Should We Eliminate Mosquitos?

Should We Eliminate Mosquitos?

Yea… should we? Probably your next question would be – can we?

The answer is… maybe


There was an interesting article in the June edition of the Smithsonian magazine.  It discussed this question.  Science is close to being able to eliminate mosquitos… sort of… there is more to it… but it brings up an interesting question – should man be allowed to eliminate a species from history?  Some would say – “well, it’s not the first time we have done this… so why not?”.  Others would say “this is not correct… we should not be the ones to decide which species are allowed to exist and which are not.”  But there is more to the story…


There are about 3,500 species of mosquito known to science, about 100 of these are known vectors for human diseases. 725,000 human deaths are caused by mosquito borne diseases each year.  The Smithsonian article quotes other wildlife induced human deaths for comparison.  Between 20,000 and 200,000 die from parasites transmitted by freshwater snails, between 44,000 and 125,000 die from snake bite, between 55,000 and 60,000 from dog bites, and 6 from sharks (another testament that sharks are not the threat most people think they are), but almost three quarters of a million humans die each year to mosquito bites is significant… should we consider eliminating them?

Anopheles gambiae is the mosquito that transmits malaria.   Photo: UF IFAS

Anopheles gambiae is the mosquito that transmits malaria.
Photo: UF IFAS

Dr. Andrea Crisanti, research scientist at Imperial College in London, has spent most of his life trying to end malaria – he would like to see it eliminated. Malaria alone killed 400,000 people in sub-Sahara Africa in 2015.  The protozoan that causes malaria is transmitted by the mosquito known as Anopheles gambiae. He, and other scientists, have developed independently – the different pieces of a method that may eliminate this species of mosquito.  It is basically a gene therapy method.  They insert a lethal gene into the DNA of the mosquito, release it into the environment, mating ensues, death occurs, species is illuminated.


Now comes the maybe part…

This type of technology has been used to develop a variety of corn that produces its own pesticide. However, the pollination part is done within a controlled lab and the plants are planted in the fields.  This would require successful breeding within the environment… it might work.  The other issue is that this method is species specific.  Would another species adapt and begin to transmit the malaria protozoan?  And, of course, there is the question of unforeseen consequences.  Because mosquitos do not travel far from where they were born, most researchers do not think this method would eliminate a species on a global scale – but rather on a local one.  Scientists have been able to sterilize mosquitos using gamma radiation.  Reducing an entire population has had mixed results.  They are currently working on a non-radiation method for the Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus), one of the local vectors for Zika.


Researchers are currently targeting three species of mosquito for this project. Anopheles gambiae (the carrier of malaria), Aedes aegyptie (the carrier of yellow fever, and possibly Zika), and Culex (which carries west nile and others).  But the questions still lie out there – (1) will it work?, (2) are there other consequences?, (3) is eliminating a species ethical?


There are many scientists who think it is okay. Dr. E.O. Wilson stated Anopheles gambiae can go.  Many others are concerned about upsetting the ecology of a system by removing a food source.  Ecologists state that it could impact the balance of the tundra ecosystem, where mosquitos are a major food source for many of the local birds.  But in other locations, the mosquito predators will find other species of mosquitos (or other food in general), and that this would not impact the system.  Other scientists say no… we should not.  One mentioned he did not want to be part of eliminating a species from the planet, it is not our role.  Others are concerned with which species would be next? Where will this stop?    And there is always the chance that biological weapons can be developed with this technology.


It is an interesting question.

Explore the Panhandle in a Kayak!

Explore the Panhandle in a Kayak!

Many consider Northwest Florida as the “Canoe Capitol” of the state. We have numerous rivers, creeks, and springs that are great paddling spots.  The scenery is great, wildlife is common, and most are easily accessed.


To introduce residents and visitors to the natural history of these waterways, UF/IFAS Extension Agents, and other experts, will lead a paddle trip down one of the many paddling creeks in our area – the Econfina Creek.  This creek is one of the more unique ones.  The term Econfina is a Muskogean (Creek) term meaning “land bridge” – which apparently existed near the present sight of Highway 20. However, the land bridge is no longer there.  This creek runs 22 miles but the upper section is very difficult to paddle.  Shallow, fast moving water winds its way through limestone gorges as the land drops at a rate of 7.9 feet / mile (one of the steepest in the state).  The lower 6 miles (where our trip takes place) slows, meandering past several springs – including the first magnitude Ganier Springs – limestone outcrops, and lush vegetation – some plant species originate from the Appalachians.  There is the chance of seeing some local wildlife including river otters.  This lower section is slower and more relaxing and the scenery was graded an “A” by several canoeing guides.


