The Rare Coastal Dune Lakes of Walton County

The Rare Coastal Dune Lakes of Walton County

Western Dune Lake Tour

Walton County in the Florida Panhandle has 26 miles of coastline dotted with 15 named coastal dune lakes.  Coastal dune lakes are technically permanent bodies of water found within 2 miles of the coast. However, the Walton County dune lakes are a unique geographical feature found only in Madagascar, Australia, New Zealand, Oregon, and here in Walton County.

What makes these lakes unique is that they have an intermittent connection with the Gulf of Mexico through an outfall where Gulf water and freshwater flow back and forth depending on rainfall, storm surge and tides. This causes the water salinity of the lakes to vary significantly from fresh to saline depending on which way the water is flowing. This diverse and distinctive environment hosts many plants and animals unique to this habitat.

There are several ways to enjoy our Coastal Dune Lakes for recreation.  Activities include stand up paddle boarding, kayaking, or canoeing on the lakes located in State Parks.  The lakes are popular birding and fishing spots and some offer nearby hiking trails.

The state park provides kayaks for exploring the dune lake at Topsail. It can be reached by hiking or a tram they provide.

Walton County has a county-led program to protect our coastal dune lakes.  The Coastal Dune Lakes Advisory Board meets to discuss the county’s efforts to preserve the lakes and publicize the unique biological systems the lakes provide. Each year they sponsor events during October, Dune Lake Awareness month.  This year, the Walton County Extension Office is hosting a Dune Lake Tour on October 17th.  Registration will be available on Eventbrite starting September 17th. You can check out the Walton County Extension Facebook page for additional information.

2024 Pensacola Scallop Search Report

2024 Pensacola Scallop Search Report


The bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) was once common in the lower portions of the Pensacola Bay system.  However, by 1970 they were all but gone.  Closely associated with seagrass, especially turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum), some suggested the decline was connected to the decline of seagrass beds in this part of the bay.  Decline in water quality and overharvesting by humans may have also been a contributor.  It was most likely a combination of these factors.

Scalloping is a popular activity in our state.  It can be done with a simple mask and snorkel, in relatively shallow water, and is very family friendly.  The decline witnessed in the lower Pensacola Bay system was witnessed in other estuaries along Florida’s Gulf coast as well.  Today commercial harvest is banned, and recreational harvest is restricted to specific months and to the Big Bend region of the state.  With the improvements in water quality and natural seagrass restoration, it is hoped that the bay scallop may return to lower Pensacola Bay.

Since 2015 Florida Sea Grant has held the annual Pensacola Bay Scallop Search.  Trained volunteers survey pre-determined grids within Big Lagoon and Santa Rosa Sound.  Below is the report for both the 2024 survey and the overall results since 2015.


Scallop searchers are volunteers trained by Florida Sea Grant.  Teams are made up of at least three members.  Two snorkel while one is the data recorder.  More than three can be on a team.  Some pre-determined grids require a boat to access, others can be reached by paddle craft or on foot.

Once on site the volunteers extend a 50-meter transect line that is weighted on each end.  Also attached is a white buoy to mark the end of the line.  The two snorkelers survey the length of the transect, one on each side, using a 1-meter PVC pipe to determine where the area of the transect ends.  This transect thus covers 100m2.  The surveyors record the number of live scallops they find within this area, measure the height of the first five found in millimeters using a small caliper, which species of seagrass are within the transect, the percent coverage of the seagrass, whether macroalgae are present or not, and any other notes of interest – such as the presence of scallop shells or scallop predators (such as conchs and blue crabs).  Three more transects are conducted within the grid before returning.

The Pensacola Scallop Search occurs during the month of July.

2024 Results

A record 168 volunteers surveyed 15 of the 66 1-nautical mile grids (23%) between Big Lagoon State Park and Navarre Beach.  152 transects (15,200m2) were surveyed logging 133 scallops.  An additional 50 scallops were found outside the official transect for a total of 183 scallops for 2024.

