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Assessing the Status of Diamondback Terrapins in the Florida Panhandle 2022 Update

Assessing the Status of Diamondback Terrapins in the Florida Panhandle 2022 Update


The diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is the only resident brackish water turtle in the United States.  Ranging from Massachusetts to Texas.  This estuarine turtle spends much of its time in coastal wetlands such as marshes and mangroves but have been found in seagrasses.  They feed primarily on bivalves, have strong site fidelity, and live to be 20-25 years in the wild.  Studies on their basic biology and ecology have been published throughout their range with the exception of the Florida panhandle. 

In 2005 the Marine Science Academy at Washington High School (MSA) was asked to survey coastal estuaries within the Florida panhandle to determine whether diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) existed there. 

Methods – Presence/Absence

To determine presence/absence MSA identified boat ramps near suitable terrapin habitat.  “Wanted” signs were placed at these ramps with our contact information and beach walk surveys were conducted seeking terrapins or terrapin sign.  Since the best time to conduct beach surveys is May and June (not suitable for high school), that part of the project moved to program director and his family. 

Surveys were conducted and terrapins were found in each of the six counties between the Alabama state line and the Apalachicola River. 

Methods – Relative Abundance

The next question was to assess their relative abundance.  To do this the team followed a protocol used by Tom Mann with the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources we call the “Mann-Method”.  There are recognized assumptions with this method.    

  1. Every sexually mature female within the population nests each season.
  2. Each female will lay more than one clutch per season but never more than one in a 16-day period. 
  3. You know where all nesting beaches are located.
  4. The sex ratio to males is 1:1. 

Going on these assumptions, every track, nest, or depredated nest on the nesting beach within a 16-day window is equivalent to one female.  If the sex ratio is 1:1, then each female is equivalent to one male, and you have a relative abundance of the population.  That said, there are publications suggesting the female: male ratio could be 1:3 or even 1:5 in the Florida panhandle.  We would report the relative abundance as 1:1 – 1:5 for each nesting site.

Another method of estimating relative abundance is conducting a 30-minute head count.  From a fixed location, or drifting in a kayak across the lagoon, every head spotted in a 30-minute period is logged.  The assumption here is that if the average number of heads / 30-minutes increase or decreases over time, the relative abundance within the population is increasing or decreasing as well. 

Trained volunteers conducted these surveys at least once a week at each nesting beach from April 1 to June 30 each year. 

2022 Data Update

  • 47 volunteers were trained in March of 2022; 21 (45%) participated in surveys. 
  • 173 surveys were conducted; 346 hours were logged.
  • Terrapins (or terrapin sign) were encountered during 43 of the surveys – Frequency of Encounters = 25% of the surveys. 
  • Surveys occurred in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Bay counties.  Encounters occurred in all counties except Bay. 

Beach Surveys – 2022

County# of Surveys# of EncountersFrequency of Encounters
Santa Rosa5815.26

Head Count Surveys – 2022

County# of SurveysRange of Heads/30-minMean of Heads/30 min
Santa Rosa20-4924

Estimated Relative Abundance Using the Mann-Method

CountyNesting Beach SurveyedRatio 1:1Ratio 1:3Ratio 1:5Relative Abundance for the County
Escambia148124-12 terrapins
Santa Rosa11224362-48 terrapins
Okaloosa12448722-72 terrapins
YearCountyRelative Abundance
2008Santa Rosa14-35
2009Santa Rosa14-35
2010Santa Rosa32-80
2011Santa Rosa10-50
2015Santa Rosa12-30
2018Santa Rosa16-40
2021Santa Rosa4-12
2022Santa Rosa2-48

Terrapins Captured – tagged – and tissue samples collected

County# of Terrapins Captured/Tagged/Tissue Collected
Santa Rosa2


At the beginning of this project Objective 1 was to determine whether diamondback terrapins existed in the Florida panhandle.  That objective has been met – they do, we have at least one verified record in all six counties between the Alabama state line and the Apalachicola River. 

Objective 2 is to determine the relative abundance within these counties.  The first step in addressing this objective is to determine where terrapins are nesting in each.  Nesting beaches have been identified in Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa counties – but we are not sure whether ALL of the nesting beaches in those counties have been identified. 

