The February Q&A on Growing Tomatoes offered valuable tips for the home gardener to be successful with tomatoes in 2022. Below are the reference materials related to specific questions that were asked.
Let’s start out with the panels favorite tomatoes including hybrids and heirlooms.
Evan: Supersweet 100, Sungold
Larry: Amelia, Brandywine, Cherokee Purple
Sam: Better Boy, Tasti Lee, Sweethearts
Matt: Mountain Magic, Mountain Rouge, Bella Rosa
Daniel: Black cherry and Big Beef
Why are tomatoes red?
- Heat Brings Out Antioxidants, Increases Red in Tomatoes,increased%20heat%20to%20stimulate%20tomatoes.&text=Carotenoids%20include%20pigments%2C%20one%20of,lycopene%2C%20which%20makes%20tomatoes%20red
Can we grow tomatoes year around?
- Veggies and Herbs Made in the Shade: A Growing Season Calendar for North Florida
I have very sandy/loamy soil. Do I have a chance at successfully growing tomatoes?
- Soils and Fertilizers for Master Gardeners: Soil Organic Matter and Organic Amendments,
What is the best time to start tomatoes in North Florida?
- Keys to Growing Tomatoes in North Florida,
If one grows in raised beds, should one rotate where in the bed tomatoes are planted?
- Cover Crop Publication links,
If you plant tomatoes in mid-March, how long will they continue to produce fruit?
- Tomato Growing Tips,
I’m thinking of trying hydroponic gardening on a few tomato plants this year. Do you think a 50/50 mix of perlite and vermiculite would be a good approach for a soil medium? I’d like to use 5-gallon buckets and keep maintenance to a minimum.
- Hydroponic Publication Links,
What tomatoes grow best in inland Bay County? Coastal vs inland considerations.
Best type for all day sun (speak to tomatoes light requirements)
- Tomato Varieties,
What is the best tomato variety for Northwest Florida? I need one go-to variety for both regular tomatoes and cherry type.
- Tomato Production,
How to get more tomatoes, less vine?
- Light, Fertilizer and Cultivar Selection Affect Growth and Yield of Containerized Patio Tomatoes,
My tomatoes get black on the bottom and rot. What causes this and how do I prevent it?
- Blossom End Rot on Tomatoes,,become%20discolored%20and%20finally%20rots
Do tomatoes need a lot of water?
- Blue Dye Irrigation Test,
Why do my tomatoes split/burst/crack while on the vine?
- Why Are My Tomatoes Cracking,,the%20skin%2C%20thus%20cracking%20appears
Any suggestions for how to handle especially wet years like last summer? My tomatoes really suffered.
- Dealing With Heavy Rains,
How do I keep the leaves from getting dark spots that spread and kills foliage?
- A Series of Diseases in the Florida Vegetable Garden: Tomato,
How do you string tomatoes vine to a stake?
- Tomato Staking Techniques,
What causes catfacing?
- Tomato Disease – Catfacing,
Every year I’m having trouble with an amazing amount of insect infestations on my tomatoes & peppers I grow in containers. What can I do to help?
- Tomato Insect Pest Management,
How do marigolds (which variety) or basil aid tomatoes?
- Marigolds for Nematode Management,
Please talk about save tomato seeds to grow. Some can’t afford to buy potted tomato plants.
- Saving Tomato Seeds,
Can you add nutrients into the soil from last year’s tomatoes to reuse again this year?
- Compost Tips for the Home Gardener,
- Red Buckeye Signals Spring is Coming - March 6, 2025
- Video: Pruning Tips for Removing a Branch - February 13, 2025
- Video: Easy Steps for Pruning Crape Myrtles - January 29, 2025