2024 Big Lagoon Results

75 volunteers surveyed 7 of the 11 grids (64%) within the Big Lagoon.  67 transects were conducted covering 6,700m2.

101 scallops were logged with an additional 42 found outside the official transects.  This equates to 3.02 scallops/200m2.  Scallop searchers reported blue crabs and conchs, both scallop predators, as well as some sea urchins.  All three species of seagrass were found (Thalassia, Halodule, and Syringodium).  Seagrass densities ranged from 5-100%.  Macroalgae was present in six of the seven grids (86%) but was never abundant.

2024 Santa Rosa Sound Results

93 volunteers surveyed 8 of the 55 grids (14%) in Santa Rosa Sound.  85 transects were conducted covering 8,500m2.

32 scallops were logged with an additional 8 found outside the official transects.  This equates to 0.76 scallops/200m2.  Scallop searchers reported blue crabs, conchs, and sand dollars.  All three species of seagrass were found.  Seagrass densities ranged from 50-100%.  Macroalgae was present in five of the eight grids (62%) and was abundant in grids surveyed on the eastern end of the survey area.


2015 – 2024 Big Lagoon Results

Year No. of Transects No. of Scallops Scallops/200m2
2015 33 0 0.00
2016 47 0 0.00
2017 16 0 0.00
2018 28 0 0.00
2019 17 0 0.00
2020 16 1 0.12
2021 18 0 0.00
2022 38 0 0.00
2023 43 2 0.09
2024 67 101 3.02
Big Lagoon Overall 323 104 0.64


2015 – 2024 Santa Rosa Sound Results  

Year No. of Transects No. of Scallops Scallops/200m2
2015 01 0 0.00
2016 01 0 0.00
2017 01 0 0.00
2018 01 0 0.00
2019 01 0 0.00
2020 01 0 0.00
2021 20 0 0.00
2022 40 2 0.11
2023 28 2 0.14
2024 85 32 0.76
Santa Rosa Sound Overall 1731 36 0.42


1 Transects were conducted during these years but data for Santa Rosa Sound was logged by an intern with the Santa Rosa County Extension Office and is currently unavailable.


Based on a Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute publication in 2018, the final criteria are used to classify scallop populations in Florida.

Scallop Population / 200m2 Classification
0-2 Collapsed
2-20 Vulnerable
20-200 Stable

Based on this, over the last nine years we have surveyed, the populations in lower Pensacola Bay are still collapsed.  However, you will notice that in 2024 the population in Big Lagoon moved from collapsed to vulnerable for this year alone.

There are some possible explanations for this.

  • The survey effort in Big Lagoon was stronger than Santa Rosa Sound. 75 volunteers surveyed 7 of the 11 grids.  This equates to 11 volunteers / grid surveyed and 64% of the survey area was covered.  With Santa Rosa Sound there were 93 volunteers who surveyed 8 of the 55 grids.  This equates to 12 volunteers / grid surveyed but only 14% of the survey area was covered.  Most of the SRS grids surveyed were in the Gulf Breeze/Pensacola Beach area.  More effort east of Big Sabine may yield more scallops found.
  • There is the possibility of different teams counting the same scallops. Each grid is 1-nautical mile, so the probability of one team laying their transect over an area another team did is low, but not zero.
  • It is known that scallops have periodic population booms. Our search this year may have witnessed this.  We will know if encounters significantly decrease in 2025.

Whether there was double counting this year or not, the frequency of encounter was much higher than in previous years.  There were multiple reports from the public on social media about scallop encounters as well, and in some places we did not survey.  It is also understood that scallops mass spawn.  So, high density populations are required for reproductive success.  The “boom” we witnessed this year suggests that there is a population of scallops – albeit a collapsed one – in our bay.  It is important for locals NOT to harvest scallops from either body of water.  First, it is illegal.  Second, any chance of recovering this lost population will be lost if the adult population densities are not high enough for reproductive success.


