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Wildlife Food Plots: A Quick Guide to Success

Wildlife Food Plots: A Quick Guide to Success

With the recent discovery of CWD in Florida and the subsequent prohibition of feeding deer within the CWD Management Zone there has been some additional motivation applied to hunters/land managers to establish new food plots. Moreover, the timing and unexpected nature of the discovery have hunter/land managers somewhat in “scramble mode” to make the shift away from feeders to plantings before archery season starts (10/21 in the Panhandle). Whether or not you are in the CWD Management Zone or if you have been contemplating establishing food plots for a long time the following comments are worth considering as you work through the process of establishing a new food plot.

CWD Management Zone Map. Feeding and/or baiting deer is no longer allowed within the management zone (red area on map). Courtesy

First, food plots are not corn feeders. That is to say that food plots should be viewed as habitat improvements, not attractants (even though they may well improve the likelihood of seeing deer and other game species at a specific location) and their success should be evaluated accordingly. Food plots have the most positive impact when they are maintained year-round with cool and warm season plantings. They are long term investments.

When it comes to food plots, size really does matter.  Food plots need to be no less than ½ acre in size, preferably between 1 and 5 acres. Maximum habitat benefit being reached when food plots make up approximately 5 percent of the managed acreage. The kinds of plants in food plots are, by design, ones that wildlife find highly desirable (because they are highly nutritious). Considering this, it is easy to understand why plantings smaller than ½ acre struggle to establish – the plants simply don’t get a chance grow past the seedling stage.

After a location is identified, it is crucial to manage unwanted vegetation prior to preparing the soil and planting the food plot. If it is not eliminated, existing vegetation will compete tremendously with food plot plantings. Even if mechanical disturbance (disking, tilling, etc.) appears to remove the existing vegetation, much of it will regrow. This regrowth from established root systems will be more than a match for new seedlings. Apply herbicide before you begin soil preparation. Equally as important, give the herbicide sufficient time to do its work before mechanically disturbing the site (weeks, not days). Specific herbicide recommendations will vary depending on what vegetation you are trying to manage, but most food plot site prep applications will involve fairly high rates of glyphosate. Don’t hesitate to call me (850-638-6180) – we can discuss your site and dial in an herbicide recommendation. You do not want to skip this step; get in front of weed pressure before you plant.

If you want a food plot to be productive and successful you must effectively address soil fertility. First and foremost, soil pH must be corrected. Any needed applications of lime/dolomite need to take place first, well before any other fertilizer is applied (ag lime can take months to go into soil solution and alter soil pH). If fertilizers are applied before the soil pH is corrected the nutrients may still be unavailable to the plants. Once a food plot site is determined, collect a representative sample of the rooting zone soil and submit it to a lab for analysis. This is the best way to get the information needed to make informed choices regarding lime and fertilizer applications. Talk with the folks at your local Extension Office for more info on how to collect and submit soil samples. Take and submit soil samples now. Apply any need lime soon, during land preparation. Apply recommended fertilizer (N, P, K, and micros) at planting or soon after emergence. Fertilizer applied when there are no plant roots present to adsorb it is wasted.

By far the most common food plot question I receive is “what should I plant?”. I intentionally held this until last because if the topics above are not addressed properly plantings will not be successful. I included the table below to help answer the “what should I plant?” question. To accompany the table, here are some additional statements to help guide your crop selection.

Note the exclusion cages in the plots of forages being evaluated at the University of Florida’s North Florida Research and Education Center. Photo Courtesy of Holly Ober
  • Forage varieties matter. Use varieties that will work in Florida (see table for specifics). There are lots of forages sold that will not grow well locally. Sourcing seed can be challenging, start now.
  • The concept of blending forages is great, and highly recommended. That said, be careful with pre-packaged mixtures. You’ll generally get more of the “good stuff” by putting together your own blend. When making your own blend, use ½ of the high end of the seeding rate for each forage you include. Don’t go crazy, 3-5 different forages is plenty.
  • Try to utilize forages are well adapted to your site. The table shows varieties that are adapted to Florida and includes comments on site preference as it relates to drainage. You need to account for your site’s drainage characteristics when selecting forage varieties. Excessively well drained – deep sands; Moderately well drained – good soil by FL standards; Poorly drained – stays damp and/or will stand water seasonally.
  • If deer are the primary game species you are managing, focus on broadleaf plants (legumes and brassicas), not grasses. Hunters like grasses because they come up fast and are relatively easy to grow, deer like broadleaf plants because they are generally more digestible and higher in nutrients. Some grass in the blend is fine but don’t skimp on the broadleaves.
  • Some of the broad-leaved plants, particularly clovers, are highly preferred by deer but somewhat slow to establish. This combination can make it appear that the clovers don’t come up at all or preform very poorly. Before you jump to those conclusions, I would encourage you to use an exclusion cage or two in your plot. The cage will show you how the plant performs without grazing pressure. A few years of observation can really enable you to dial in what your deer prefer the most and adjust your plantings accordingly.
  • Don’t forget about planting date and depth. To keep life simple, let’s say that everything included on the table should be planted between October 1 and November 15 (ideally, triticale, wheat, and rye would be held until after October 15). Planting depth is very important and is a major factor in determining which forages can/should be planted together. It is perfectly acceptable to plant the deeper seeded grasses first and then come back over the field to plant the shallow seeded broadleaves. To achieve a target planting depth of ½” or less the soil will need to be packed prior to planting.

