“They Call Me… Karenia brevis”: the story of red tide

“They Call Me… Karenia brevis”: the story of red tide

At the time of this writing, red tide is still lingering off the Pensacola coast.  By the time this is posted it may or may not be.  I have had a few questions about red tide while this has been occurring here, and some misconceptions about it – so, now is a good time to try and set the story straight.

The dinoflagellate Karenia brevis.
Photo: Smithsonian Marine Station-Ft. Pierce FL


Red tide is actually caused by a group of small, single-celled marine plants.  The one responsible for the red tide in the Gulf of Mexico is called Karenia brevisKarenia is a naturally occurring dinoflagellate.  If I were to pull a water sample off of Pensacola Beach right now I would find it there – albeit in small concentrations – say 300-500 cells in a liter of water.  At these concentrations there are no problems.  When we say problems, we mean respiratory problems or fish kills.  See, Karenia is a dinoflagellate that when irritated or disturbed, will release a toxin – brevotoxin.  This toxin is a neurotoxin that is known to kill fish, sea turtles, and marine mammals at high concentrations – greater than 1,000,000 cells / liter.  For humans the issue is more of respiratory and eye irritation.  Though consuming filter feeding shellfish, such as oysters and scallops, during a red tide can cause serious gastrointestinal problems and possibly hospitalization in humans.  This is why the state closes shellfish harvesting when Karenia concentrations reach 5,000 cells / liter.


What causes Karenia concentrations to increase from 500 cells to 5,000 cells, or even 1,000,000 cells / liter?


The same thing that causes all plants to grow – sunlight and nutrients.

Here is where the first misconception arises.

“Red tides are caused by the increase of nutrients in the ocean due to human activity”.

Not exactly correct.  Red tides have occurred in the Gulf of Mexico since the colonial period, and the colonists certainly did not discharge enough nutrients to spawn a red tide bloom.  No, these blooms occur naturally.  Most form off the coast of southwest Florida.  There the continental shelf extends about 200 miles offshore before reaching the slope to the deep sea.  At this slope there are upwelling currents bringing nutrients from the seafloor to bath these phytoplankton in the warm Florida sun.  This combination, along with some other water chemistry needs, fuel the growth of phytoplankton from a few hundred cells / liter to a few thousand, hundred thousand, or even a million cells / liter – an algal bloom.  At concentrations of 1,000,000 cells or more the water actually changes color to reddish – hence the name “red tide”.



Today humans ARE discharging large amounts of organic and inorganic nutrients into local waterways.  These eventually make their way to the Gulf and can enhance a natural bloom from say 10,000 cells / liter to over 1,000,000 – we can make the situation worse.  This typically happens when offshore winds blow the naturally occurring red tides closer to shore to meet our “cocktail of nutrients” and wa-la – an enhanced bloom with enhanced problems.

Dead fish line the beaches of the Florida Panhandle after a coast wide red tide event in October of 2015.
Photo: Randy Robinson

Here in the northern Gulf the conditions to spawn naturally occurring red tides do not typically exist.  What we usually see are the blooms generated in southwest Florida pushed northward but weather patterns.  At the time of this writing, Escambia County is experiencing a red tide offshore at background/very low concentrations (0-10,000 cells/liter).  Though are no reports of fish kills or respiratory issues in humans, but these are happening to our east in Okaloosa, Walton, Bay, and Franklin counties.


The state is aware of the not only the red tide situation, but other harmful algal blooms occurring around the state and has a task force to try and address these.  We, of course, can help by reducing the amount of nutrients (fertilizers) we discharge into our local waterways.  This would include not only commercial fertilizers, but any plant and animal waste.




Red Tide Current Status.  2021.  Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.  https://myfwc.com/research/redtide/statewide/?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term=campaign.

Dirty Dozen Invasive Species of the Month – Feral Hogs

Dirty Dozen Invasive Species of the Month – Feral Hogs

Six Rivers “Dirty Dozen” Invasive Species

Feral Hog (Sus scrofa)

Wild Hog
Photo: University of Florida

Define Invasive Species: must have all of the following –

  • Is non-native to the area, in our case northwest Florida
  • Introduced by humans, whether intentional or accidental
  • Causing either an environmental or economic problem, possibly both

Define “Dirty Dozen” Species:

These are species that are well established within the CISMA and are considered, by members of the CISMA, to be one of the top 12 worst problems in our area.


Native Range:

The feral hog in Florida today is believed to be the descendants of a hybrid between domestic pigs and wild boars in Europe.



