Invasive Species of the Day Series (March 6th): Chinese Privet & Alligator Weed

National Invasive Species Awareness Week: March 3rd – March 8th

March 6th: Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense) & Alligator Weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides):

Video courtesy of Aquatic and Invasive Plant Identification Series by the UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants ( and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, Invasive Plant Management Section.

Chinese Privet: Chinese Privet is a non-native shrubby tree commonly found in forested areas in northern Florida. This eastern invader thrives in low-lying, wet areas near forest openings and fence rows. Other species of the Ligustrum genus are commonly grown in landscapes. Chinese Privet can be identified in the spring by its small white flowers which omit a foul odor. Birds easily spread this weed by feeding on and excreting the fruit which contain many seeds. Additionally, Chinese Privet can spread by underground plant structures called rhizomes which allow new shoots to sprout up from the ground from a mother plant. For control options of Chinese Privet, see or contact your local extension agent.

For more information, contact the author Josh Thompson, Regional Agriculture/IPM Extension Agent 850-482-9620.

Alligator Weed: This highly invasive aquatic weed, which is a native of South America, was first discovered in Florida in 1894 and is believed to have been transmitted through ballast water.  Alligator Weed is usually found as sprawling mats

Alligator Weed photo by Vic Ramey courtesy of  UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida

Alligator Weed photo by Vic Ramey courtesy of UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida

across the surface of water. Although classified aquatic, it can be found along shorelines or dry land.

This plant is a category II invasive and also an aquatic weed. “This species is on the FL DACS Prohibited Aquatic Plant List – 5B-64.011. According to Florida Statute 369.25, No person shall import, transport, cultivate, collect, sell, or possess any noxious aquatic plant listed on the prohibited aquatic plant list established by the department without a permit issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. See 5B-64.011 for more information.”

There are several biological controls of Alligator Weed, such as the Alligator weed Flea Beetle. For more information about this biological control and others, please see the following IFAS extension publication. .

For more information, contact the author Matt Orwat, Horticulture Extension Agent 850-638-6180.

Invasive Species of the Day Series (March 4th): Cogongrass and Hydrilla

National Invasive Species Awareness Week: March 3rd – March 8th

March 4th: Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) & Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata):

Cogongrass Photo Credit: Chris Evans, Illionois Wildlife Action Plan,

Cogongrass Photo Credit: Chris Evans, Illionois Wildlife Action Plan,

Cogongrass: Cogongrass is one of the 10 worst weeds in the world.  This grass is an aggressive grower and forms colonies causing loss of productive forest areas, severe degradation of habitat, and economic issues.  Since its introduction in the 1900s, Cogongrass has spread to most of the counties in Florida.  Reproduction occurs through seed production and the creeping rhizome system.  This plant is prolific once established with the creation of a very dense rhizome system that retains water and releasing of allelopathic chemicals reducing competition from other plants. The main identifying characteristic is the off-center mid rib and its yellow green coloring.

Once this grass invades, it will quickly displace the native species and requires frequent and intensive controls.  Early detection is best since a small infestation is easier and cheaper to treat.  The larger infestations become more time intensive, expensive, and difficult.  There are treatment options for these infestations, make sure that specific instructions are followed and treatment is repeated.  For more information on the biology of this plant and various treatment options visit   Also, by contacting your local UF/IFAS Extension office for assistance and information.

For more information contact the author Brooke Saari, Sea Grant Marine Science Extension Agent, 850-689-5850

Hydrilla: Hydrilla is a submerged plant that grows in dense mats up to the surface of freshwater habitats, including ponds, lakes, springs, and rivers.  Growing at the rapid rate of an inch a day and up to 25 feet long, hydrilla shades out beneficial native plants and clogs waterways, preventing flood control, boating, shrimping and fishing.  In dense populations, the plant can alter oxygen levels and water chemistry and survive in a wide variety of nutrient conditions, sunlight availability, and temperatures.

Hydrilla Photo Credit: Vic Ramey, UF

Hydrilla Photo Credit: Vic Ramey, UF

Originally found in Asia and introduced to Florida (likely through Tampa and Miami) in the 1950’s as part of the aquarium trade, hydrilla has become a very expensive problem for the state.  Millions are spent annually on chemical and mechanical treatment simply to maintain the plant.  Adding to the problem is the fact that it is still available commercially, even though it has been placed on the US Federal Noxious Weed List.

Methods of control include mechanical harvesters and chopping machines (although fragments of hydrilla left in the water can regrow), introduced insects and fish (particularly the Chinese grass carp), aquatic herbicides, and lake drawdowns. Hydrilla is often transported from one body of water to the other by unknowing boaters moving fragments of the plant left on boats, trailers, or live wells, so learning to identify the plant and cleaning boats before leaving the ramp are helpful in prevention.  Visit the Extension Hydrilla IPM site for more helpful tips at:

For more information contact the author Carrie Stevenson, Coastal Sustainability & Natural Resources Agent, 850-475-5230.