Food plots are not simple, but they can be very rewarding. There are way more factors to consider than what I included here. See the additional resources linked below and contact your local Extension Office or myself to discuss further.

Printable Cool Season Forage Table

More Resources:

Establishing and Maintaining Wildlife Food Sources

A Walk on the Wild Side: Cool-Season Forage Recommendations for Wildlife Plots in North Florida

Meet the Map Turtles

Meet the Map Turtles

Florida has a great variety of turtles.  Actually, the species richness here is higher than any other state – though Alabama may argue.  Many are familiar to us.  If we have not seen them, we have at least heard of them.  But that may not be the case with map turtles. 

Map turtles are in the same family as many of the common ponds turtles but are in the genus Graptemys.  The patterns on their shells and skin are beautiful and they have raised scutes along the midline of their shells giving them a “sawback” or “dinosaur” look.  They are associated with alluvial rivers due to their diet of shellfish, which cannot be found in the low pH waters of tannic rivers.  To our west, in Alabama and Mississippi, there are several species of them.  And as you move up into the Mississippi valley and into the Midwest, there are even more.  But here in Florida there are only two.  Let’s meet them. 

The Barbour’s Map Turtle (Graptemys barbouri) is associated with the Apalachicola River system.  First discovered in the Chipola River, it has now been found in the Chattahoochee, Flint, and Apalachicola River systems, as well as the Choctawhatchee and Pea Rivers.  It may have been introduced to the Ochlockonee and Wacissa.

Barbour’s Map Turtle. Photo: Rome Etheridge

Female map turtles are much larger than the males, and the female Barbour’s Map is the largest of all map turtles – with a carapace length of 33cm (13 in.).  She has a very broad head (8cm, 3in. wide) to crush the shells of her favorite prey – snails.  The males only reach 13cm (5in.) carapace length and their heads are much narrower.  Barbour’s Maps prefer flowing rivers with limestone outcrops.  These outcrops support the snails they like to eat.  That said, they have been found in high numbers within the silty channels of these rivers. 

Females take many years to mature, possibly as long as 14.  Males mature in 3-4 years.  Breeding begins in the spring and nesting begins in late April but will continue into August.  Like most turtles, they seek out sandy beaches where they will lay multiple clutches of 7-10 eggs over the span of the nesting season. 

Fallen trees (snags) are important basking areas and map turtles use them frequently.  During the cooler months, and low water periods along the river, they will hide in deep pockets within the limestone rock.  Their home range along the rivers are between 250 and 1500 meters (74 and 441 feet), with males having a larger range.  Other than nesting, activity on land is not common. 

Their populations seem to be stable, though they are protected by FWC and possession without a permit is illegal.  Harvest does still happen, and the activity known as “plinking” (shooting them off their basking logs) occurs as well.  Nest depredation, and the killing of adults, by raccoons is common.  Crows are another threat. 

The Escambia Map Turtle (Graptemys ernsti) is associated with the Escambia River.  With the Florida section of this river only being 54 miles long, it has the most restricted range of any turtle in the state.  That said, along these stretches of river, it is one of the more abundant turtles.  Paddling a lower section of the Escambia I counted an average of 11 individuals per basking log.  It has been found in the Yellow and Shoal Rivers as well.  But due to the lower pH and lack of mollusks, they are not found in the nearby Blackwater and Perdido Rivers. 