These animals were introduced by the Spanish colonists during the 1500s.  It is known that Ponce de Leon brought pigs with him in 1521 but it is not known what happened when this expedition failed.  It is known that in 1539, Hernando de Soto did bring European pigs and began raising them using the free-range method.  The term “feral” refers to domesticated animals that escaped and now live as “wild” animals.  The term “feral hogs” is used for both the original European releases and any domesticated hogs that may have escaped.


It is now believed that there are breeding pairs of “wild pigs/feral hogs” in 39 states.  Population estimates in the Florida are believed to be greater than 500,000.  Most are west and north of Lake Okeechobee.


EDDMapS currently list 6,666 records of feral hogs in the U.S. This is certainly under reported.  There are 243 records from Florida, 45 of those in the panhandle, and 26 within the Six Rivers CISMA.  Again, this is significantly underreported to EDDMapS.



Feral hogs are usually brown, black, or brindle in color, juveniles may have stripes.  They can reach five to six feet in length and weigh up to 250 pounds.


Issues and Impacts:

The primary issue with feral hogs in their rooting behavior.  These animals will destroy a lot of habitat rooting under the soil with their snouts and hooves looking for roots, tubers, and fungus to eat.  They destroy native vegetation, some of which are protected species, as well as altering the soil chemistry completely changing the environment.  They are also known to carry disease that can be transmitted to livestock and, in some cases, to humans.  It has been estimated that feral hogs cause over $2 billion in damage to agricultural products annually.


They also love acorns and compete heavily with local deer and turkey populations for this food source, impacting those populations.  They are known nest raiders and impact the nesting of native turtles and ground nesting birds.  They are not beyond grabbing small livestock from local farms.



On private land, feral hogs are considered livestock and can be removed with owner permission.  There are no bag limits or closed seasons when hunting on these lands.  On public lands there can be seasons and licenses/permits required.  Hunting, trapping, and exclusion are all methods being used.  Methods of trapping include cages.  The types, and effectiveness, are addressed in the UF IFAS EDIS publication UW3222.  Exclusion usually involves fencing and the best methods are also explained in UF IFAS EDIS UW322.  However, hogs are intelligent animals and often find ways around fences.  Trapping is considered the most effective method.


For more information on this Dirty Dozen species, contact your local extension office.




1 Boughton R.K., B. Wight. 2021. Wildlife of Florida Fact Sheet: Feral Swine.  University of Florida IFAS. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/UW442.


2 Giulianio W.M. 2021.  Wild Hogs in Florida: Ecology and Management.  University of Florida IFAS. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/UW322.


Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS)



Six Rivers CISMA


Catfish of the Florida Panhandle

Catfish of the Florida Panhandle


There are a lot of fish found along the Florida panhandle that many are not aware of, but catfish are not one of them.  Whether a saltwater angler who captures one of those slimy hardhead catfish to a lover of freshwater fried catfish – this is a creature most have encountered and are well aware of.


Growing up fishing along the Gulf of Mexico, the “catfish” was one of our nemesis.   Slinging your cut-bait out on a line, if you were fishing near the bottom, you were likely to catch one of these.  Reeling in a slimy barb-invested creature, they would swallow your bait well beyond the lip of their mouths and it would begin a long ordeal on how to de-hooked this bottom feeder that was too greasy to eat.  Many surf fishermen would toss their bodies up on the beach with the idea that removing it would somehow reduce their population.  Obviously, that plan did not work but ghost crabs will drag their carcasses over to their burrows where they would consume them and leave the head skull that gives this species of catfish it’s common name “hardhead” catfish, or “steelhead” catfish.  This hard skull has bones whose shape remind you of Jesus being crucified and was sold in novelty stores as the “crucifix fish”.

The bones in the skull of the hardhead catfish resemble the crucifixion of Christ and are sold as “crucifix fish”.
Photo: Rick O’Connor


When I attended college in southeast Alabama a group of friends wanted to go out for fried catfish.  I, knowing the above about saltwater catfish, replied “why?… no…, you don’t eat catfish”.  They assured me you did and so off we went to a local restaurant who sold them.  Fried catfish quickly became one of my favorites.  A fried catfish sandwich with slaw and beans is something I always look forward to.  At that time, I was not aware of the freshwater catfish, nor the catfish farms that produce much of the fish for my sandwiches.  I now have also become aware of the method of catching freshwater catfish called “noodling” – which is not something I plan to take up.


Worldwide, there are 36 families and about 3000 species of what are called catfish1.  Most are bottom feeders with flatten heads to burrow through the substrate gulping their prey instead of biting it.  Most possess “whiskers” – called barbels, which are appendages that can detect chemicals in the environment (smell or taste) helping them to detect prey that is buried or hard to find in murky waters.  These barbels resemble whiskers and give them their common name “catfish”.

