We Did It; In 2023 Less Than 30% of the Fecal Bacteria Samples Collected in the Pensacola Bay Area Required a Health Advisory

We Did It; In 2023 Less Than 30% of the Fecal Bacteria Samples Collected in the Pensacola Bay Area Required a Health Advisory

Health advisories issued by the Department of Health (DOH) due to high levels of fecal bacteria have been a problem for some parts of the Pensacola Bay system for decades.  Though most of the samples collected near our beaches rarely require them (usually between 0-5%) the bayous near downtown have been at, or above, 30% of the samples.  Bayou Chico is often between 50-60% of the samples.  Fecal bacteria have been such a problem in Bayou Chico that it was required to adopt a state Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) to rectify the problem.   

Closed due to bacteria. Photo: Rick O’Connor

I began following the health advisory reports provided by DOH’s Healthy Beaches Program in 2012.  As mentioned above, swimming beaches near our islands rarely have health advisories issued.  The problem was with the three bayous near downtown.  In 2012 all three consistently reported 30%, or more, of their samples required an advisory to be issued. 

To rectify the problem the city and county have been doing a lot of work replacing old infrastructure that allowed sewage to leak from pipes or reach surface waters through sanitary sewage overflows.  Many communities around these bayous are converting from old septic systems to sewer, the communities around Bayou Texar are now all on sewer.  These same efforts are occurring along the north shore of Bayou Grande, and in neighborhoods around Bayou Chico.  Between 2012 and the present, I have seen the frequency of health advisories decline some.  Bayou Texar hovers around 30%, some years they are below, others above the mark.  In recent years Bayou Grande has consistently been between 25-30%.  Bayou Chico has declined some but is usually at or above 30%. 

In 2023, for the first time since I began following this, all 13 sites monitored in Escambia County were below 30%. 


Body of WaterNumber of samples takenPercent of samples requiring an advisory
Bayou Texar4522
Bayou Grande1822
Bayou Chico1921
Bruce Beach469
Big Lagoon State Park195
Sanders Beach464
Casino Beach180
Park East180
Park West180
Quietwater Beach180
Ft. Pickens70
Johnson’s Beach70
Opal Beach70

It is worth noting that our rainfall was low this year as well.  Historically, Pensacola received 60-61 inches of rain a year.  Over the last decade this has increased to 70-71 inches.  The current rainfall total for 2023 is 58 inches.  Many studies show a strong correlation between rainfall and the number of advisories issued.  It may very well be that the reduction in rainfall played a large part in the reduction of health advisories.  Despite a lot of progress repairing infrastructure, and this effort needs to continue, there are still some issues. 

Along with the city and county retrofitting old infrastructure, there are things area residents can do as well.

  • Many of these are related to poorly maintained septic systems throughout the area.  If you are a septic system owner and would like to learn more on how to properly maintain your septic system, contact your county extension office. 
  • If you are a septic system owner and are interested in converting to sewer to reduce the need for maintenance, contact our county extension office.  For some communities in the Pensacola area, there is a cost share program with DOH to help make this conversion. 
  • If you are on a sewer system in one of the older parts of town, the pipe leaving your house and connecting to the line under the street is your responsibility and may need repairing or replacing.  Many plumbing companies have a television scope that can examine this line and provide you feedback. 
  • For everyone, be careful what your pour down the drain.  Fats, Oils, Grease, and even milk can clog the pipes and cause sanitary sewage overflows or backups in the system.  Heavy rains only make this worse.  In the Pensacola area the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA) provides free plastic gallon jugs to place your cooking oil and grease in and, when full, can be swapped for another at several locations around town.  To find the closest disposal site to you visit https://ecua.fl.gov/live-green/fats-oils-grease.
The FOG gallon containers are found in these metal cabinets placed around the county. Photo: Rick O’Connor

Despite low rainfall this year, it is still good that all 13 sites were below 30% this year.  With the help of the local governments, agencies, and residents, hopefully it will remain so. 

The information provided here can be used by communities all along the Florida panhandle.  High fecal bacteria count, and health advisories are not limited to the Pensacola Bay System.  Contact your county extension office for more information on how you can help to reduce health advisories in your area. 

The 2023 Year in Review – Water Quality

The 2023 Year in Review – Water Quality

Based on an annual evaluation recent competed, and feedback from my advisory committee, water quality issues are the number one natural resource concern for those who follow my extension programs.  It makes sense.  Poor water quality can negatively impact businesses who depend on clean water, waterfront property values, tourism, and the untold numbers of Florida panhandle residents who recreate in our estuaries and bays.  The water quality issues I provided education on in 2023 are focused on the Pensacola Bay system, but these issues are probably similar across the Florida panhandle.  Those issues include excessive nutrients, fecal bacteria (and other microbes), and salinity.  We also wrote one article on the increasing water temperatures occurring in the summer. 