The participants in the program will not only learn about the local natural history of this panhandle waterway but about some of the issues these unique habitats are currently facing. Field experts with the Northwest Florida Water Management District, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, and others will share insight to how we can protect these treasured ecosystems. To learn more about the trip contact Dr. Laura Tiu ( or to register visit .

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Snorkeling and Kayaking in St. Joe Bay

Snorkeling and Kayaking in St. Joe Bay

Who does not like St. Joseph Bay! What a place… One of the more pristine estuaries in Florida, St. Joe is famous for its snorkeling, fishing, kayaking, and scalloping.


15 miles long and 6 miles across (at its widest point), St. Joe Bay has no significant freshwater input. It’s only opening is to the north and into the Gulf of Mexico.  Because of the high salinity in the bay the seagrasses flourish.  There are five known species that exist here and the meadows cover almost one sixth of the bottom.  Healthy grasses mean diverse wildlife – and St. Joe Bay has it.  Migratory birds, octopus, sea turtles, sport fish, urchins, and of course scallops.


The UF/IFAS Extension Natural Resource Agents will be hosting one of their water school programs in St. Joe Bay in September. This two-day program will offer presentations by specialists on a variety of topics, hikes through the uplands, visits to the salt marsh, and a kayak/snorkel trip into the seagrasses themselves.  We will be staying at the St. Joseph Bay State Buffer Preserve in Port St. Joe.  For more information about this program contact Erik Lovestrand at (850) 653-9337 or

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Transient Birds and Beach House Refuge

Transient Birds and Beach House Refuge

Birds, migration, and climate change. Mix them all together and intuitively, we can imagine an ecological train wreck in the making. Many migratory bird species have seen their numbers plummet over the past half-century – due not to climate change, but to habitat loss in the places they frequent as part of their jet-setting life history.

Migrating songbirds forage for insects in coastal scrub-shrub habitat. Photo credit: Erik Lovestrand, UF IFAS

Migrating songbirds forage for insects in coastal scrub-shrub habitat. Photo credit: Erik Lovestrand, UF IFAS Extension

Now come climate simulation models forecasting more change to come. It will impact the strands of places migrants use as critical habitat. Critical because severe alteration of even one place in a strand can doom a migratory species to failure at completing its life cycle. So what aspect of climate change is now threatening these places, on top of habitat alteration by humans?

It’s the change in weather patterns and sea level that we’re already beginning to see, as the impacts of global warming on Earth’s ocean-atmosphere linkage shift our planetary climate system into higher gear.

For migratory birds, the journey itself is the most perilous link in the life history chain. A migratory songbird is up to 15 times more likely to die in migration than on its wintering or breeding grounds. Headwinds and storms can deplete its energy reserves. Stopover sites for resting and feeding are critical. And here’s where the Big Bend region of Florida figures prominently in the life history of many migratory birds.

According to a study published in March of this year (Lester et al., 2016), field research on St. George Island documented 57 transient species foraging there as they were migrating through in the spring. That number compares favorably with the number of species known to use similar habitat at stopover sites in Mississippi (East Ship Island, Horn Island) as well as other central and western Gulf Coast sites in Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas.

We now can point to published empirical evidence that the eastern Gulf Coast migratory route is used by as many species as other Gulf routes to our west. This confirmation makes conservation of our Big Bend stopover habitat all the more relevant.

The authors of the study observed 711 birds using high-canopy forest and scrub/shrub habitat on St. George Island. Birds were seeking energy replenishment from protein-rich insects, which were reported to be more abundant in those habitats than on primary dunes, or in freshwater marshes and meadows.

So now we know that specific places on our barrier islands that still harbor forests and scrub/shrub habitat are crucial. On privately-owned island property, prime foraging habitat may have been reduced to low-elevation mixed forest that is often too low and wet to be turned into dense clusters of beach houses.