Known nesting beaches in Escambia County have changed over time.  Two of the three nesting locations have become inactive in recent years and other potential beaches have not been adequately surveyed to determine whether they are being used or not.  Based on one active nesting beach, the relative abundance of terrapins in Escambia County is low.  Estimations using the Mann-Method suggest that there are between 2-24 terrapins present. 

There are numerous potential nesting locations in Santa Rosa County but only a few have been adequately surveyed.  Currently there two active nesting beaches being surveyed and the relative abundance at these has run between 30-80 animals at one location, 6-36 at the other.  Going with this, there are between 6-80 terrapins present. 

Okaloosa has only recently been surveyed.  There are currently three active nesting beaches being surveyed and most of the nesting is occurring at one of those.  The location of these beaches suggests that these are all animals of the same group or clad and part of the same population.  Based on the results there are between 2-72 terrapins present. 

Surveys are JUST getting underway in Bay County and no surveys have been conducted in Walton. 

These data suggest that the relative abundance in each county is less than 100 and small when compared to other locations within their range. 


The results are only as good as the data being used.  The volunteers participating in this project are doing an excellent job, but the frequency of nesting beach visits and head counts surveys are lower than needed to make accurate assessments.  Several of the nesting beaches are in difficult places for volunteers to reach frequently and thus not surveyed as frequently as we would need.  More volunteer participation could help this.  Keep in mind that the Mann-Method also focuses on nesting females and males, immature females are not accounted for so the population would be slightly larger than estimated using this method.  That said, we do believe that the populations in this part of their range are most likely smaller than other parts of their range.  These surveys will continue.  Questions or comments can be directed to Rick O’Connor, Florida Sea Grant, University of Florida IFAS Extension,

¡Conviértase un cuidador de las vieiras (“Scallop Sitter”)! 

¡Conviértase un cuidador de las vieiras (“Scallop Sitter”)! 

¿Está interesado en hacer algo que beneficie a su comunidad marina local? ¡Disfruta de días al sol, como un “Scallop Sitter” (cuidador de las vieiras)! 

“Scallop Sitters” (cuidador de vieiras) es uno de nuestros programas de voluntariado cooperativo con Pesca y Vida Silvestre de Florida (FWC, por sus siglas en inglés). Históricamente, las poblaciones de vieiras de la bahía eran muy numerosas y podían sustentar las pesquerías en muchas bahías del norte de Florida, incluidas la bahía de San Andrés, la bahía de San Juan y el Puerto de los Caimanes (Condado de Franklin). Años consecutivos de malas condiciones ambientales, pérdida de hábitat y “mala suerte” en general resultaron en una escasa producción anual y provocaron el cierre de la pesquería de vieiras. La vieira de la bahía es una especie de corta vida que pasa de ser una cría a adultos que desovan y muere en un año aproximadamente. Las poblaciones de vieiras pueden recuperarse rápidamente cuando las condiciones de crecimiento son buenas y pueden disminuir drásticamente cuando las condiciones de crecimiento son malas.  

En 2011 se presentó la oportunidad de poner en marcha la restauración de las vieiras de la bahía del norte de Florida. Con la financiación del derrame de petróleo de Deepwater Horizon, se propuso un programa de restauración de vieiras en varios condados, que finalmente se estableció en 2016. Los científicos de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de Florida (FWC, por sus siglas en inglés) utilizan vieiras criadas en criaderos, obtenidos a partir de progenitores o reproductores de las bahías locales, para cultivarlas en masa y aumentar el número de adultos reproductores cerca del hábitat crítico de las praderas marinas.  

La Pesca y Vida Silvestre de Florida (FWC, por sus siglas en inglés) también creó otro programa en el que los voluntarios pueden ayudar con la restauración llamado “Scallop Sitters” en 2018 e invitó a UF/IFAS Extension a ayudar a dirigir la parte de voluntarios del programa en 2019, lo que llevó a esfuerzos específicos en los condados del Golfo y la Bahía.