Let’s begin with the fecal bacteria issue.  In the Pensacola Bay area, it may be our number one concern.  The Florida Department of Health posts local health advisories each week and some bodies of water are issued advisories for over 30% of the samples that are taken.  Frequently Bayou Chico (in Pensacola Bay) is issued an advisory over 50% of the samples taken.  However, in 2023 (in the Pensacola area) the number of advisories never exceeded 30% for any body of water.  Seven of the 13 swimming beaches monitored did not post an advisory at all.  This is one of the best years we have had since I began monitoring them. 

Closed due to bacteria. Photo: Rick O’Connor

In 2023 eight of the 13 water quality articles I wrote were on this subject.  Three additional articles were posted by other extension agents on our panhandle e-newsletter team.  But my annual follow up survey showed very few adopted best management practices (BMPs) they could adopt to help reduce fecal bacteria in area waterways.  The reduction was more likely due to the effort by our local city and county to improve sewage infrastructure and the fact that we were in a drought for much of the year – there is a positive correlation between rainfall and the number of advisories issued for local waterways.  Despite the fact that few readers adopted BMPs this year, and advisories declined – at least in Pensacola – we still believe adopting these practices would help reduce this issue.  We will be developing a fact sheet in 2024 to help homeowners better understand these practices and help reduce health advisories.    

Another local water quality issue that is high on everyone’s mind is excessive nutrients.  This is actually one of the largest concerns nationwide.  Excessive nutrients can lead to algal blooms, which can lead to harmful algal blooms or low dissolved oxygen, which can lead to fish kills.  In the Pensacola Bay area large fish kills have not occurred in decades, but nutrient monitoring continues.  The UF IFAS Lakewatch program trains local volunteers how to collect water samples and measure water clarity.  The samples are analyzed in the Lakewatch lab on campus in Gainesville and the results sent back to the community.  In the Pensacola Bay area, we are currently monitoring six bodies of water (three stations in each).  Nutrients values are stable, or improving, in four of the six locations.  They are slightly elevated in Bayou Chico and one station in Bayou Texar is quite high in total nitrogen.  Despite the values at those stations, no algal blooms or fish kills occurred in either Bayou Chico or Bayou Texar (or anywhere else in the Pensacola Bay area) in 2023.  There are numerous sources for nutrients in local waterways and many behavior practices businesses and residents can adopt to help reduce nutrient pollution.  In 2023 I wrote only one article on this topic but plan to provide more education in 2024.     

A body of water receiving excess nutrients can turn green and unhealthy from too much algae growth. Photo Credit: UF IFAS FFL program

A third topic that caught attention this year was the warm water that occurred this past summer.  Extreme water temperatures can decrease dissolved oxygen below levels where most estuarine creatures can survive.  Many creatures have a thermal tolerance that could have been exceeded this year.  Industries like oyster farming are negatively impacted.  Many varieties of harmful algae thrive in warm conditions.  My extension program does not conduct any citizen science project that monitors water temperatures within the bay.  Working with our local oyster farmers, the local estuary program is beginning to monitor such, and more folks are taking notice of the issue.  Extension agents posted four articles on the subject this year.  Whether the summers of high-water temperatures will become more common is unknown.  The first thought on cause is climate, and management practices on how to reduce climate change are well documented.  It is also understood that adopting such practices will not reduce intense warm summers immediately but should still be adopted for the long term.  It is also possible that the current extreme heat summers are cyclic, and things will cool down (relatively) in coming seasons.  2023 was an El Nino year.  Monitoring and time will tell how this issue will play out.  That said, it would be smart to consider behavior changing practices for the future.  Extension will post more information on this topic in 2024.   

The Gulf of Mexico at sunrise. Photo: Rick O’Connor

One issue of concern personally was the impact of increased rain on the salinity of our bay.  There has been a noticeable (and measured) increase in rainfall in recent years.  For Pensacola, we historically received about 60 inches of rain each year – one of the wetter locations in the southeast.  But over the last decade this has increased to 70 inches per year.  Along with the increase in rainfall, there has been a noticeable increase in development.  This increase in development reduces the surface area of land that would naturally absorb this rainwater and recharge the much-needed aquifer.  Instead, this rainwater is diverted from the new developments to stormwater management projects – some that work well, others that do not.  The question I have on the table is whether this increase in stormwater run-off is decreasing the salinity of area waterways?  And, if so, is it to a level where local marine species (and those we are trying to restore) will be negatively affected?  To answer this question, I have trained volunteers to monitor salinity at locations around the bay area.  They are monitoring once a week, at the surface, near the shoreline.  Though the sampling location is not ideal, it is what our volunteers are able to do.  I had determined that the data would be collected until each volunteer reached 100 readings (about two years).  As of the end of 2023, five of the 13 monitoring locations (38%) have reached that 100-reading mark.  We know that the turtle grass and bay scallops, both species we would like to see increase in our bay, require salinity be at (or above) 20 parts per thousand.  Though there are many more weeks of monitoring needed to reach our mark, current data suggests that salinities have not altered from data posted decades ago and are high enough for these species to return in areas where they historically existed. 