The serrated spines and large barbels of the sea catfish. Image: Louisiana Sea Grant


They lack scales, giving them the slimy feel when removing them from your hook, and also have a reduced swim bladder causing them to sink in the water – thus they spend much of their time on the bottom.  The mucous of their skin helps in absorbing dissolved oxygen through the skin allowing them to live in water where dissolved oxygen may be too low for other types of fish1.


They are also famous for their serrated spines.  Usually found on the dorsal and pectoral fins, these spines can be quite painful if stepped on, or handled incorrectly.  Some species can produce a venom introduced when these spines penetrate a potential predator which have put some folks in the hospital1.


The size range of catfish is large; from about five inches to almost six feet.  In North America, the largest captured was a blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) at 130 pounds.  The largest flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) was 123 pounds.  But the monster of this group is the Mekong catfish of southeast Asia weighing in at over 600 pounds.


The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission lists six species of catfish in the Florida panhandle area.  However, they are focusing on species that people like to catch2.

The Blue Catfish
Photo: University of Florida

This large blue catfish is being weighed by FWC researchers. Photo: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission










The Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) is found throughout Florida and also in many river systems of the eastern United States.  It has found few barriers dispersing through these river systems.  They are not typically bottom feeders having a more carnivorous diet.


The Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) are relatively new to Florida and are currently reported in the Escambia and Apalachicola rivers.  They prefer these slow-moving alluvial rivers.


The Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) were first reported in the Escambia and Yellow Rivers, there are now records of them in the Apalachicola.  These catfish prefer faster moving rivers with sand/gravel bottoms and seem to concentrate towards the lower ends of major tributaries.


The White Catfish (Amerius catus) is found in rivers and streams statewide, and even in some brackish systems.


The Yellow Bullhead (Amerius natalis) are most often found in slow moving heavily vegetated systems like ponds, lakes, and reservoirs.  It is reported to be more tolerant of poor water conditions.


The Brown Bullhead (Amerius nebulosus) live in similar conditions to the Yellow Bullhead.


The dispersal of freshwater catfish is interesting.  How do they get from the Escambia to the Apalachicola Rivers without swimming into the Gulf and up new rivers?  The answer most probably comes from small tributaries further upstream that can, eventually, connect them to a new river system.  Scientists know that eggs deposited on the bottom can be moved by birds who feed in each of the systems carrying the eggs with them as they do.  And you cannot rule out movement by humans, whether intentionally or accidentally.


On the saltwater side of things, there are two species – though the blue catfish has been reported in the upper portions of some estuaries in low salinities in the western Gulf of Mexico.  The marine species are the hardhead catfish (Arius felis), sometimes known as the “steelhead” or the “sea catfish” – and the gafftop (Bagre marinus), also known as the gafftopsail catfish3.


The hardhead catfish is very familiar with anglers along the Gulf coast.  This is the one I was referring to at the beginning of this article.  It is considered inedible and a nuisance by most.  They are common in estuaries and the shallow portions of the open sea from Massachusetts to Mexico.  They are reported to have an average length of two feet, though most I have captured are smaller.  Like many catfish, they possess serrated spines on their dorsal and pectoral fins.  Their distribution seems to be limited by salinity.


The gafftop is also reported to have a mean length of two feet, and most that I have captured are closer to that.  At one point in time, we were longlining for juvenile sharks in Pensacola Bay and caught numerous of these thinking they were small bull sharks as we pulled the lines in, until we saw the long barbels extending from them.  I remember this being a very slimy fish, covered with mucous, and not fun to take off the hooks.  It is reported to have good food value, though I have not eaten one.  They differ from the hardheads mainly in their extended rays from the dorsal and pectoral fins.  The habitat and range are similar to hardheads, though they have been reported as far south as Panama.

The extended rays of the gafftop catfish.
Photo: University of Florida.

The diversity of freshwater catfish in the U.S. goes beyond what has been reported here.  This group has been found on most continents and have been very successful.  There are plenty of local catfish farms where you can try your luck, have them cleaned, and enjoy a good meal.





1 Catfish. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catfish.


2 Catfish. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. https://myfwc.com/fishing/freshwater/sites-forecasts/catfish/.


3 Hoese, H.D., R.H. Moore. 1977. Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico; Texas, Louisiana, and Adjacent Waters.  Texas A&M Press.  College Station TX. Pp. 327.

The Changing Climate; Part 4 (the Florida Panhandle)

The Changing Climate; Part 4 (the Florida Panhandle)

In Part 2 and 3 of The Changing Climate we discussed some of the climate impacts of the last decade and some possible future ones.  But this was on a global scale, what about the Florida and the panhandle? How will all of this affect us near home?  We will take each of the issues mentioned and address them one by one.