Para ayudar a las vieiras, los “Scallop Sitters” trabajan con UF/IFAS Extension, Florida Sea Grant y los científicos de restauración de la Pesca y Vida Silvestre de Florida (FWC, por sus siglas en inglés) limpiando las vieiras y comprobando la salinidad una vez al mes desde junio hasta enero. Foto de Tyler Jones, UF/IFAS Extension y Florida Sea Grant. 

Después del hiato de 2020 debido a COVID-19, el programa presumió de casi 100 voluntarios para la campaña de 2021. UF/IFAS Extension se asocia de nuevo con Pesca y Vida Silvestre de Florida (FWC, por sus siglas en inglés) en los Condados de Bahía y Golfo y Franklin. A pesar de los retos que suponen las lluvias, la escorrentía de las aguas pluviales y la baja salinidad, nuestros voluntarios de Scallop Sitter han proporcionado información valiosa a los investigadores y a los esfuerzos de restauración, especialmente en estos primeros años de nuestro programa. Los “Scallop Sitters” recogen información útil sobre la salinidad en las bahías de destino. Pero la mayor parte del impacto se produce al observar de cerca sus vieiras. Las vieiras que mantienen sus cuidadores tienen más posibilidades de desovar con éxito cuando sea el momento adecuado. 

Una jaula “Scallop Sitter” lista para ser colocada cerca de las praderas marinas. Las jaulas son herramientas de restauración utilizadas para producir crías de vieira durante el ciclo anual de crecimiento. Foto de L. Scott Jackson. 

¿Qué hace un cuidador de vieiras? Los voluntarios dirigen jaulas de exclusión de depredadores de vieiras, que quedan colocadas en la bahía o junto a un muelle. Los “Scallop Sitters” (cuidador de vieiras) vigilan la tasa de mortalidad y recogen datos sobre la salinidad que ayudan a determinar los objetivos de restauración y el éxito en las zonas seleccionadas. 

¡Está invitado! ¡Cómo convertirse un “Scallop Sitter” (cuidador de vieiras)!

Las fechas de entrenamiento para 2023 se anunciarán en breve. Por favor, envíenos un correo electrónico si está interesado en ser voluntario o en recibir información adicional. Chantille Gooding, Coordinadora de Recursos Costeros del Condado de la Bahía.

Una institución con igualdad de oportunidades. UF/IFAS Extension, Universidad de Florida, Instituto de Ciencias Alimentarias y Agrícolas, Andra Johnson, Decana de UF/IFAS Extension. Las copias individuales de las publicaciones de UF/IFAS Extension (excluyendo las publicaciones de 4-H y de los jóvenes) están disponibles gratuitamente para los residentes de Florida en las oficinas de UF/IFAS Extension del condado.

Versión original de este blog en inglés:  


Compilado por: 

Ray Bodrey, Director de Extensión del Condado de Gulf, Agente II
         Agricultura y Recursos Naturales, Horticultura 


By: Chantille Gooding
Posted 10/07/2022 

Weekly “What is it?”: Coastal Plain Honeycombhead & Gulf Coast solitary bee

Weekly “What is it?”: Coastal Plain Honeycombhead & Gulf Coast solitary bee

Coastal plain honeycombhead blooms through the summer on local beaches. Photo credit, Bob Pitts, National Park Service

Over my years of leading people on interpretive trail hikes, I have learned it is particularly important to know the names of whatever happens to be in bloom. These flowers are eye-catching, and inevitably someone will ask what they are. In fact, one of my favorite wildflower identification books is categorized not by taxonomy, but by bloom color—with a rainbow of tabs down the edge of the book for easy identification.

Wildflower identification can be tough, but color-coded guidebooks are really helpful! Photo credit: Carrie Stevenson, UF IFAS Extension

In our coastal dunes right now, several plants are showing off vibrant yellow blooms. Seaside goldenrod, coreopsis, and other asters are common. Rarer, and the subject of today’s post, is the Coastal Plain Honeycombhead (Balduina angustifolia). It has bright yellow flowers, but often gets more notice due to its unusual appearance when not in bloom. The basal leaves are bright green and similar in shape and arrangement to a pine cone or bottlebrush (albeit a tiny one), sticking straight up in the sand. The plants are typically found on the more protected back side of primary dunes or further into secondary dunes, a little more inland from the Gulf.