Coastal slash pine forest is vulnerable to sea level rise. Photo credit: Erik Lovestrand, UF IFAS

Coastal slash pine forest is vulnerable to sea level rise. Photo credit: Erik Lovestrand, UF IFAS Extension

Think tall slash pines and mid-story oaks slightly ‘upslope’ of marsh and transitional meadow, but ‘downslope’ of the dune scrub that is often cleared for development.

“OK, I get it,” you say. “It’s as if restaurant seating has been reduced and the kitchen staff laid off. Somebody’s not going to get served.” Destruction of forested habitat on our Gulf Coast islands has significantly reduced the amount of critical stopover habitat for birds weary from flying up to 620 miles across the Gulf of Mexico since their last bite to eat.

But why the concern with climate change on top of this familiar story of coastal habitat lost to development? After all, we have conservation lands with natural habitat on St. Vincent, Little St. George, the east end of St. George, and parts of Dog Island and Alligator Point. Shouldn’t these islands be able to withstand the impacts of stronger and/or more frequent coastal storms, and higher seas – and their forested habitat still serve the stopover needs of migratory birds?

Let’s revisit the “low and wet” part of the equation. Coastal forested habitat that’s low and wet – either protected by conservation or too wet to be developed – is in the bull’s eye of sea level rise (SLR), and sooner rather than later.

Using what Lester et al. chose as a reasonably probable scenario within the range of SLR projections for this century – 32 inches, these low-elevation forests and associated freshwater marshes would shrink in extent by 45% before 2100.  It could be less; it could be more. Conditions projected for a future date are usually expressed as probable ranges. Experience has proven them too conservative in some cases.

The year 2100 seems far away…but that’s when our kids or grandkids can hope to be enjoying retirement at the beach house we left them. Hmm.

Scientists CAN project with certainty that by the time SLR reaches two meters (six and a half feet) – in whatever future year that occurs, 98% of “low and wet” forested habitat will have transitioned to marsh, and then eroded to tidal flat.

But before we spool out the coming years to a future reality of SLR that has radically changed the coastline we knew, let’s consider where the crucial forested habitat might remain on the barrier islands of the next generation’s retirement years:

It could remain in the higher-elevation yard of your beach house, perhaps, if you saved what remnant of native habitat you could when building it. Or if you landscaped with native trees and shrubs, to restore a patch of natural habitat in your beach house yard.

Migratory songbird stopover habitat saved during beach house construction. Photo credit: Erik Lovestrand, UF IFAS

Migratory songbird stopover habitat saved during beach house construction. Photo credit: Erik Lovestrand, UF IFAS Extension

We’ve all thought that doing these things must be important, but only now is it becoming clear just how important. Who would have thought, “My beach house yard: the island’s last foraging refuge for migratory songbirds!” even in our most apocalyptic imagination?

But what about coastal mainland habitat?

The authors of the March 2016 St. George Island study conclude that, “…adjacent inland forested habitats must be protected from development to increase the probability that forested stopover habitat will be available for migrants despite SLR.” Jim Cox with Tall Timbers Research Station says that, “birds stop at the first point of land they find under unfavorable weather conditions, but also continue to migrate inland when conditions are favorable.”

Migratory birds are fortunate that the St. Marks Refuge protects inland forested habitat just beyond coastal marshland. A longer flight will take them to the leading edge of salty tidal reach. There the beautifully sinuous forest edge lies up against the marsh. This edge – this trailing edge of inland forest – will succumb to tomorrow’s rising seas, however.

Sea level rise will convert coastal slash pine forest to salt marsh. Photo credit: Erik Lovestrand, UF IFAS

Sea level rise will convert coastal slash pine forest to salt marsh. Photo credit: Erik Lovestrand, UF IFAS Extension

As the salt boundary moves relentlessly inland, it will run through the Refuge’s coastal buffer of public lands, and eventually knock on the surveyor’s boundary with private lands. All the while adding flight miles to the migration journey.

In today’s climate, migrants exhausted from bucking adverse weather conditions over the Gulf may not have enough energy to fly farther inland in search of forested foraging habitat. Will tomorrow’s climate make adverse Gulf weather more prevalent, and migration more arduous?