We would like to thank ALL 168 volunteers who surveyed this year.  We obviously could not have done this without you.

Below are the “team captains”.


Harbor Amiss                                              Glen Grant                       Eric Stone

David Anderson                                          Phil Harter                       Neil Tucker

Laura Baker                                                 Gina Hertz                       Christian Wagley

Melinda Bennett                                         Sean Hickey                    Jaden Wielhouwer

Samantha Bergeron (USM class)           John Imhof                      Keith Wilkins

Cheri Bone                                                   Jason Mellos                   Christy Woodring

Cindi Cagle                                                  Greg Patterson

Cher Clary                                                    Kelly Rysula


A team of scallop searchers celebrates after finding a few scallops in Pensacola Bay.

Volunteer measures a scallop he found. Photo: Abby Nonnenmacher


Rick O’Connor                Florida Sea Grant; Escambia County

Thomas Derbes II          Florida Sea Grant; Santa Rosa County

The World of Worms – Part 2 The Nemerteans

The World of Worms – Part 2 The Nemerteans

I bet that for most of you, this is not only a worm you have never seen – it is a worm you have never heard of before.  I learned about them first in college, which was almost 50 years ago, and have never seen one.  But, other than the earthworm, the world of worms is basically hidden from us.

A nemertean worm.
Photo: Okinawa Institute of Science

Nemerteans are a group of about 1300 species in the Phylum Nemertea and are often called ribbon or proboscis worms.  They do possess a proboscis used to capture prey.  Most are marine and live on the bottom both near the beach and a great depth.  They are more temperate than tropical and do have a few parasitic forms.


Adult Nemertea Worms – Terra C. Hiebert, PhD, Oregon University

In appearance they resemble flatworms but are larger and more elongated.  Most are less than 20cm (8in) but some species along the Atlantic coast can reach 2m (7ft).  The head end can be lobed or even spatula looking.  Some species are pale in color and others quite colorful.  Most nemerteans move over the substrate on a trail of slime produced by their skin.  Some species can swim.

As mentioned, the proboscis is used to capture prey.  It is a tube-like structure held in a sac near the head.  When prey is detected, they can launch the proboscis out and over the victim.  Sticky secretions help hold on to the prey while they ingest.  Many species are armed with a stylet, dart, that is attached to the proboscis and is driven into the prey like a spear.  From there toxins, secreted from the base of the proboscis are injected into the prey.

For many species the proboscis is connected to the digestive tract via a tube, there is no true mouth, but they do possess an anus.  They are all carnivorous and feed on a variety of small living and dead invertebrates.  Their menu includes annelid worms, mollusk, and crustaceans.

Nemerteans do possess a brain and most find their prey using chemoreception, though some species must literally bump into their prey to find it.  They have multiple eyes that can detect light, and, like the true flatworms, they are negatively phototaxic.  They are nocturnal by habitat and is probably why most of us have never seen one.

Many nemerteans, particularly the larger ones, have a habit of fragmenting when irritated, creating new worms.  Most species have separate sexes and fertilization of the gametes is external (fertilization occurs in the environment).

Nemerteans are an interesting group of semi-large, sometimes toxic, hunters who prowl through the marine waters at night hunting prey.  Seen by few, maybe one evening, while exploring or floundering, you may see one.

In Part 3 we will begin to explore a group of worms that are more round than flat.  The Gastrotrichs.


Barnes, R.D. (1980). Invertebrate Zoology. Saunders Publishing. Philadelphia PA. pp. 1089.

Stingray Pupping Season

Stingray Pupping Season

I was recently conducting a survey for diamondback terrapins from my paddleboard in a small estuarine lagoon within the Pensacola Bay System.  Even if we do not find our target species during these surveys – I, and our volunteers, see all sorts of other cool wildlife.  On this trip I was treated to nesting osprey, a kingfisher, large blue crabs, and even a swimming eel.  But one neat encounter was the numerous stingrays.