When not in bloom, the plant resembles a green pinecone planted in the sand. Photo credit: Carrie Stevenson, UF IFAS Extension

The plant plays a special role in beach ecology, as a host plant for Gulf fritillary butterflies and the Gulf Coast solitary bee (Hesperapis oraria). The bee is a ground-dwelling pollinator insect that forages only in the barrier islands of Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. The species is currently the subject of a University of Florida study (they’re out at Ft. Pickens right now), as the endemic bee’s sole source of nectar and pollen is the honeycombhead flower. As of publication date, no bee nests have been discovered. Researchers are interested in learning more about the insect’s life cycle and nesting behaviors to better understand and protect its use of local habitats. Based on closely related species, it is believed the Gulf Coast solitary bee builds a multi-chambered nest under the soft sands of the dunes.

Adult female Hesperapis oraria foraging on coastal plain honeycombhead (Balduina angustifolia). Photograph by John Bente, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Park Service.

While the honeycombhead plant is found in peninsular Florida and coastal Georgia, the bee has been identified only in a 100 km² area between Horn Island, MS, and St. Andrews Bay, FL. Luckily for the bee, large swaths of this land are preserved as part of Gulf Islands National Seashore and several state parks. Nonetheless, these coastal dune habitats are threatened by hurricanes, sea level rise, and development (outside the park boundaries). Due to its rarity and limited habitat, a petition has been submitted to the Fish and Wildlife Service for protection under the Endangered Species Act.unfilled heart 0

Discovering Dissolved Oxygen

Discovering Dissolved Oxygen

We all know how important oxygen is to all life.  It is an element with the atomic number of 8, meaning it has eight protons and eight electrons.  It has an atomic mass of 16 indicating that it also has eight neutrons.  Oxygen is a gas at room temperature indicating that 70°F is VERY hot for this element.  It is a diatomic molecule, meaning that it likes to combine with other elements and will combine with itself if need be.  Oxygen is not actually O, it is O2 in nature.  There is a triatomic form of this element, O3, which is called ozone – but that is another story.

Again, we know oxygen is much needed by living organisms.  Well… by most living organisms – there are some microbes that can survive with little or no oxygen, but for the majority of the creatures we are familiar with, it is a must. 

I have asked students why oxygen was so important to life.  I usually get the answer “that we will die without it”.  I respond by asking again – “but WHY do we need it?  What does it DO?”  And the response usually does not change – “we must have it or we will die”.  There is no doubt that it is important.  Being in an atmosphere with little or no oxygen sends our bodies into a “stress mode” gasping – but what DOES the element actually do for us? 

Life is abundant on this planet due to the presence of oxygen. Photo: Rick O’Connor

Oxygen is needed to complete the reaction we call respiration.  For most, the term respiration means “breathing” and this would be correct – but it is more than that.  It is an oxygen demanding reaction we all need to remain alive.  In this reaction the sugar molecule glucose (C6H12O6) is oxidized to produce Adenosine triphosphate (ATP – C10H13N5O13P3).  ATP is the “energy” molecule needed for cells to function – our gasoline.  It fuels all metabolic reactions needed to sustain life.  ATP cannot be consumed in food, it must be made in the cell and, as the reaction below shows, it requires sugar (which we get from food) and oxygen (which we inhale from the atmosphere) to work.

C6H12O6 + O2 –> CO2 + H2O + ATP

This reaction will produce 36 of the much-needed molecules of ATP with each cycle.  It is known that in anaerobic respiration (the break down of glucose without oxygen) it will also produce ATP but not as much – only 2 molecules of it instead of 36.  So, for most creatures’ aerobic respiration (with oxygen) is preferred and needed.  

The primary source of oxygen on our planet is plants.  This suggest that before plants existed there may have been little, or no, oxygen on in our atmosphere and scientists believe this was the case.  When you look at the fossil records it suggests that prior to plants existence there was life (anaerobic life) but after plants the diversity and abundance of life exploded.  Aerobic respiration seems to be the way to go. 