The Gulf of Mexico as seen from Pensacola Beach.
Photo: Molly O’Connor


Extreme Weather Conditions

The western panhandle is considered one of the wetter locations in the United States – with a mean annual rainfall of 64.4 inches (mean for U.S. is 38.1 inches)1.  One of the climate predictions is that wet places will become wetter.  This appears to be the case for this area.  The table below shows the total rainfall for Pensacola FL over the last 14 years.  The mean annual rainfall for this period is 70.72 inches1.  Currently for 2021 Pensacola is at 84.46 inches and it is raining as I type this.  It will be another wet year.


Total Rainfall Pensacola FL

Year Inches of Rainfall
2007 57.76
2008 56.69
2009 88.33
2010 62.96
2011 48.68
2012 66.63
2013 74.61
2014 83.17
2015 75.69
2016 64.62
2017 91.91
2018 90.01
2019 52.56
2020 76.49
MEAN 70.72

NOAA National Weather Service


This increase in rainfall will bring an increase in stormwater issues for the area.  Much of the coastal areas of the panhandle are developed.  There are the dense urban areas of Pensacola, Gulf Breeze, Navarre, Ft. Walton, Destin, and Panama City.  There are the less dense, but growing areas of Port St. Joe, south Walton County, and the Highway 98 corridor between Ft. Walton and Gulf Breeze.


Because the development is dense along the coast, new development is looking northward.  There has been a lot of growth at, and north of, Interstate 10 across the panhandle.  The communities of Ensley, Cantonment, Milton, Pace, Crestview, Chipley, Bonifay, and Marianna are all expanding.


Much of this rainfall would percolate through the topsoil to the water table and aquifer below.  Some would meet hard soils and flow into creeks, streams, ponds, lakes, and rivers eventually making its way to the coastal estuaries.  But most of the development described above has/is using impervious building materials that disrupts the natural flow of this water.  The collecting rainwater, called stormwater, floods parking lots, yards, and streets forcing engineers to develop means of moving this stormwater off the developments and into holding ponds or discharging into one of the available streams, creeks, ponds, or rivers.

One of 39 stormwater drains into Bayou Texar.
Photo: Rick O’Connor


Despite these efforts, many of these developments are still experiencing flooding.  In some cases, the development was placed in a low-lying area where water would naturally flow, and flooding problems become more frequent.  In the last 10 years, with the increased rainfall we have seen, there has been a lot of talk about flooding issues with residents, businesses, and local governments.  If these climate models are correct, we can expect more of this.


One area of interest I have for Sea Grant Programming is how this increase in rainfall and stormwater will impact the salinity in the Pensacola Bay system.  Seagrass restoration, oyster restoration, oyster aquaculture, and fisheries are all sensitive to the salinity in the bay.  The hypothesis is that if rainfall is going to increase, then stormwater discharge from developments will increase, and the salinity of the bay system will decrease – at least at the surface (less saline water being less dense than higher saline water).  That said, much of the estuary is relatively shallow and an increase in rainfall and stormwater could impact much of the water column.  Benthic species, such as seagrass, oysters, and even possible scallop restoration could be negatively impacted by decreasing salinities.


There are species of seagrass that can tolerate lower salinities, but can they support the fisheries that many locals are interested in (such as spotted sea trout and scallops)?  Sea Grant currently works with the University of West Florida using community science volunteers to monitor patches of seagrass in the bay area.  Not only are we interested in density of the grass, but the species composition.

Shoal grass. One of the common seagrasses in Florida.
Photo: Leroy Creswell


Shoal grass (Halodule wrightii) and turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) are species that once dominated much of the lower portion of the Pensacola Bay system (Santa Rosa Sound and Big Lagoon).  Both require higher salinities – a mean of at least 20 ppt.  Widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) is a local seagrass that can tolerate lower salinities and is more common in the upper portions of the estuary.  Our volunteers are currently monitoring whether the grass density is increasing over time but also looking at whether there is a species composition shift from Shoal-Turtle grass to more Widgeon grass.  This could happen if salinities are decreasing and could impact fish diversity as well.  It is known that the bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) is strongly associated with turtle grass and also requires the salinity to be at, or above, 20 ppt.  These species that prefer higher salinities can tolerate short periods of low salinity – that is the nature of estuaries – but it is not known whether they can tolerate prolonged periods of low salinity, or a complete shift to a lower salinity bay.  Most are sure they cannot.  Sea Grant now has a team of community science volunteers who are monitoring salinity near the shoreline around the bay system to see how/if this salinity shift is happening with the increasing rainfall.