I will finish this review with a comment that articles were posted in 2023 on issues I am not directly involved with, but know they are a concern in many areas of the panhandle.  Private drinking wells being one.  There were several articles posted by Dr. Andrea Albertin addressing this issue in 2023 and for those interested in this topic I recommend they read these, and/or reach out to her directly (albertin@ufl.edu.).  There was also an article that focused on water quality improvement BMPs in general posted by Khadejah Scott (Wakulla County) that may be of interest.  https://nwdistrict.ifas.ufl.edu/nat/2023/10/05/simple-steps-to-improve-local-water-quality/.

With this being a large issue with many in the Florida panhandle, extension will continue to publish articles and have programs on this topic.  Reach out to your local county extension office for more information. 

Simple Steps to Improve Local Water Quality

Simple Steps to Improve Local Water Quality

Clean water is vital for our health, the environment, and the sustainability of our communities. Pollution and contaminants can harm aquatic life, disrupt ecosystems, and upset the natural balance of our surroundings. By taking steps to maintain and enhance water quality, we ensure clean water for ourselves and future generations while preserving our precious environment. While the state addresses broader concerns, each of us can contribute to better water quality right at home. Here are some easy tips for improving water quality in your own backyard:

"A hand and a spade being used to spread fertilizer in a garden" UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones

UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones

  • Fertilize Appropriately: Plants need nutrients to grow, and proper fertilization is essential for their health. Following recommended rates and application schedules, as provided by UF/IFAS, can help prevent nutrient runoff and leaching, which can lead to water pollution in Florida. Always follow the instructions on the fertilizer label and adhere to local fertilizer regulations. When seeking professional landscaping assistance, make sure the provider is a licensed fertilizer applicator.
  • Maintain Your Septic Tank: Approximately one-third of Florida’s wastewater is treated by septic systems. However, many of these systems fail to adequately treat wastewater, releasing nutrients into our groundwater and surface waters. Regular inspections and pumping every 3-5 years are crucial to ensuring your system functions correctly. Dispose of human waste properly, maintain your drain field, and use water efficiently to keep your septic system in good working order.
"A stormwater pond in a residential neighborhood in Gainesville, FL." UF/IFAS Photo by Samantha Howley

UF/IFAS Photo by Samantha Howley

  • Care for Your Stormwater Pond: Stormwater ponds play a vital role in treating runoff water from neighborhoods. Look for plants along the pond’s banks, as they help filter nutrients from the water. These plants also act as a buffer between the pond and surrounding areas, such as lawns, roads, or sidewalks. Avoid removing or mowing these plants. If you live near a pond, maintain a 10-foot buffer between the pond and any areas where you apply fertilizer or herbicides to minimize the risk of pollutants reaching the pond and affecting its water quality.
  • Use Pesticides Wisely: Unwanted pesticides in water can harm the water’s quality. Reducing pesticide use benefits your family and the environment. By using fewer pesticides, you help preserve biodiversity, protect beneficial insects, and maintain ecosystem health.
  • Water Efficiently: A great way to conserve water is by being smart about how you care for your garden. To start, group plants with similar water needs together and make sure your watering system is set up correctly. Irrigation systems are designed to work alongside natural rain, so if rain is in the forecast, hold off on watering. To figure out when your plants need water, keep an eye out for signs of wilting in your grass or plants. When you do water, it’s best to do it in the morning to minimize water loss through evaporation. When you can, use a watering can, pail, or hose for precise watering. Regularly inspect your irrigation system for leaks, clogs, or breaks. Ensure that all sprinklers are directing water on your plants, not on the sidewalk.
"Lake Mize" UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones

UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones

Improving local water quality is essential for safeguarding our natural resources and the well-being of our communities. By adopting these simple strategies, you can actively contribute to reducing water pollution and preserving the beauty of our local waterways. For more information and guidance on improving water quality at home, don’t hesitate to contact your local UF/IFAS Extension. Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment and future generations.