As most know, plants produce oxygen in the process known as photosynthesis.  This chemical reaction is used by the plants to produce the other needed respiration molecule glucose.  Plants produce their own glucose and so are called producers, while other creatures, including animals, are consumers – consuming glucose in their food.  The reaction for photosynthesis is –

CO2 + H2O –> C6H12O6 + O2

The excess oxygen produced in this reaction is released into the atmosphere by the plants.  It makes up 20% of our atmosphere and this allows life as we know it to exist.  Note… almost 50% of the oxygen in our atmosphere comes from single celled algae called phytoplankton that grow and exist at the surface of our oceans.    

Single celled algae are the “grasses of the sea” and provide the base of most marine food chains. Photo: University of New Hampshire

But what about aquatic creatures who do not breath the atmosphere you and I do?  How do they obtain this much needed oxygen drifting in our atmosphere? 

The answer is in dissolved oxygen.  Oxygen, being a gas, is released into the atmosphere.  Even the oxygen produced by submerged aquatic plants, like seagrasses and algae, release their oxygen as a bubble of gas which floats to the surface, pops, and is released to the atmosphere.  To get that back to the creatures in the water who need it as much as we do, you have to “dissolve” it into the water. 

To do this you must break the hydrogen bonds that connect water molecules to each other.  Water is a polar molecule, and each molecule connects to each other like magnets using hydrogen bonds.  These hydrogen bonds are weak and easy to break, but you must MOVE the water in order to do this. 

The water molecule. Image: Florida Atlantic University

Water movement, such as waves, currents, and tides, will do it.  The more movement you have the more oxygen will dissolve into it.  Waterways such as the rapids of mountain rivers and waterfalls will have high concentrations of dissolved oxygen – usually over 10 µg/L.  For some creatures this could be too high – like an oxygen rush to the head – but for others, like brook trout, it is perfect.  They do not do well in water with dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations less than 10. 

For most waterways the DO concentrations run between 4 and 10 µg/L.  Most systems run between 5-7.  Waterways with a DO concentration less that 4 µg/L are termed hypoxic – oxygen deprived – and many creatures cannot live at these levels.  They are literally gasping for air.  I have seen fish at the surface of our local waterways when the DOs are low gasping for much needed oxygen through the atmosphere.  It is also the primary reason the great crab jubilees of Mobile Bay occurs.  Low levels of DO in the bay will trigger many creatures to leave seeking higher DO in the open Gulf.  But for some benthic creatures – like stingray, flounder, and blue crabs – they will literally run onto the beach gasping for oxygen.  The fish known as menhaden are particularly sensitive to low DOs and are one of the first to die when concentrations begin to dip below 4.  When you see the surface of a waterway littered with dead menhaden it typically means there is a DO problem. 

Slick calm water diffuses/dissolves less oxygen. Photo: Molly O’Connor

That said, some creatures, like catfish, can tolerate this and do not become stressed until the concentrations get below 2 µg/L.  If they ever reach 0 µg/L (and I have seen this twice – once in Mobile Bay and once in Bayou Texar) the waterway is termed anoxic – NO oxygen.  This is obviously not good.  Some are familiar with the “Louisiana Dead Zone”.  An area of the open Gulf of Mexico south of the Mississippi River where DO levels decline in the summer to levels where most benthic species, particularly shrimp, are hard to find.  It seems “dead” – void of marine life.  This is also a DO issue. 

How – or why – do dissolved oxygen levels get that low?

There are three basic reasons to this answer. 