The increase stormwater will bring much more than just lower salinity.  It brings sediment from the development mentioned above which can smother benthic life, like oysters, and lower water clarity negatively impacting seagrass growth.  Stormwater also brings fecal bacteria, those bacteria associated with mammalian and avian digestive systems.  The fecal bacteria concentration in the bay is an indicator of possible other pathogenic organisms associated with sewage.  Heavy rainfall can initiate leaking and flooding of both septic systems and sanitary sewage overflows increasing the bacteria load in the water and requiring health advisories to be issued.  This is a reoccurring issue in most of our estuaries.  And let’s not forget the other organic and inorganic compounds we place in the environment.  Pesticides and fertilizers on our lawns, oil and gas from our vehicles, cleaning compounds, and more.  All are washed off the landscape and into local waterways during heavy rains.


Excessive rain not only increases stormwater, and the associated issues mentioned, it can be devastating to local agriculture.  One would think that rain is good for crops, and it is.  But too much of anything can be bad.  Libbie Johnson (UF IFAS Extension Agriculture Agent in Escambia County) explained how the excessive rain has impacted the cotton fields of the Florida panhandle this year.  She mentions from the highway much of the cotton looks green and healthy, but when you walk in the fields you will see they are green because the bolls are not there – so the nutrients needed for seed production are moved to the leaves.  A closer look shows foliage on the ground.  The plants are suffering from hard lock and boll rot – diseases caused by both fungi and bacteria.  It typically occurs but in wetter conditions it is worse.  Some fields are not as bad as others, and some cotton may be picked this year, but the heavy rains late into the season will be a big problem for this industry2.


Record Temperatures

High temperatures reported by Current Results; weather and science facts3 suggest that our annual high temperatures in the summer have not changed much since 1949.  They range from 93°F in 1967 to 106°F in 1980.  Over that 71-year period, 17 (24%) the high temperature for the year was over 100°F.  Interestingly between 1950 and 1954 Pensacola experienced annual high temperatures over 100°F each year – a heat wave.  But what about the annual temperatures over the course of the year?  Are the winter temperatures changing?

The spring equinox sunrise over Santa Rosa Island, March 21


A website entitled ClimateSpy4 reviews conditions from the weather station onboard NAS Pensacola.  According to their data on the warmest and coldest months of the year at NAS, the warm temperatures range between 90-100°F between 1950 and 2020 – the warmest day being 106°F on Aug 29, 2000.  The cold temperatures are all around 35°F and reported from the 1970s.  As a kid in the 1970s, I do remember school being closed due to snow and they asked us to drive home… which I thought was amazing because no one knew how to drive in the snow.  And sure enough, many ended up in ditches along the side of the roads from sliding.  I also remember as a kid in the 1960s heavy frost on the ground during winter on many days, something I do not see much anymore.


In August 2016 the U.S. EPA developed a two paged fact sheet on the impacts of climate on the state of Florida.  They state that5

  1. The peninsula of Florida has warmed 1°F over the past century.
  2. The sea is rising about one inch each decade.
  3. Heavy rainstorms are becoming more severe.
  4. They expect the temperatures to continue to rise producing more hot days and less freezing for agriculture.

They provide a graphic that shows the mean temperatures have increased over much of the country, including south Florida.  But the panhandle is more stable, some areas even cooling.  This is most likely due to the increase rain events this region is experiencing.



Yes… we have seen evidence of this in the Florida panhandle.

The first evidence I have witnessed was the increased number of growing mangroves in this area.  Red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) and black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) are both salt tolerant tropical trees that dominant the estuaries of central and south Florida.  Their current north range extends to Cedar Key Florida (29.14°N).  However, both species have been found in recent years during surveys in the Florida panhandle including – Apalachicola (29.72°N), Port St. Joe (29.81°N), Panama City (30.16°N), Pensacola (30.42°N), Horn Island MS (30.24°N), and the Chandeleur Island in LA (29.84°N).

Red mangrove growing among black needlerush in Perdido Key. Photo credit: Carrie Stevenson, UF IFAS Extension


Interestingly there are records of these trees in these areas back as far as the 1940s6.  This suggests that the seeds (propagules) of mangroves often drift north to the panhandle.  During warmer periods they germinate and may form saplings.  However, a hard freeze eventually happens, and the plants die.  Snyder et.al.6 report the thermal minimum for the black mangrove is 20°F; numbers we do not see often in the panhandle, but they do occur.  But Snyder also reports mangroves in the panhandle reaching heights of 20 feet or so.  Suggesting that the hard freezes are not as frequent and allowing a natural range shift of these plants northward.  Sea Grant and the Marine Science Academy at Washington High School in Pensacola monitored a red mangrove that was found in 2009 and was about three feet tall at that time until a hard freeze killed it in 2018.  It survived nine years, developing prop roots, but never growing much taller.  Partnering with Dauphin Island Sea Lab and the National Estuarine Research Reserves, Sea Grant continues to monitor for the presence of this tropical tree in the northern Gulf.