The Atlantic Stingray is one of the common members of the ray group who does possess a venomous spine.
Photo: Florida Museum of Natural History

They were lying in the sand and grassbeds, lots of them, and they all seemed to be of one species – the Atlantic stingray.  My brain immediately went to “breeding season”, but when I checked the literature, I found that it was not breeding season, but pupping season – the babies were being born.

Atlantic Stingray (Dasyatis sabina) are true stingrays in the family Dasyatidae.  This means they do possess the replaceable serrated venomous barb that makes these animals so famous.  They are one of the smaller members of this family.  Females can reach a disk width of two feet while the smaller males will only reach about one foot.  Atlantic stingrays are a warm water species, migrating if they need to find suitable temperatures.  They have been found in water as deep as 80 feet but are more common in the warmer shallower waters near shore.  They are very common in our estuaries and being euryhaline (they tolerate a large range of salinity), are found in freshwater systems.  There is a population that lives in the St. Johns River.  Atlantic stingrays feed on a variety of benthic invertebrates and have special cells in the nose to detect the weak electric fields their prey give off while buried in the sediment.  They also like to bury in the sand to ambush prey as they move by.

Breeding occurs in the fall.  The smaller males possess two modified fins called claspers connected to their anal fins that are used to transfer sperm to the female.  The males have modified teeth they can use to bite the fins of the females.  They do this to hold on and make sperm transfer more successful.

The females do not begin to ovulate until spring.  So, though they receive the sperm in the fall, fertilization does not occur until the spring.  Instead of laying eggs, as some rays and skates do, baby Atlantic stingrays develop within the mother.  This is not the same as mammals, who produce a placental to feed the developing young, but more like an internal egg with no hard shell.  The embryo is attached to, and feeds from, a yolk sac.  Gestation takes about 60 days at which time the yolk sac is depleted, and the young must emerge.  Birth usually occurs in late July and early August, and each female will produce 1-4 small pups whose disk are about 10cm (4in.) wide.  It was this birthing/pupping period I witnessed.

I returned the following day to search for terrapins and the number of stingrays was significantly fewer.  It may be that the birthing process is fast, and the adults leave the coves afterwards.  It may have been because that day was the day Hurricane Debby was making landfall east of us and the water levels were abnormally high – something the rays may have noticed and decided to leave – I am not sure.

I was really hoping to see the young rays swimming around – I did not – but plan to search again soon.  Stingrays make many people nervous. I witnessed several adult rays whose tails had been cut off – which is very unfortunate – but they are actually cool creatures and fun to watch while paddleboarding.  Maybe I will see a baby soon.



Dasyatis sabina. 2023. Florida Museum of Natural History.

Johnson, M.R., Snelson Jr., F.F. 1996. Reproductive Life History of the Atlantic Stingray, Dasyatis sabina (Pisces, Dasyatidae), in Freshwater St. Johns River, Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science, 59(1): 74-88.

Meet the Ocellated Flounder

Meet the Ocellated Flounder

One of several “flatfish” inhabiting our Panhandle coastal waters, the ocellated flounder (Ancylopsetta ommata) is one of the more striking species, in my opinion. From the four distinctive eye spots (ocelli) to its incredible variability in background patterns, I must just say that it is a beautiful creature. Flounders are unique among fish, in that early during larval development one eye will migrate over to join the other and the fish will orient to lay on its side when at rest. Only the top side will have coloration and the bottom side will be white. While the eyes end up on the same side, the pectoral and pelvic fins remain in their traditional positions, although the bottom-side pectoral fin is reduced in size.

Ocellated flounder showing four eye-spots called ocelli.