The Escambia Map Turtle is only found in the Escambia, Yellow, and Shoal Rivers. Photo: Molly O’Connor

Like all map turtles, it has beautiful markings on the shell and head.  Like all map turtles, it has the characteristic “sawback” appearance down the middle of the carapace.  Like all map turtles, the females are much larger than the males.  However, the female of this species is not as large as the female Barbour’s Map – with a carapace length of 28cm (11in.). 

The males of this species feed on a variety of insects but the females stay with the characteristic molluscan diet.  The introduced Asiatic clam (Corbicula fluminea) is a particular favorite.  Breeding occurs in the spring and nesting area are sandbars found along the river’s edge.  These turtles are having problems with ATVs using such nesting areas, the removal of snag basking trees, and plinking.  There are also concerns with the building of dams along the Alabama portion of the river.  They are protected by FWC, and you cannot possess them without a permit.   

With only two species of map turtles in the entire state, and both only found in the panhandle, these are unique species to the rich variety of turtles found here.

A Sea of Grass; Part 11- Reptiles

A Sea of Grass; Part 11- Reptiles

When snorkeling the grassbeds of the Florida panhandle encountering a reptile has a low probability, but it is not zero.  Of all the reptiles that call this part of the state home, few enter marine waters and most of those are very mobile, moving up and down the coast heading from one habitat to another.  In fact, there are no marine reptiles that would be considered residents of our seagrasses, only transients. 

The one species that you might encounter is the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas).  This is the largest of the “shelled” sea turtles and has a vegetarian diet.  With a serrated lower jaw, they can be found grazing in the seagrass beds feeding on both the grasses and the species of algae found there.  The carapace length of these large reptiles can reach four feet and they can weigh up to 400 pounds.  Their coloration is similar to that of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) but their heads are smaller and there are only two large scutes between the eyes rather than the four found in the loggerheads.  The colors of the skin and shell have shades of brown, yellow, orange, and some black and can be quite beautiful.  The name “green” sea turtle comes from the color of their internal fatty tissue.  Feeding on a diet of seagrasses, it becomes green in color, and this was discovered by early fishermen who hunted and consumed this species.  It is the one used most often in what is called turtle soup and is actually farmed for this dish in other countries. 

The green sea turtle. Photo: Mile Sandler

Like all sea turtle species, they are born on the Gulf side of our barrier islands.  If they successfully hatch, they work their way to the open water and spend their early years in the open sea.  Some have been associated with the mats of Sargassum weed floating offshore, feeding on the variety of small invertebrates that live out there.  They will also nip at the Sargassum itself.  As juveniles they will move back into the coastal estuaries where they begin their vegetarian lifestyle.  As adults they will switch time between the open sea and the grass filled bays.  Once unfortunate side effect of feeding in our grassbeds is the frequency of boat strikes.  There are tens of thousands of motored vessels speeding through our grassbeds and the turtles surfacing for air can be targets for them.  Our hope is that more mariners are aware of this problem and will be more vigilant when recreating there. 

Another turtle who IS a resident of the estuary is the much smaller diamondback terrapin.  Though terrapins much prefer salt marshes they will enter seagrass beds, and some spend quite a bit of time there.  Terrapins prefer to feed on shellfish so, moving through the grassbeds it is the snails and bivalves they seek.  Because of their size they feed on the smaller mollusk.  A typical terrapin will have a carapace length of about 10 inches and may weigh two pounds.  They will take small crabs and shrimps when the opportunity is there, and they are known to swim into submerged crab traps seeking the bait.  Unfortunately, being air breathing reptiles, they will drown after becoming entrapped.  It is now required that all recreational crab traps in Florida have bycatch reduction devices (BRDs) on each of the funnel openings to reduce this problem.  Many studies, both here in Florida and elsewhere, have shown these BRDs do not significantly reduce crab catch and so you can still enjoy crabbing – just not while catching terrapins.  Encountering one snorkeling would be a very rare event, but – particularly in the eastern panhandle – has happened. 

Diamondback terrapin. Photo: Rick O’Connor

A third reptile that has been seen in our grassbeds is the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis).  Preferring freshwater systems, encounters with alligators in an open seagrass bed are rare, but do happen.  There are plenty of freshwater ponds on some of our barrier islands that the alligators will use.  They have been seen swimming out into the seagrass beds and often will cross the bay, or Intracoastal Waterway, to mainland side.  They have also been seen swimming near shore in the Gulf of Mexico.  Though they can tolerate saltwater, they have a low tolerance for it and do not spend much time there. 