  1. The surface is still, and little atmosphere oxygen is being “dissolved”.  We have all seen calm days when the water is as slick as glass.  On days like these, less oxygen is being dissolved into the system and the DO concentrations begin to drop.  But how low will they go? 
  2. The water is warm.  Higher water temperatures hold less oxygen.  As the water warms the oxygen “evaporates” and the DO concentrations begin to decline.  If it is a warm calm day (like those during a high-pressure system in summer) you have both working against you and the DO may drop too low.  Most fish kills due to DO concentrations occur during the hot calm summer days. 
  3. What is called biological oxygen demand.  All creatures within the system demand oxygen and remove it from the water column.  However, in most cases, atmospheric dissolved oxygen will replace for a net loss of zero (or close to it).  But when creatures die and sink to the bottom the microbes that decompose their bodies also demand oxygen.  If there is a lot of dead organic material on the bottom of the waterway that needs to be broken down, the oxygen demanding microbes can significantly decrease the DO concentrations.  This dead organic material is not restricted to fish and crabs that die but would include plant material like leaves and grass clippings from our yards, organic waste like feces, food waste, the carcasses of cleaned fish, any organic material that can be broken down can trigger this process. 

Now picture the perfect storm.  A hot summer day with no wind and high humidity over a body of water that has heavy organic loads of leaves, dead fish carcasses, and waste.  BAM – hypoxia… – low DO… fish kill… which would trigger more oxygen demanding decomposition and – more dead fish – a vicious cycle.   

You have probably gathered that low dissolved oxygen concentrations can occur naturally – and this is true – but they can also be enhanced by our activity.  Allowing organic material from our yards (grass clippings, leaves, and pet waste) to enter a body of water will certainly enhance the chance of a hypoxic condition and a possible fish kill – which would in turn fuel lower DO and poor water quality state for that body of water.  The release of human waste (food and garbage, sewage, etc.) will also trigger this.  And throwing fish carcasses after cleaning at the boat dock will too. 

But there is another process that more people are becoming familiar with that has been a problem for some time.  The process of eutrophication.  Eutrophic indicates the waterway is nutrient rich.  These nutrients are needed by the plants in order to grow – and they do.  Particularly the single celled algae known as phytoplankton.  These phytoplankton begin to grow in huge numbers.  So, abundant that they can color the water – make it darker.  As mentioned above, they produce a lot of oxygen, but at night they consume it, and with SO much phytoplankton in the water they can consume a large amount of DO.  The DOs begin to drop as the evening wears on and before sunrise may reach concentrations low enough to trigger a fish kill.  These phytoplankton will eventually die and with the large mass of organic matter sinking to the bottom, the oxygen demand to decompose them can trigger larger fish kills.  These fish kills in turn demand more oxygen to decompose and the process of eutrophication can create a waterway with very poor water quality and a habitat unsuitable for many aquatic creatures.  It is not good.  This is the process that causes the Louisiana Dead Zone each summer.  The nutrients are coming from the Mississippi River. 

One of 39 stormwater drains into Bayou Texar that can introduce a variety of organic compounds that can fuel eutrophication. Photo: Rick O’Connor

So, is there anything we can do to help reduce this from happening?

Well, remember some hypoxic conditions are natural and they will happen.  But there are things we can do to not enhance them or trigger them in waterways that would otherwise not have them. 

  1. When raking your yard, place all leaves in paper bags for pick up.  This keeps the leaves from washing into the street during rain events (and we are getting plenty of those) and eventually into a local waterway.  The problem with using plastic bags is that the local utility who collects them can no longer compose this into mulch.  You might consider using your leaves and grass clippings for landscaping yourself. 
  2. Watch fertilization of your yard.  Many over fertilize their yards and the unused fertilizer is washed into the street and eventually into the local waterway.  These fertilizers will do to phytoplankton what they were designed to do with your lawn – make them grow.  Of course, not fertilizing your yard would be best, but if you must place only the amount, and type, your lawn needs.  Your extension office can help you determine what that would be. 
  3. Pick up pet waste when you take your pets out to go to the bathroom. 
  4. If you have a septic tank – maintain it.  You can also look into converting to a sewer system. 
  5. If you are on sewer – watch what you pour down the drain.  Many products – such as fats, oils, and grease – can create clogs that cause sanitary sewage overflows when we have heavy rains (and we will have heavy rains).  Our local utility in the Pensacola area offers the FOG program (Fats, Oils, and Grease).  In this program you can pick up a clean 1-gallon plastic container to pour your fats, oils, and grease into.  Once full, you bring it back and switch for a clean empty.  To find where these containers bins are located near you visit the ECUA website –
1-gallon container provided free to dispose of your oil and grease. Photo: Rick O’Connor

Dissolved oxygen concentrations naturally go up and down, and sometimes low enough to trigger a natural fish kill but following some of the suggestions above can help reduce how frequently these happen and can help to make our estuary healthier. 