Not the Biggest but Definitely one of the Coolest Flounder Species Around

Ocellated flounders are always left-eyed, meaning if you stood them up vertically with their pelvic fins down, the left side of the body has the eyes. When laying on the ocean floor, their independently moving eyes can keep a lookout in all directions. However, flounders tend to remain immobile when approached, depending on an awesome ability to camouflage themselves from predators. They can flip sand or gravel onto their top side which hides their outline and their ability to match the color and texture of the surrounding substrate is phenomenal.

This species is a fairly small fish, reaching lengths of about ten inches. However, they are by no means the smallest flatfish around. We also have hogchokers (a member of the sole family, 6-8 in.) and blackcheek tonguefish (to 9 in.). These are dwarfed by the larger Gulf flounder and Southern flounder which are highly prized table fare by fishers along our coasts and can reach sizes that earn them the nickname of “doormat” flounders. Regardless of the species of flounder you observe, it is unquestionably one of the super cool animals we have the privilege of living with here along the North Florida Gulf Coast.



Today’s society is more educated about sharks and shark behavior than our forefathers.  In the 18th, 19th, and much of the 20th century we thought of sharks as mindless eating machines – consuming anything available.  Whalers would witness sharks consuming carcasses, as did many other fishermen.  Sailors noted sharks following the smaller boats across the ocean, always present when bad situations occurred.

During World War II the U.S. Navy was moving across the Pacific and a deeper understanding of sharks was needed to keep servicemen safe.  The sinking of the USS Indianapolis pushed the Navy into a larger research program to determine how to repel sharks and better understand what made them tick.  After the war funding for such research continued.  One of the leading researchers was Dr. Eugene Clark, who eventually founded the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota with the intention of developing a better understanding of shark behavior.  Dr. Clark frequently appeared on the Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau educating the public about how sharks function and respond to their environment.  All with the idea of how to better reduce negative shark encounters.

Pregnant Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas) cruses sandy seafloor. Credit Florida Sea Grant Stock Photo

In the 1970s Peter Benchley wrote Jaws but included a marine biologist as one of the key characters who would provide science insight into how sharks work.  The film was a cultural phenomenon.  I remember standing in a line that wrapped the cinema twice to get in.  This was followed by more funding for shark research and a better understanding of how they work.  This was then followed by a popular summer series known as “Shark Week”, which remains popular to this day.  Many of the old tales of shark behavior were disproved or explained.  The idea of a mindless eating machine was replaced with a fish that actually thinks and responds to certain cues.  People began to realize that shark attacks are quite rare and could be explained if we understood what happened leading up to the attack.

We now understand that sharks are fish, in a class where the members have cartilaginous skeletons (they lack true bone).  They are one of the most perceptive creatures in the ocean, using their senses to detect potential prey and that there are signals that can “turn them on”.  On the side of their bodies there is a line of small gelatinous cells that can detect slight vibrations in the ocean – from up to a mile away.  The ocean is a noisy place, and it appears that sharks respond to different frequencies.  I like to use the analogy of yourself being in a large student cafeteria.  Everyone is talking and it is very noisy.  Then someone calls your name.  Somehow, amongst all the background clatter, you hear this and respond to it.  Studies suggest that sharks do the same.  With all of the noise moving though the ocean, sharks hear things that catch their attention and then move towards the source.

Blacktip sharks are one of the smaller sharks in our area reaching a length of 59 inches. They are known to leap from the water. Photo: Florida Sea Grant

As they get closer their sense of smell kicks in.  Everyone has heard that sharks can detect small amounts of blood in large amounts of seawater – remember “Bruce” from Finding Nemo?  It is true, but they do have to be down current to pick up the scent and they will now focus their search to find the source.  Some studies suggest other “odors”, such as the urine of seals, might produce the same reaction that blood does.  All may lead to shark to think a possible meal is nearby.