Alligators are top level carnivores feeding on a variety of wildlife.  Like most predators, they tend to seek and capture the easiest prey.  Most often these are fish, reptiles, or small mammals.  But they will take on large birds or deer if the opportunity presents itself.  Despite their natural fear of humans, they have taken pets and also have attacked humans. 

Having only canines in their mouths, they must grab the prey and swallow it.  Lacking molars, they cannot chew.  So, more often than not, they select prey they can swallow whole.  If they do grab a larger animal, they are known to drown the creature in what has been termed the “death role” and cache it beneath the water under a log (or some structure) where it will soften to a point where they can cut small pieces and swallow it.  All of the alligators I have seen in our grassbeds were definitely heading somewhere.  They were not spending time there.  After heavy rains the salinity may drop enough to where they can tolerate being out there longer and encounters could increase.  But they are still rare. 

Alligator Photo: Molly O’Connor

I will mention here that there are several species of snakes that, like the alligator, are swimming from one suitable habitat to another – crossing the seagrass in route.  All snakes can swim and encounters in brackish water are not unheard of.  I have several photos of diamondback rattlesnakes (Crotalus adamanteus) swimming across the Intracoastal Waterway between the mainland and the islands. 

Eastern diamondback rattlesnake swimming in intracoastal waterway near Ft. McRee in Pensacola. Photo: Sue Saffron

Encounters with reptiles are rare in our seagrass beds but pretty exciting when they do occur.  There is certainly no need to fear swimming or snorkeling in our bay because they are so rare.  But maybe one day you will be one of the lucky ones who does see one. 

50 Years of the Endangered Species Act; Part 2 – The Perdido Key Beach Mouse

50 Years of the Endangered Species Act; Part 2 – The Perdido Key Beach Mouse

“I can’t do what? – because of a mouse? – it’s only a mouse.” 

This was a comment made by many who lived on Perdido Key when a small beach mouse found only there was added to the endangered species list.  It is a comment heard often when many species are listed.  A major reason most species begin to decline and become endangered is loss of habitat.  We enter and change the habitat to suit our needs.  Much of this includes construction of buildings and altering landscapes to a more artificial setting and much of the local wildlife is lost.  So is the case with this little mouse. 

The Choctawhatchee Beach Mouse is one of four Florida Panhandle Species classified as endangered or threatened. Beach mice provide important ecological roles promoting the health of our coastal dunes and beaches. Photo provided by Jeff Tabbert

The Perdido Key beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus trissyllepsis) is one of seven subspecies of beach mice found in Florida, five of those found in the Florida panhandle.  Beach mice are a subspecies of the Old-Field mouse (Peromyscus polionotus).  They are small, about 5 inches long, with tails that have hair (which are an additional 2 inches).  Beach mice typically have a brown/gray color on top and a lighter white underbelly allowing them to blend into their environment very well.  The difference between the subspecies is the extent of the coloration. 

The subspecies status, and genetic isolation, is part of the reason these mice are listed.  Members of a population who are genetically isolated from others can undergo a process called speciation where the genetic changes that occur in one isolated group cannot/do not flow through the gene pool of the other isolated group.  Over time, the genetics, and morphology, of one isolated group becomes different enough that a new subspecies, or even species, develops.  This is the case with the Perdido Key beach mouse.  It is isolated on Perdido Key, a barrier island, and does not interbreed with their closest neighbors – the Alabama beach mouse (P.p. ammobates) and the Santa Rosa beach mouse (P.p. leucocephalus).  Because of this, ALL of the Perdido Key beach mice in the world live on Perdido Key.  Their population is small and vulnerable. 

These mice are dune dwellers living in small burrows.  They prefer the primary dunes (closest to the Gulf) which are dominated by the grasses whose seeds they like to feed on.  They forage at night (nocturnal) feeding on the seeds of the sea oat (Uniola paniculate), panic grass (Panicum amarum), and blue stem (Schizachrium maritimum) usually in the secondary dunes.  Highly vegetated swales (low wet areas between the primary and secondary dunes) are used to move between these habitats, and they are also found in the tertiary dunes (on the backside of the island where trees can be found) where their burrows are more protected from storm surge during hurricanes.  During periods when seeds are not available, beach mice will turn to small invertebrates to support their diet.  Their foraging range averages around 50,000 ft2.  

Breeding takes place in the winter, though can occur anytime of year if enough food is available.  They are monogamous (males pairing with only one female for life) with the females giving birth after 23 days to four pups.  New members of the family can move up to half a mile in search of a foraging range for themselves.  It is understood that with limited available habitat on an isolated island, the carry capacity of the beach mouse would be low.  Owls and snakes are some of the predators they face, but the beach mice have evolved to deal with few predator issues.    