Spring migration weather over the Gulf can be expected to change as ocean waters warm and more water vapor is held in a warmer atmosphere. But HOW it will change is difficult to model. Any specific, predictable change to the variability of weather patterns during spring migration is therefore much less certain than SLR.

What will await exhausted and hungry migrants in future decades? Our community decisions about land use should consider this question. Likewise, our personal decisions about private land management – including beach house landscaping. And it’s not too early to begin.

Erik Lovestrand, Sea Grant Agent and County Extension Director in Franklin County, co-authored this article.

They Call it “Sea Lice”

They Call it “Sea Lice”

I have played in the waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico all of my life… but I have never heard of this – “sea lice.” It has been in the news recently and I have had a couple inquiries concerning it so I decided to investigate.


A few weeks ago there was a report of “sea lice” in Walton County. Bathers were leaving the water with a terrible skin condition that was itchy and painful, particularly in areas beneath their bathing suits.  Photos of this show a series of welts over the area – almost like a rash.  What was causing it?  And what can you do about it?

Illustration of the "thimble jellyfish". Graphic: University of Michigan

Illustration of the “thimble jellyfish”.
Graphic: University of Michigan

My first stop was Dr. Chris Pomory, an invertebrate zoologist at the University of West Florida. Dr. Pomory indicated that the culprit was most probably the larva of a small medusa jellyfish called the thimble jellyfish (Linuche unguiculata), though he included that it could be caused by the larva any of the smaller medusa.  Dr. Maia McGuire, Florida Sea Grant, told me a colleague of hers was working on this issue when she was in grad school at the University of Miami.  Published in 1994, it too pointed the finger at the larva of the thimble jellyfish.  Here I found the term “Sea Bathers Eruption” (SBE) associated with occurrences of this.  I also found another report of SBE from Brazil in 2012 – once again pointing the finger at the thimble jellyfish larva.  So there you go… the most probable cause is the larva of the thimble jellyfish.  Note here though… Dr. McGuire indicated that SBE was something that was problematic in south Florida and the Caribbean… reports from the northern Gulf are not common.


So what is this “thimble jellyfish”?

Most know what a jellyfish is but many may not know there are two body forms (polyp and medusa) and may not know about their life cycles. The classic jellyfish is what we call a medusa.  These typically have a bell shaped body and, undulating this bell, swim through the water dragging their nematocyst-loaded tentacles searching for food. Nematocysts are small cells that contain an extendable dart with a drop of venom – this is what causes the sting.  Nematocysts are released by a triggering mechanism which is stimulated either by pressure (touch) or particular chemicals in the water column – hence the jellyfish cannot actually fire it themselves.  The thimble jellyfish are dioecious, meaning there are male and females, and the fertilized eggs of the mating pair are released into the ocean.  These young develop into a larva called planula, and these seem to be the source of the problem.  Drifting in the water column they become entrapped between your skin and your bathing suit where the pressure of the suit against the skin, especially after leaving the water, causes the nematocyst to fire and wham – you are stung… multiple times.  The planula larva are more common near the surface so swimmers and snorkelers seem to have more problems with them.


So what can be done if you encounter them?

Well – there are two schools of thought on this. (1), go ahead and stimulate the release of all nematocysts on your body and get it over with or (2) do everything you can to keep any more nematocysts from “firing”.  Some prefer #1 – they will use sand and rub over the area where the jellyfish larva are.  This will trigger the release of any unfired nematocyst, you will deal with the pain, and it will be over.  However, you should be aware that many humans have a strong reaction to jellyfish stings and that firing more nematocysts may not be in your best interest.  Some will want to take a freshwater shower to rinse them off.  This too will trigger any unfired nematocysts and you will be stung yet again.  Using vinegar will have the same response as freshwater.

So what do you if you DO NOT to get stung more? Well… the correct answer is to get the bathing suit off and rinse in seawater that DOES NOT contain the larva… easier said than done – but is the best bet.


Is there any relief for the pain and itch?