Mountains of Jellyfish

Mountains of Jellyfish

In recent weeks there have been reports of large masses of jellyfish along the Gulf Coast.  I have actually heard people state “I would rather be in the water with 100 sharks than 100 jellyfish”.  Maybe that is true from some.  Honestly, it seems dealing with sharks could be easier.  Jellyfish are just there in a swarm.  The more you try to move them away, the more they come towards you – it is like trying to avoid the smoke from a campfire. 

But jellyfish exist and people sometimes have to deal with them.  The thing they hate about them, of course, are their painful stings.  As Jimmy Buffett puts it – “They are simple protoplasm – clear as cellophane – they ride the winds of fortune – life without a brain”.  This is prreeettttyyyyy close. 

Jellyfish are common on both sides of the island. This one has washed ashore on Santa Rosa Sound.

The “cellophane” jelly material is called mesoglea and it is a protein-based material that is 90% water.  Lay a jellyfish on a deck and see what is left at the end of the day – not much.  The bell undulates rhythmically controlled not by a brain but by a series of nerves – what some scientists call a “nerve net”.  At the base of the bell is a single opening – the mouth.  There are no teeth and whatever they swallow enters a simple gut where digestive enzymes do their work.  But it is the only opening – so, waste material must exit through the same opening.  Yes… they go to the bathroom through their mouth.  Nice eh…

Then there are the tentacles – those lovely tentacles.  These are armed with small cells called nematocysts that harbor a small dart tipped with a drop of venom.  Each nematocyst as a small trigger which, when bumped, will fire the dart injecting the venom.  When you bump a tentacle, you are literally bumping hundreds of these nematocysts and receive hundreds of drops of venom.  Some species hurt, some do not.  Those that hurt are no fun. 

So, why SO many at one time in one place? 

Most jellyfish feed on small food.  Those food sources tend to multiple when the water is warm (and it is warm right now) and there are lots of nutrients in the water.  When we have heavy rain (and we have had heavy rains this year) the runoff introduces large amounts of nutrients to the system.  Warm nutrient rich water mean increase in jellyfish food, which in turn means increase in jellyfish.  With winds and tides working together (and we saw this with the recent front that passed through), the jellyfish are shoved into smaller locations.  In recent weeks that has been close to shore and the thick masses of jellyfish we have witnessed. 

They do fly the purple flags when jellyfish are spotted.  It us unusual for them to be a problem on both the Sound and Gulf sides.  So, usually if they are bad on the Gulf side, you can move your beach day to the Sound and be fine.  And remember – this too shall end.  It won’t last forever. 

The Pensacola Bay Horseshoe Crab Hunt 2022

The Pensacola Bay Horseshoe Crab Hunt 2022

This is an amazing animal – the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus).  A relic of an age before the dinosaurs, they have been plowing the sediments of our marine and estuarine waters for over 400 million years. 

They are thick armored tanks, shaped like horseshoes with a long spikey tail giving them appearance of a stingray.  They are usually a deep green color, though some have a brownish hue, and have two lighter colored eyes on each side of the head, though there is a third you cannot see.  They crawl across the bottom of the Gulf and bays seeking smaller invertebrates to eat. Their armor protects them from most predators, but they do have a few, like the loggerhead sea turtle.  Though harmless to people, they don’t appear that way with numerous spines running along their abdomen and the long spine extending from the rear on a ball and socket joint that allows them to swing it, albeit slowly, in circles.  They are pretty cool actually. 

This female is carrying a male on a beach in Big Lagoon within the National Seashore. Photo: Bob Pitts

They are actually not crabs.  They are in the Phylum Arthropoda, like crabs, but not in the Subphylum Crustacea, as crabs are.  Rather they are in the Subphylum Chelicerata and more closely related to the arachnids like spiders and scorpions.  There are four species of these creatures remaining on the planet, three of those live in Asia, one along the Atlantic and Gulf coast of the United States. 