The increase of humans onto the barrier islands has negatively impacted them.  The leveling of dunes for houses, condos, swimming pools, and shopping centers has significantly reduced suitable habitat for them as well as reduced the seed food source.  Introduced feral and free roaming domestic cats have also been a large problem.  Bridges connecting these islands to the mainland have allowed foxes and coyotes to reach, and increase pressure on, them.  With these increased pressures, and small populations, these mice are now listed under the Endangered Species Act. 

Conservation measures have included, predator control, building and landscaping restrictions, translocation (moving mice from large populations to those that are smaller), and reintroduction (releasing mice into areas where they once existed but no longer do).  There has been success with the Choctawhatchee beach mouse in the Grayton Beach area, as well as the Perdido Key beach mouse in Gulf Islands National Seashore.  Things that beach residents can do to help beach mice populations include keeping your pets inside at night, plant native grasses in your landscape, reduce night lighting, do not walk over dunes – use the cross walks. 

Things seem to be improving for beach mice, but the development pressure is still there.  Hopefully we will have these creatures as part of our panhandle barrier island communities for many years to come. 


Beach Mouse Fun Facts.  Gulf Islands National Seashore.  U.S. Department of Interior. 

Bird, B.L., Branch, L.C., Hostetler, M.E. 2021. Beach Mice. University of Florida Electronic Data Information System (EDIS).

Perdido Key Beach Mouse. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

50 Years of the Endangered Species Act Part 1

50 Years of the Endangered Species Act Part 1

In 1973 the United States Congress passed the Endangered Species Act.  Controversial at the time, and still is today, the law was designed to help protect, and possibly restore, species that were near extinction within the boundaries of the United States.  At the time there was a lot of concern about what was happening to whale populations across the world.  These majestic creatures were being hunted by humans for food and other products.  The hunt had been going on for centuries but in the mid-20th century it moved to an industrial scale and many populations were on the verge of extinction.  The backlash from many around the world was enough for regulators in the United States to take notice. 

In the 1970s there was an estimated 1000 manatees in Florida.  These animals suffered from the increase of humans in their environment altering the habitat and literally running over them with an increase in boating traffic.  Many growing up in Pensacola at the time had never seen a brown pelican and had never heard of an osprey.  And then there was the decline of our national symbol – the bald eagle, and other national icons like the bison, bears, alligators, and moose.  The loss of wildlife was noticeable. 

At the time, if you looked at what was happening from the “30,000 foot” level, you could see the impact.  Our barriers islands, which supported dunes that reached 40-50 feet tall, were being cleared at an alarming rate.  Being replaced by large concrete structures, parking lots, and amusement parks.  This loss of habitat forced the decline of the diversity and abundance of wildlife and the carrying capacity of supported populations declined. 

If you looked seaward into the Gulf of Mexico, you saw a change from smaller boats with 75-100 horsepower motors to large vessels with up to four 350 horsepower motors on each boat.  The number of these vessels seeking fish increased from hundreds to thousands, to even tens of thousands in some locations.  Just visit one of the passes into the Gulf one weekend and you will witness the number of fishing vessels heading out.  These boats were heading to fishing sites that at one time supported a species’ carrying capacity that was high and could certainly sustain the human need for food.  Today these systems are stressed due to overharvesting. 

If you looked towards the estuary, you saw the increase growth on the island produce runoff that made the waters more turbid, creating conditions that stressed many species of fish, invertebrates, and plants.  Most notably was the loss of seagrass, which supports at least 80% of the economically important finfish and shellfish we seek.  We removed coastal salt marshes, which also support fisheries, and replaced them with piers, docks, seawalls, and manicured lawns.  These alterations again supported the decline of needed habitat and the diversity and abundance of coastal species.  Creatures that were once common in many locations like horseshoe crabs, blue crabs, and echninoderms were now hard to find in some bays.  The prized bay scallop is all but gone in many locations along with the recreational fishery that loved them. 

On the mainland side of the estuary, you find the large cities.  These are the locations that both the early European colonists and the Native Americans sought.  They were at the connection between the freshwater rivers and estuarine habitats that supported their way of life.  In the mid-20th century, these communities witnessed massive growth of humans.  These humans cleared land, built concrete buildings and roads, decreased suitable habitat for much of the life that existed there, and increased pollution in both the ground and surface waters.  Oyster beds began to decline, seagrasses that had reached the upper portions of the bay declined, and salt marshes were removed for a different sort of waterfront. 