Dr. McGuire provided the following:

Once sea bather’s eruption occurs (and you have taken off your swimsuit and showered), an application of diluted vinegar or rubbing alcohol may neutralize any toxin left on the skin. An ice pack may help to relieve any pain. The most useful treatment is 1% hydrocortisone lotion applied 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks. Topical calamine lotion with 1% menthol may also be soothing. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and aspirin (but not in children) may also help to reduce pain and inflammation. If the reaction is severe, the injured person may suffer from headache, fever, chills, weakness, vomiting, itchy eyes and burning on urination, and should be treated with oral prednisone (steroids). The stinging cells may remain in the bathing suit even after it dries, so once a person has developed sea bather’s eruption, the clothing should undergo machine washing or be thoroughly rinsed in alcohol or vinegar, then be washed by hand with soap and water. Antihistamines may also be of some benefit. Other treatments that have been suggested include remedies made with sodium bicarbonate, sugar, urine, olive oil, and meat tenderizer although some of these some may increase the release of toxin and aggravate the rash. Symptoms of malaise, tummy upsets and fever should be treated in the normal fashion.


This is a “new kid on the block” for those of us in the northern Gulf. It has been in south Florida and the Caribbean for a few decades.  As the Gulf warms, more outbreaks may occur, there is really not much to be done about that.  Hopefully most reactions will be minor, as with any other jellyfish sting.

For more information visit the Florida Department of Health.

Oil Spill Science: Five years later, what have we learned?

Oil Spill Science: Five years later, what have we learned?

The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill occurred about 50 miles offshore of Louisiana in April 2010. Approximately 172 million gallons of oil entered the Gulf of Mexico. Five years after the incident, locals and tourists still have questions. This article addresses the five most common questions.

QUESTION #1: Is Gulf seafood safe to eat?

Ongoing monitoring has shown that Gulf seafood harvested from waters that are open to fishing is safe to eat. Over 22,000 seafood samples have been tested and not a single sample came back with levels above the level of concern. Testing continues today.

QUESTION #2: What are the impacts to wildlife?

This question is difficult to answer as the Gulf of Mexico is a complex ecosystem with many different species — from bacteria, fish, oysters, to whales, turtles, and birds. While oil affected individuals of some fish in the lab, scientists have not found that the spill impacted whole fish populations or communities in the wild. Some fish species populations declined, but eventually rebounded. The oil spill did affect at least one non-fish population, resulting in a mass die-off of bottlenose dolphins. Scientists continue to study fish populations to determine the long term impact of the spill.

Question #3: What cleanup techniques were used, and how were they implemented?

Several different methods were used to remove the oil. Offshore, oil was removed using skimmers, devices used for removing oil from the sea’s surface before it reaches the coastline. Controlled burns were also used, where surface oil was removed by surrounding it with fireproof booms and burning it. Chemical dispersants were used to break up the oil at the surface and below the surface. Shoreline cleanup on beaches involved sifting sand and removing tarballs and mats by hand.

QUESTION #4: Where did the oil go and where is it now?

The oil spill covered 29,000 square miles, approximately 4.7% of the Gulf of Mexico’s surface. During and after the spill, oil mixed with Gulf of Mexico waters and made its way into some coastal and deep-sea sediments. Oil moved with the ocean currents along the coast of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. Recent studies show that about 3-5% of the unaccounted oil has made its way onto the seafloor.

QUESTION #5: Do dispersants make it unsafe to swim in the water?

The dispersant used on the spill was a product called Corexit, with doctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (DOSS) as a primary ingredient. Corexit is a concern as exposure to high levels can cause respiratory problems and skin irritation. To evaluate the risk, scientists collected water from more than 26 sites. The highest level of DOSS detected was 425 times lower than the levels of DOSS known to cause harm to humans.

For additional information and publications related to the oil spill please visit:

Adapted From:

Maung-Douglass, E., Wilson, M., Graham, L., Hale, C., Sempier, S., and Swann, L. (2015). Oil Spill Science: Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. GOMSG-G-15-002.


An estimate of what happened to approximately 200 million gallons oil from the DWH oil spill. Data from Lehr, 2014. (Florida Sea Grant/Anna Hinkeldey)

An estimate of what happened to approximately 200 million gallons oil from the DWH oil spill. Data from Lehr, 2014. (Florida Sea Grant/Anna Hinkeldey)


The Foundation for the Gator Nation, An Equal Opportunity Institution.