It’s Been a Cruel Summer, Especially for Southern Oyster Farmers

It’s Been a Cruel Summer, Especially for Southern Oyster Farmers

There is a term that all oyster farmers dislike, it is almost like that one villain from a famous book/movie series where they shouldn’t say his name. That term is “unexplained spring/summer mortality” and it has been a growing issue along with the expansion of oyster farming throughout the southeast. While the art of oyster farming has been around since the time of the Romans, it is a relatively new venture here in the Gulf of Mexico, and Florida is home to over one hundred oyster farms. These farms are meticulously cared for by the oyster farm crew, with many different anti-fouling techniques and biosecurity measures in practice to provide the customer with a safe, clean product that you can consume even in the months without an R (another article on that coming later). Each year, farm managers can expect a 10-30% mortality event during the transition from winter into spring/summer, hence the term “unexplained spring/summer mortality.” Researchers and scientists from all over the southeast have been actively working to find a cause for this phenomenon, but the answer has been hard to find.

Dead, market ready oysters from one bag. Cause of death, “Unexplained Mortality Event 2022”
Photo by: Thomas Derbes II

Our Pensacola Bay has been a hotbed for oysters lately; The Nature Conservancy recently constructed 33 oyster beds along Escribano Point in East Bay, the establishment of the Pensacola & Perdido Bay Estuary Program, acquisition of a $23 million restoration grant with $ 10 million towards 1,482 acres of oyster restoration, and the establishment of oyster farms and hatcheries. In Pensacola Bay, there are currently 5 oyster farms in operation, one of those farms being a family-owned and operated Grayson Bay Oyster Company. Brandon Smith has been managing the business and farm for over 4 years now and has experienced mortality events during those prime spring/summer months. In recent years, they have experienced mortality events ranging from minimal to what many would consider “catastrophic,” and reports from around Florida and the Southeast convey a similar message. Concerned for not only the future of his family farm, but other oyster farms in the Southeast, he has been working with the most experienced institutions and groups in 2022 to possibly get an answer on his and other local “unexplained mortality events.” Each road led to the same answer of “we aren’t quite sure,” but this didn’t deter Smith or other the farmers who are dealing with similar issues.

In 2023, Smith was invited to participate in a Florida-Wide program to track water quality on their farm. This project, led by Florida Sea Grant’s Leslie Sturmer from the Nature Coast Biological Station in Cedar Key, Florida, hopes to shed some light on the changes in water quality during the transition from winter to spring and spring to summer. Water samples have also been taken weekly to preserve plankton abundance and the presence of any harmful algae if a mortality event does occur. With the hottest July on record occurring in 2023, temperature could play a role in mortality events, and now researchers are equipped with the right tools and open lines of communication to possibly find a solution to the problem.

3-month-old seed being deployed out on Grayson Bay Oyster Company’s farm in Pensacola, Florida (2023).
Photo by: Thomas Derbes II

As with traditional farming on land, oyster farming takes a mentally strong individual with an incredible work ethic and the ability to adapt to change. The Southeast has a resilient system of oyster farmers who display these traits and continue to put their noses down and “plant” seed every year for the continuation of a growing yet small industry, even through the hardest of trials and tribulations. Through collaboration with local and state institutions, stakeholders, programs, and citizens, oyster farmers are hopeful that they can solve this “unexplained mortality event” and help develop resilient farming techniques. An important message is local farms that have environmental and economic impacts cannot exist without the support of their community.

If you’re interested in tracking water quality on select farms, including Grayson Bay Oyster Company, the website is https://shellfish.ifas.ufl.edu/farms-2023/ and it is updated monthly.        

Private Well and Septic System Webinars and Well Water Screening

Private Well and Septic System Webinars and Well Water Screening

Are you a Florida homeowner connected to a private well and/or septic system? Do you know want to learn more about your water and wastewater management systems at home?

If so, please join the UF/IFAS Central and Northwest Florida water resources regional specialized agents Yilin Zhuang and Andrea Albertin, in our four free private well and septic system webinars in February and March:

  • Thursday, February 9 at 2:00 p.m.: Private Wells 101
  • Thursday, February 16 at 2:00 p.m.: Septic System 101
  • Thursday, February 23 at 2:00 p.m.: Private Well Care Before and After Storms
  • Thursday, March 2 at 2:00 p.m.: Septic System Care Before and After Storms

After completing the webinars, attendees will also receive free mail-in well water screening for total coliform bacteria and E. coli.

To register, please visit our Eventbrite page: https://2023FWON.eventbrite.com. These webinars are free, but we ask all attendees to register.

For more information, please contact Dr. Yilin Zhuang at yilinz@ufl.edu, or Dr. Andrea Albertin at albertin@ufl.edu or via telephone: (850) 875-7111.