Importance of Following Pesticide Labels

Importance of Following Pesticide Labels

readlabelWhen you contact your local extension office for pest control recommendations you will likely hear “follow the label” over and over again. So, why do we emphasize the pesticide label so strongly when talking to both homeowners and landscape professionals?

There are many important reasons why you should always read and follow label instructions.

  •  The Label is the Law – using a pesticide in a manner that is inconsistent with the label is a violation of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Using a product inconsistent with the label includes, but is not limited to: rate of application, use on site not labeled for control, use on plants/lawns not labeled, frequency of application, method of application, distance from water sources, etc.



  •  Safety of Humans – using a product incorrectly can cause harm or even lead to death
  •  Safety to Non-target Organisms – this includes non-target insects, reptiles, birds, fish, mammals, and plants which can lead to negative impact on environment and economy
  •  Effectiveness of Product – millions of dollars are spent to figure out the most effective way a product works best, follow their instructions! (remember the manufacturer wants the product to be effective so that you’ll recommend to others and buy it again)
  •  Increased Resistance Decreases Control – improper application and a failure to rotate products as part of an integrated pest management program can increase likelihood of resistant pest populations

Before shopping for any pesticides, do some research:

  • Has the pest been identified properly? What life cycle stage is the pest at? Most pesticides have different levels of efficacy depending on life cycle of target. For example, glyphosate works best on young plants that have not yet flowered. Your local extension office can help with identification and timing of control methods
  • Can you control the pest with cultural practices such dethatching, irrigation, fertilizer, or mowing height changes? Start with the least toxic method of control and only work up if ineffective
  • Read the label before you buy to be sure that it is labeled for your plant /lawn, target pest. The label will also tell you what equipment you’ll need to mix and apply and safety equipment. If product is not ready to use, be sure you can follow mixing and application procedures safely
  • Are there particular environmental precautionary statements that are relevant to your site?
  • How much do you need? Have you measured the area for treatment? Just as you don’t want to make multiple trips to the store, you also do not want a lot of excess chemicals on hand. They have to be stored or disposed of according to label instructions, too

For more information about pesticide labels read EDIS PI-34 Interpreting Pesticide Label Wording.

Blueberries for the Panhandle



Have you tasted the great local blueberries available this season? Want to start your own Blueberry garden?  Now that Blueberry harvest is in full swing in the Florida Panhandle, it is a good time to discuss blueberry culture.

Blueberry plants in garden centers lure us in with bell shaped flowers or especially if already setting fruit. Before you take one home, make sure your site is suitable.  Doing your homework before you plant is important, but especially so when you want to grow a plant with specific cultural requirements such as blueberries.  Blueberries require well-drained acidic soil that contains organic matter, a minimum of 4-5 hours of sunlight daily, and space away from competing roots. Chill hour requirements and bloom time vary by blueberry types.

Soil in the Florida Panhandle has a wide pH range (measure of acidity) and can vary greatly even within a half-acre site. Having your soil tested prior to planting is critical to growing blueberries successfully because it is very difficult to lower pH if your soil is higher than the target range. Blueberries need acidic soil (pH 4.2-5.5) to be able to use micro-elements in the soil such as iron and zinc.  As the pH increases, these nutrients become less available to the plant even if they are present in the soil in adequate quantities.  Nutrient deficiency leads to weak plants and loss of vigor. Plan to test your soil before you purchase plants to ensure your site has the ideal pH range, visit your local UF/IFAS County Extension Office to obtain a soil test kit.  For more details about how soil pH affects your landscape, please see EDIS SL256: Soil pH and the Home Landscape or Garden.

Sandy soils commonly found in North Florida tend to be low in organic matter.  Incorporating soil amendments directly into planting beds or using mulches that decompose (such as pinestraw or wood mulch) will help increase organic matter in your landscape.  Peat moss or pine bark can be incorporated into beds planned for blueberries or pine bark can be used as mulch.  Adding organic matter will help retain soil moisture, which is beneficial to blueberries that have shallow root systems.
Retaining soil moisture is valuable to blueberries, however, the site does need to drain well to a minimum depth of 18 inches. Areas that remain wet for long periods of time increase the risk of Phytophthora root rot damage.  If an otherwise ideal site does not drain well, consider building a raised bed or changing the location.

Four to five hours a day is the minimum sunlight needed for good blueberry production. Make sure your sunny site is at least 20 feet from building foundations and competing tree roots. Blueberry plants can get large, over ten feet in height and width!  Plan to give them room to grow; with pruning they can be maintained around 7’x7’.

There are two main types of blueberries that grow well in Florida: the southern highbush and rabbiteye.  Among those types, there are specific cultivars with low chill requirements that perform better in Florida than in other southern states.  Rabbiteye blueberries are recommended for areas north of Ocala, southern highbush for central and south Florida.  When choosing cultivars, you need to plant at least two different cultivars within the same type (rabbiteye with rabbiteye) and make sure that bloom time overlaps so that cross pollination can take place.