The historic range of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) included the entire Gulf of Mexico portions of the northern Caribbean, and the Atlantic coast as far north as Massachusetts7.  It is true that during the colder months of the year this animal would migrate to the warm water refuges of Florida.  So, seeing this animal in the northern panhandle should not be unusual.  But in the 1970s their populations were very low, and the animal was placed of the federal endangered species list.  Sightings throughout their range, other than peninsula Florida, became rare.  During the 1980s and 1990s it was not unusual to hear reports of a few manatees, maybe two or three, entering the Pensacola Bay region.


But in 2018 one of our community science volunteers monitoring seagrass in Big Lagoon saw at the end of her dock.  She reported it to me.  I responded by letting her know that one-off sightings of manatees are not unusual in our area.  But then she began to see more, reporting as many as five at one time.  Others began to let me know about sightings they had.  One reported nine individuals together near Kees Bayou in the Intracoastal Waterway near the Alabama line.  This was unusual.

Manatee swimming in Big Lagoon near Pensacola.
Photo: Marsha Stanton


It turned out that the Dauphin Island Sea Lab in Alabama had been tracking manatees for about 10 years after they began to see an increase in numbers over their way.  Sea Grant partnered with them to develop a Pensacola Bay Area Watch and report our sightings to their network.  In 2019 we logged 66 sightings.  This was definitely an increase in what this area had experienced in the last two decades.  The team is now partnering with the Pensacola-Perdido Bay Estuary Program to report sightings.  The program extends to Choctawhatchee Bay to our east and in 2021 a pod of 23 manatees was seen near Destin.  All of this data is logged within the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s program.


The question now is the cause of this increase.  We know that manatee populations have increased in the last few decades.  Is this the reason?  Or are the conditions in the northern Gulf becoming more conducive to the manatees’ needs?  Maybe it is both.  There is now a resident population in Wakulla Springs of about 44 animals.  We will continue to monitor the sightings and see if they over winter here.  The need for warm water winter sites (waters where the temperatures are at, or above, 70°F) are still in the peninsula part of Florida.  So, it is believed they will not overwinter here.  Monitoring continues.


Then there are the snook…

Snook (Centropomus undecimalis) is a popular game fish sought by anglers in central and south Florida.  Along with the tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) were one of the reasons the huge tourism industry kicked off in the early 20th century.  People loved to come to Florida trying their luck catching them.  And you had to come to Florida to catch them, they are a warm water species.


Like manatees, their historic range includes the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast as far north as New York8, but the fish is not common in the colder parts of their range.  They are considered transients, summer visitors when waters are warmer.  But warmer water temperatures maybe extending their resident range further north in the Gulf of Mexico.

This snook was captured near Cedar Key. These tropical fish are becoming more common in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Photo: UF IFAS


Purtlebaugh et.al9 report an increase in snook catches in and around Cedar Key FL since 2007.  Their studies found snook of all age classes between 2016 and 2018 suggesting that reproduction was occurring there, further suggesting that snook are expanding their range into north Florida.  There have been reports of the fish in both Apalachicola and Pensacola, though no evidence that they are reproducing here – winters are still too cold for that.


Invasive Species

North Florida has its share of invasive species.  But due to our cold winters, many we hear and read about in south Florida are not a threat to us… yet.


Most of the invasive species we hear about in our neck of the woods are plants.  Chinese tallow, Japanese climbing fern, Chinese privet, and cogongrass to name a few.  But we have had issues with some animals.  Red fire ants, feral hogs, and nutria have all been problematic in this part of the Gulf.


But recently there have been increased sightings of new species historically found in peninsula Florida.  The brown anole (Anolis sagrei) is a small lizard from the Caribbean, specifically the region of Cuba (hence the other common name – Cuban Anole).  I first heard reports of this non-native in and around the Perdido Key area.  They are now abundant there and appear to be abundant in the Gulf Breeze area, East Hill and downtown areas of Pensacola, and… all along the panhandle.  I visited a wholesale nursery east of here that had one greenhouse invested with them.  I have seen them at every rest area on I-10 between Pensacola and I-75.  They appear to be everywhere now.

