this occurs and the National Marine Fisheries has considered the estuaries of the northern Gulf potential breeding areas for some species of shark.

The Bull Shark is considered one of the more dangerous sharks in the Gulf.  This fish can enter freshwater but rarely swims far upstream.  Photo: Florida Sea Grant

The Bull Shark is considered one of the more dangerous sharks in the Gulf. This fish can enter freshwater but rarely swims far upstream. Photo: Florida Sea Grant

As far as the threat of attacks are concerned, there is really not a high risk. Certainly sharks in feeding mode in shallow water could be a potential threat. But according to the International Shark Attack File at the Florida Museum of Natural History only 21 attacks have occurred in panhandle waters since 1882 and 2 were fatal; 1 in Bay County (1988) and 1 in Walton (2005) . Following some simple rules will reduce your risk of shark bite. Swimming in or near baitfish or where recreational fishing is going on could increase your chances; avoid these. Though shark attacks occur all hours of the day and night there seems to be more during dawn and dusk, as these are their primary feeding times. Lifeguards along the coast are constantly watching for these fish along with other hazards. Following these simple rules should allow you to enjoy the water without concern. If you have any questions about sharks contact your county Sea Grant Extension Agent.