Rabbiteye cultivars recommended for the Panhandle are:
Early season
• ‘Beckyblue’
• ‘Bonita’
• ‘Climax’
Mid- to late-season
• ‘Brightwell’
• ‘Powderblue’
• ‘Tifblue’
• ‘Woodard’
• ‘Chaucer’
• ‘Bluegem’

For more information about blueberry site preparation, selection, pest management, and care please see EDIS CIR1192 Blueberry Gardener’s Guide.

Bigleaf Hydrangea




Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) are familiar faces in the southern shade garden.  Although not originally from North America, they were introduced here over 200 years ago and perform well in the climate of the Florida Panhandle.  Here are some quick tips about Bigleaf Hydranges.

  • Hydrangeas prefer morning sun with afternoon shade or full shade and well-drained, moist soil
  • The form is a mounding shrub that can have varying heights and widths, allow for a mature size on average of 6′ x 6′
  • Hydrangeas have large green leaves that may be glossy or dull and are deciduous unless the winter is very mild
  • There are two main flower types:mophead and lacecap

    Lacecap hydrangea

    Lacecap Hydrangea

  • Mophead flowers are rounded and usually composed of sterile flowers, with a few fertile flowers
  • Lacecap flowers have sterile flowers on the outer edge of the circle, with fertile flowers in the center.  When fertile flowers are fertilized they may turn a different color and the sterile flowers on the outer edge may invert themselves so they appear to be hanging down
  • Flowers may be white, pink, purple, or blue; flower color is influenced by soil conditions and you may see multiple colors on the same plant!

    Penny Mac Hydrangea

    Penny Mac Hydrangea

  • Bigleaf hydrangeas generally bloom on old wood, however, there are some types that will also bloom on new wood and fall into either “free-flowering” or “everblooming” categories.  Free-flowering have flower buds on the tips of branches (old wood) and develop flower buds up and down the stem that flower after terminal (tip) buds flower.  Everblooming hydrangeas form flower buds on the tips of both old wood and new wood and can flower throughout the season.
  • If soils are sandy and infertile, add organic matter before planting
  • Water as needed, especially during establishment phase (typically first year or two).  Expect hydrangeas to wilt during hot summer afternoons, as with any plant check the soil moisture before irrigating to avoid overwatering
  • Avoid overhead irrigation, leaf spot diseases and powdery mildew are more prevalent when foliage is wet for extended periods
  • Prune after flowering, but before August when shaping is neededFor more information about long flowering hydrangea varieties see “New Hydrangeas for North and Central Florida:  Bigleaf and Mountain Hydrangeas”
    To learn more about influencing flower color and general care of hydrangeas read “French Hydrangea for Gardens in North and Central Florida.”

Camellias in the Panhandle

Camellia flowers

White by the Gate, Magnoliaeflora, and Spellbound Camellia japonica flowers

Are you looking for an evergreen shrub with showy flowers in the fall or winter? Look no further than an old Southern favorite, the camellia.

Large camellias dot landscapes of historic homes throughout the Florida Panhandle, and although they look like they’ve been here forever camellias are not native to North America, but were originally brought here from Asia in 1797. There are many different types, but the most common camellias found in Florida are Camellia sasanqua which bloom in the fall (October – December) and Camellia japonica with larger leaves and a later bloom time of January through March. Some other types of camellias are Camellia reticulata, C. hiemalis, C. vernails and their hybrids; and Camellia sinensis is the source of tea which is made from the young leaves of this plant.

Flower colors range from a crisp white to a deep crimson and there are even some cultivars with variegated flowers! There are six recognized flower forms and they are single, semi-double, anemone, peony, formal double, and rose form double. Although most camellias have the potential to get over ten feet tall and five feet wide, there are some that grow slower and can be maintained at lower heights. Camellia sasanqua ‘Bonanza’ and C. sasanqua ‘Shishi Gashira’ have more horizontal branching habits and can be kept under five feet tall, however they will need more width than a more upright growing camellia.

Camellia sasanqua 'Bonanza' flower

Camellia sasanqua ‘Bonanza’

When choosing a site for your camellia, look for an area with light shade, good air flow, and well-drained soil. Test your soil to determine pH and fertilizer needs before planting; soil testing kits can be picked up at your local county extension office. Camellias prefer acidic soil with a target pH range of 5.0 to 6.5, and benefit from organic matter amendments in sandy soil. Plant camellias slightly higher than the natural grade; dig a hole that is wide and shallow. After planting check that the top of the root ball is one to two inches above the soil line to allow for some settling. Mulching helps to conserve moisture and regulate soil temperatures, but be careful not to cover the root ball with thick mulch layers.
For more information about camellias and their care in Florida, please see Camellias at a Glance at .