This Cuban Anole was photographed on a public hiking trail near Perdido Key.
Photo: Jerry Patee


It is believed they arrived here as hitchhikers on ornamental plants grown in nurseries in south Florida.  At one time, you did not have to worry about such hitchhikers because our winter freezes would end the invasion.  But those freezes are not occurring as frequently and these populations, just as the mangroves, are hanging on longer.  Some may believe that when a good hard freeze does occur, we will no longer have to worry about them.  But that may not be the case.


Laura Rubio’s master thesis looked the thermal minimum for both the native green anole (Anolis carolinesis) and the invasive brown anole.  She looked at populations along the range of peninsula Florida up to Georgia.  In Georgia she found that the native green anole dealt with cold winters better than the brown anoles, and the males handled it better than the females in both species.  But as her work continued, she noticed that the brown anoles did acclimate to the colder climate10.


There are studies showing that the invasive Argentine Black and White Tegu (Salvator merianae) can do the same.  This is a large lizard, reaching lengths of up to three feet.  They are from South America but have at least three breeding populations in central and south Florida.  However, there have been reports of the animals in Georgia, South Carolina, and the Florida panhandle.  Can they handle our winters?


A study conducted by Scott Goetz et. al.11 suggest yes.  The study was conducted at Auburn University.  They were trying to determine whether this animal could adjust to our winter temperatures.  Nine of the 12 animals in the study emerged from their first winter just fine and seven made it over one year.  Suggesting that these tropical reptiles could survive if they made their way to our part of the Gulf.  Whether this is because the annual winter temperatures in north Florida and Alabama have warmed, or whether they are due to acclimating reptiles was not specifically addressed in the study, but the reduction of frost/freezing days could play a part.

The Argentine Black and White Tegu.
Photo: EDDMapS.org


One final note on invasive species.  The Brazilian Peppertree (Schinus terebinthifolia) has been a huge problem in south Florida for decades.  This aggressive invasive plant has taken over many areas of the state.  Native to Brazil, it has covered much of the peninsula part of the state but not the Florida panhandle or into Georgia.  A few years ago, one was found on St. George Island in Franklin County FL near Apalachicola.  This year one was found in Niceville FL near Destin in Okaloosa County.  Like the mangrove, one would suspect that a hard freeze would do their populations in.  But we will have to see if such freezes occur.


Growth Zones

Growth zones are geographic zones extending east and west with a similar climate and help horticulturists select which plants will do best.  The higher the number, the more tropical.

Planting zones are shifting towards the poles.


Historically the Florida panhandle was in Zone 8.  But now we are in Zone 9… it has warmed12.  These climate shifts are occurring with elevation as well.  The big difference within these zones is how cold it now gets during winter.  In our area, winter is warmer than it was a few decades ago allowing some subtropical and tropical to overwinter and thrive during the warmer months.  This connects with the invasion of some invasive species and plants like mangroves.


Sea Level Rise

According to the 2021 IPCC Assessment Report 6 not only is sea level rising, it appears even with a dramatic reduction in greenhouse gasses, that trend will not turn around for at least a century – the sea will rise.  So, how does this effect Florida?


In paper published by Thomas Ruppert (Florida Sea Grant) in 2013, our state can expect a rise of about 1.5 to 4.5 feet by 210013.  One must remember that vertical rise of one foot could equal a couple of feet of horizontal flooding.  The King tides of the Atlantic coast of the state have been in the news for years.  These rising waters impact drainage, groundwater levels, enhance saltwater intrusion in drinking and agriculture sources.  Monroe County reported impacts of SLR to include having to replace vehicles due to sitting in salt water.  You can also include a rise in storm surge during tropical storms to the list of impacts.


Many coastal communities are already dealing with increased flooding due to excessive rainfall.  Adding a rising sea will make these issues worse.  Natural systems, like barrier islands and salt marshes, will natural “roll” inland as the sea rises but if there is development in the way (and there is), they cannot.  So, the loss of the systems, the commercial and recreational economic importance, and the ecosystem services they provide will be lost.


All of these are very real, and many are occurring as this is being typed.  The obvious next question is what can we do about it?  That will be the focus for our last segment in this series – Part 5 (Solutions).




1 National Weather Service. Temperature and Precipitation Graph for Pensacola FL. https://www.weather.gov/mob/climate_kpns.


2 Johnson, L. 2021. 2021 Cotton Production Issues in the Western Panhandle.  University of Florida IFAS Extension. https://nwdistrict.ifas.ufl.edu/phag/2021/10/01/2021-cotton-production-issues-in-the-western-panhandle/.


3 Current Results; Weather and Science Facts. https://www.currentresults.com/index.php.


4 ClimateSpy. https://www.climatespy.com/climate/summary/united-states/florida/pensacola-nas.


5 What Climate Change Means for Florida.  2016. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  EPA 430-F-16-011. https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-08/documents/climate-change-fl.pdf.