Eyesight is not great with any creature in the sea.  Light does not travel well in water – but sharks do have eyes and they do see well (one of the old tales science disproved – that sharks are basically “blind”).  However, because of the low light, they do have to be close to the target to get a visual.  Some studies suggest that sharks are detecting shadows or shapes they may confuse as a potential prey, bite it, and then release when they discover it was not what they thought it was.  This idea is supported by the fact that many who are bitten experience what is called “bite and release” – and they turn and swim away.  It is also known that sharks have structures in the back of their retinas that act as mirrors, collecting what light is available, reflecting it within the eye, and illuminating their world.  They believe they see pretty well at night – better than us for sure.  The image they see may appear to be a prey item and may be what is producing the vibrations and odors that they detected.

The Scalloped Hammerhead is one of five species of hammerheads in the Gulf. It is commonly found in the bays. Photo: Florida Sea Grant

And they have one more “sixth sense” – the ability to detect weak electric fields.  The shark’s mouth is not in position to attack prey as they move forward.  It is on the bottom of their head and, one of the old tales, was that sharks must swim over their prey to bite it.  Video taken during the filming for Jaws showed that the shape of the shark’s head changes at the last moment of an attack.  The entire head becomes distorted to get the mouth in the correct position for the bite.  The “eyes roll back” – as the old fishermen used to say – and the jaws move up and forward.  At this point the shark can no longer use its eyes to zero in on the target.  However, they have small cells around their snout called the Ampullae of Lorenzini that can detect the small electric fields produced by muscle movement – even the prey’s heartbeat – and know where they are.  But – they must be very close to the prey to detect this.

Understanding all of this gives scientists, and the public, a better idea of how sharks work.  What “turns them on” and how/when they will select prey.  One thing that has come from all of this is that we do not seem to be high on their target list.

The Great White shark.
Photo: UF IFAS

The International Shark Attack File is kept at the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville.  It has cataloged shark attacks from around the world dating back to 1580.  The File only catalogs UNPROVOKED attacks.  With provoked attacks – those occurring while people are grabbing them, or fishing for them, or in some way provoked an attack – we understand why the shark bit the human.  It is the unprovoked attacks that are of more interest.  Those where the person was not doing anything intentionally to invite a shark bite, but it happened.

One thing we can tell from this data is that unprovoked attacks are not common.  Since 1580, they have logged 3,403 unprovoked shark attacks worldwide.  Considering how many people have swum in the ocean since 1580, this is a very small number.  Note, the File is only as good as the reports it gets.  In the past, many unprovoked attacks were not reported.  But in our modern age of communication, it is rare that such an attack does not make the headlines today.

The Bull Shark is considered one of the more dangerous sharks in the Gulf. This fish can enter freshwater but rarely swims far upstream. Photo: Florida Sea Grant

Of these attacks 1,640 (48%) have occurred in the United States, followed by 706 in Australia.  Many have explained this by the large levels of water activities people in both countries participate in.  In the US Florida leads the way with 928 unprovoked attacks (57%), most of these (351 – 34%) are from Volusia County.  This may be due to breakthrough emergency communications with Volusia County and thus more reports.  Many of the reports are minor, small bites from small sharks such as blacktips, but unprovoked none the less.  There are 26 unprovoked attacks logged from the Florida panhandle – 3% of the state total – and most of these (n=9) were from Bay County.

When looking at what people were doing when attacked, most were at the surface and participating in some surface water activity such as surfing, skiing, boogie boarding, etc.  This is followed by surface swimming or snorkeling.

This brings us to the attacks this summer in the panhandle.  There have been a lot of questions as to what may have caused them.  They are still assessing the situation before and during these attacks to try and determine why they happened.  As we have mentioned, we have learned a lot about sharks and shark behaviors over the last 50 years and several hypotheses are open for discussion.  We will see what the investigators learn.  Until then, the International Shark Attack File does offer a page on how you can reduce your risk.  There is “Advice to Swimmers”, “Advice to Divers”, “Color of Apparel”, “Menstruation and Sharks”, “Quick Tips”, “Advice to Spearfishers”, and “How to Avoid a Shark Attack”.  Read more on these tips at