Much of this had been noticed even in the 1960s.  The species that spawned the Endangered Species Act were mostly the large vertebrates that people felt close to, or the need for.  Species such as whales, dolphins, manatees, and sea turtles.  People were concerned about species like bison, moose, and pelicans.  But, as the draft of the law was formed, it included others that were not on their radars like alligators, frogs, and sturgeon.  The focus of the effort was the large vertebrates we were concerned about.  However, there were numerous small creatures that were being lost that became part of the movement such as river mussels, snails, even beach mice.  Then there were the numerous small creatures that will still do not know about. 

For decades scientists have written about the world of the tiny creatures that live within the sand grains, and on the surface of seagrass that play crucial roles in the over health of the ecosystem and support, directly or indirectly, the larger creatures we care about.  Even with the decision as to which species would be listed as “endangered” we saw favoritism for the large vertebrates that we appreciate.  When placed up for listing consideration species like spiders, sharks, and snakes were met with resistance.  Though their populations may have needed this protection, we did not want to protect those. 

Despite some opposition from the beginning, the Endangered Species Act has had many success stories.  Several species of whales are now stable or increasing, manatee populations have more than doubled, pelicans are common, everyone knows what an osprey is now, and viewing a bald eagle in Pensacola – though still exciting – is becoming more common place.  Another sign of success are species that have been de-listed from endangered to threatened or removed completely.  Alligators, bison, manatees, several species of sea turtles, and even the bald eagle have had this honor. 

Over the next few months, we will post articles about species that benefitted from the Endangered Species Act, and species who are still struggling and should benefit from it now.  There is no doubt that some humans suffered economically with the passing of this law, but its intent of preserving, and increasing the fish, wildlife, and even plants – that we love and need, as worked. 

Why white-tailed deer have spots

Why white-tailed deer have spots

About now a doe is searching among the shrubs and grasses. She is looking for a site to have her fawns.

White-tailed deer fawn season will peak in the summer across the Florida Panhandle. In the first weeks of life, fawns are not able to follow their mother and spend most of their time bedding. Although vulnerable, fawns can still rely on remarkable adaptations to survive. Their spotted coat provides excellent camouflage amidst the dappled sunlight filtering through the vegetation. To avoid being detected by predators, newborn fawns also have minimal scent and the ability to suppress their respiratory and cardiac systems when predators are nearby.

In addition to these critical adaptations, vegetation cover is essential to provide fawns the protection they need from predators. A lack of ground cover makes fawns very easy for predators to see, spots or not. This cover is also critical to protect fawns from heat, especially during Florida hot summers. Ideal fawning sites have thick and abundant vegetation. In particular, early successional sites where forbs (i.e., broad-leaved herbs) and native grasses are abundant are the perfect hiding cover for fawns. While forbs and grasses are important components of fawn cover, forbs can also help improve mother’s and fawns’ nutrition. In fact, forbs can be rich in crude protein and nutrient content, with some forbs reaching more than 30 percent crude protein content. The summer is a period of exceptionally high nutritional stress for mothers and fawns, and access to high-quality forage promotes fawn nutrition and growth. Because the mothers do not usually move far from their fawns, fawning sites rich in forbs can keep mothers healthy, and provide good forage for fawns.

Knowing the challenges fawns face, here are three things you can do to help:

First, if you find fawns, do not approach them – they are most likely not abandoned! Mothers leave fawns alone to avoid attracting predators close to the fawn bedding area, but they visit them throughout the day to nurse. Interacting with the fawn may cause them stress and, if fawns are relocated by humans, they may be permanently separated from their mothers.

Second, do not mow or pay close attention when mowing. Mowing can remove good fawn cover or, worse yet, endangering fawns.

Third, it is essential to promote good fawn cover. Landowners and managers can promote fawn cover by establishing or maintaining existing early successional sites such as forest openings. Thinning and prescribed fire can go a long way to promote this vegetation structure. However, remember that it takes time for the vegetation to respond and regrow after management practices have been applied. For example, mothers with fawns will likely avoid freshly burned areas unless they are close to other areas with better cover.

Helpful links to learn more:

EDIS white-tailed deer fact sheet:

Fire University Podcast, Fire as a tool to increase nutrient availability for fawns and lactating does:

Deer University Podcast, Predator impacts:

Key deer mother lactating. White-tailed deer mothers leave fawns hiding, but visit them throughout the day to nurse. Photo: Michael Cove.