6 Snyder, C.M., L.C. Feher, M.J. Osland, C.J. Miller, A.R. Hughes, K.L. Cummins. 2021. The Distribution and Structure of Mangroves (Avicennia germinans and Rhizophora mangle) Near Rapidly Changing Range Limit in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.  Estuaries and Coast. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-021-00951-0.


7 Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). 2017. Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Crystal_River/wildlife_and_habitat/Florida_Manatee.html.


8 Common Snook. Centropomus undecimalis. 2017. The Florida Museum of Natural History. Discover Fishes. https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/discover-fish/species-profiles/centropomus-undecimalis/.


9 Purtlebaugh C.H., C.W. Martin, M.S. Allen. 2020. Poleward expansion of common snook Centropomus undecimalis in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and future research needs. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0234083.


10 Rubio, Laura Carolina Maria, “Geographic Variation in the Lower Temperature Tolerance in the Invasive Brown Anole, Anolis sagrei and the Native Green Anole, Anolis carolinensis (Sauria: Polychrotidae). ” Master’s Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2012. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/1400


11 Goetz SM, Steen DA, Miller MA, Guyer C, Kottwitz J, Roberts JF, et al. (2021) Argentine Black and White Tegu (Salvator merianae) can survive the winter under semi-natural conditions well beyond their current invasive range. PLoS ONE 16(3): e0245877. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0245877.


12 Planting an Earth Day Garden? Consider Climate’s “New Normal”.  2017. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Climate.gov: Science and Information for a Climate Smart Nation.  https://www.climate.gov/news-features/featured-images/planting-earth-day-garden-consider-climate%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%98new-normal%E2%80%99.


13 Ruppert, T. 2013. Sea-Level Rise in Florida – the Facts and Science.  Florida Sea Grant College Program. University of Florida IFAS Extension.  https://www.flseagrant.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/SLR-Fact-Sheet_dual-column-letterhead_8.2.13_pdf.pdf.

Early Detection Invasive Species of the Month – Water Spinach

Early Detection Invasive Species of the Month – Water Spinach

EDRR Invasive Species

Swamp Morning Glory – Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)

Swamp Morning Glory (also known as Water Spinach)
Photo: University of Florida IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants


Define Invasive Species: must have ALL of the following –

  • Is non-native to the area, in our case northwest Florida
  • Introduced by humans, whether intentional or accidental
  • Causing either an environmental or economic problem, possibly both

Define EDRR Species: Early Detection Rapid Response.  These are species that are either –

  • Not currently in the area, in our case the Six Rivers CISMA, but a potential threat
  • In the area but in small numbers and could be eradicated

Native Range:

Swamp Morning Glory, also known as Water Spinach, is native to the East Indies.



The plant was cultivated in many southeast Asian countries during World War II and was known as “water spinach”.  It was later brought to the U.S. and cultivated in California, Florida, Hawaii, Texas, and Arizona.  It escaped cultivation.


EDDMapS currently list 48 records of Swamp Morning Glory in the U.S.  Three are in northern California, one in Texas, and the remaining 44 are from Florida.  Two of those in Florida are from the panhandle in Walton County near Miramar Beach and are within the Six Rivers CISMA.



The plant appears as a trailing herbaceous vine in aquatic systems and produces a milky sap.  The leaves are alternate and simple.  The blades are arrowhead shaped but can vary.  They usually end in a point and are about 7 inches long.  They are held above the water most of the time.


The flowers are pretty and showy being funnel shaped.  They are white to pink in color.


Issues and Impacts:

This plant forms dense mats at the surface blocking needed sunlight to submerged species.  The vines can grow over 70 feet in length and can present problems with flood control.  It also competes with native emergent plants for space and resources.



Aquatic herbicides have been used but only with temporary relief.  Diuron provided satisfactory control on plants growing in dry ditches but was nonselective and killed other nearby plants.  Paraquat, glyphosate, and 2,4-D have been shown to have control over growth of the plant but are also nonselective and will kill other plants it comes in contact with.


For more information on this EDRR species, contact your local extension office.



Global Invasive Species Database.  Ipomoea aquatica.  http://issg.org/database/species/management_info.asp?si=477&fr=1&sts=&lang=EN.


Ipomoea aquatica.  2021.  Wikipedia.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipomoea_aquatica.


Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica). 2021. Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. https://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/plant-directory/ipomoea-aquatica/.


Water Spinach. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.  https://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/habitat/invasive-plants/weed-alerts/water-spinach/.


Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS)



Six Rivers CISMA