Horseshoe crabs vary in size throughout their range but are typically between one to two feet in length and up to one foot across the head.  This would be the size of a large female; males are much smaller. 

They are benthic creatures exploring the bottom of both the bays and the open oceans searching for food. 

Life for a horseshoe crab begins on the shore.  Mom buries her eggs in the sand at the tideline during the spring high tide of either the spring or fall season.  They young emerge between two and four weeks and begin life as plankton (though they resemble the adults at this stage).  They eventually settle out as juveniles in the seagrasses near where they were born and begin their life as benthic creatures.  The large adults eventually work their way out into the open ocean to feed before returning to start the cycle over. 

A large horseshoe crab found in Little Sabine. Photo: Amanda Mattair

When the females return, smaller males pursue her to shore in hopes of being the one to fertilize her eggs.  Many times, a male will use a modified claw that resembles a hook to grab on to the back of the female and ride in with her.  But several other males, called satellites, will continue across the bottom in pursuit.  Once on the beach she will begin to deposit her eggs in the sand at high tide and the males rush in to fertilize.  Studies show that more often than not it is one of the satellites who is successful.  And so, it goes over their 20 year life span, and this has been going on for hundreds of millions of years. 

Their range extends from the Gulf of Maine to the Gulf of Mexico.  Populations within this range have declined in recent years and there have been efforts throughout to manage this problem.  Here in Florida the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has developed a citizen science project they call The Florida Horseshoe Crab Watch where volunteers visit nesting beaches to collect information from the animals and tag them.  Here in Pensacola Bay, though we have seen horseshoe crabs, we have not identified any nesting beaches and that is the focus of our Pensacola Bay Horseshoe Crab Hunt… to find those nesting beaches. 

In 2017 we began marking horseshoe crab sightings in the Pensacola Bay area on a map.  The purpose of this was to determine if there were “hotspots” (locations that had repeated sightings) that we could use to search for nesting locations.  Beginning in 2020 we trained citizen science volunteers to survey one of nine such hotspot locations.  Each of these were laid out with beach walking transects that ranged from 0.30 to 0.95 miles in length (mean = 0.69 miles). 

In 2022 we trained 14 volunteers in March to survey these transects.  They were instructed to visit one of the nine locations ± 30 minutes of spring high tide during the spring months (April-June).  All of the spring tides were provided to them, but they had to use an outside resource to determine what time high tide as their location.  Each volunteer was provided an FWC data sheet to complete after each survey and submit these to the local Sea Grant Extension Agent. 

This horseshoe crab pair was found on shore near Wakulla Florida. Photo: Charles Pulley

12 of the 14 volunteers (86%) did conduct at least one survey.  These surveys covered six of the nine transect locations (67%) and others surveyed nine new locations. 

A total of 77 surveys were conducted during the spring of 2022 for a total of 23.7 miles and logging 77 hours.  No horseshoe crabs were sighted, and no nesting beaches were found. 

That said, the general public continued to call in sighting reports outside of the official surveys.  Six residents sent the Sea Grant Extension Agent records of sightings at six locations around the bay area.  Three of these were locations were transect locations we are currently surveying, further confirming these are good places to search.  Those three were Big Sabine, Little Sabine, and Sharp Point on Pensacola Beach.  The other three locations included Portofino and the point at Ft. Pickens on Pensacola Beach as well as Navarre Beach

Locations that were surveyed and no sightings were reported included Park West and Morgan Park on Pensacola Beach, Naval Live Oaks in Gulf Breeze, Sanders Beach and Bayou Grande in Pensacola, and Galvez Landing, Perdido Key State Park, Big Lagoon State Park and Tarkiln Bayou out near Perdido Key. 

We will continue to search these sites each year in hopes of finding nesting horseshoe crabs.  We encourage everyone to continue to report sightings to the Sea Grant Extension Agent in Escambia County (850-475-5230; ) and consider becoming a volunteer in the spring. 

Horseshoe crab molts found on the beach near Big Sabine. Photo: Holly Forrester.