Microplastics Awareness Month

Microplastics Awareness Month

It is an amazing product actually… plastic.  It can be molded into all sorts of shapes and forms.  In some cases, it can be more durable than other products, it is lighter and cheaper than many.  Slowly over time, we began to use more and more of it.  I remember as a kid in the ‘60s Tupperware products were common.  Cups and bowls with resealable lids.  Coffee cups followed, then 2-Liter coke bottles, to the common water bottle we see today.  As I look around the room, I am in right now there are plastic pens, picture frames, suntan lotion bottles, power cords, rain jacket, the cover and keyboard of this laptop.  Plastic is part of our lives.

A variety of plastics ends up in the Gulf. Each is a potential problem for marine life. Photo: Rick O’Connor

Unfortunately, being relatively inexpensive, it is also easily disposed of.  Many forms of plastic are one-time use.  In some cases, we purchase and discard them without really using them – plastic wrap covering fruit, or the famous plastic grocery bags.  Most of this discarded plastic eventually finds its way into the environment.  Data from the 2017 International Coastal Clean Up, showed that globally all the top 10 items collected were plastic.  Most of it was cigarette butts and items related to food and drink.  Even with all the press, the number of plastic grocery bags collected actually increased.  One study conducted in 2015 estimated the amount of plastic in our oceans would be enough to fill 5 plastic grocery bags for each foot of shoreline of the 192 countries they surveyed.


There is a lot of plastic out there.  One researcher commented… it’s all still there.  Some have estimated that plastic takes about 600 years to completely break down.  Plastic items degrade while exposed to sun, sand, and saltwater.  But they never go away.  They become smaller and smaller to a point where you cannot even see them anymore – these are called MICROPLASTICS.


Microplastics are defined as any plastic items 5mm or smaller in diameter.  Most plastics float, and most microplastics float as well, but pieces of microplastics have been found throughout the water column and even in the deep-sea sediments.  They come in two forms; primary and secondary.

“Nurdle” are primary microplastics that are produced to stuff toys and can be melt down to produce other products.
Photo: Maia McGuire

Primary microplastics are plastics that are produced at these small sizes.  All plastic products begin as small beads called nurdles.  Nurdles are produced and shipped to manufacturing centers where they are melted down and placed into forms which produce car bumpers, notebook covers, and water bottles.  Many of these nurdles are shipped via containers and spills occur.  Other primary microplastics are microbeads.  These are used in shampoo, toothpaste, and other products to make them sparkle, or add color.  As they are washed down our sinks and showers, they eventually make their way into the environment.  Sewage treatment facilities are designed to remove them.


Secondary microplastics are those they were originally macroplastics and have been broken down by the elements.  Plastic fragments and fibers are two of the more common forms of secondary microplastics.  These micro-fibers make up 70-80% of the microplastics volunteers find in Florida waters.  Many of these fibers come from our clothing, from cigarette butts, and other sources.


Are these microplastics causing a problem?


It is hard to say whether they have caused the decline in populations of any group of marine organisms, but we do know they are absorbing them.  Studies have found microscopic plankton have ingested them, and some have ceased to feed until they pass them, if they do pass them.  There has been concerned with the leaching of certain products in plastic to make them more flexible in bottled water.  These products have been found in both plankton and in whales.

The most common form of microplastic are fibers.
Photo: UF IFAS St. Johns County

Another problem are the toxic compounds already in seawater.  Compounds such as PCBs, PAHs, and DDT.  It has been found that these compounds adhere to microplastics.  Thus, if marine organisms consume (or accidentally ingest) these microplastics, the concentrations of these toxins are higher than they would be if the microplastics were not present.


Studies have shown:

–          Pacific oysters had decreased egg production and sperm motility, fewer larvae survived, and the survivors grew more slowly than those in the control population.

–          Plastic leachate impaired development of brown mussel larvae.

–          Shore crabs fed microplastics consumed less food over time.

A recent summer research project at the University of West Florida found microplastics within the gut and tissues of all seafood products purchased in local seafood markets.  And recently a study of human stool samples from volunteers in Europe and Japan found microplastics in us.  Again, we are not sure of the impact on our health from this, but they are there.


So, what do we do?


One idea is to remove these microplastics from the ocean – skimming or filtering somehow.  As you might guess, this also removes much needed phytoplankton and zooplankton.


There is the ole “Recycle, Reuse, Reduce” idea we learned when we were in school.  Unfortunately, recycling plastic has not been working well.  Being a petroleum product, the price of oil can dictate the price of recycled plastic.  With low oil prices comes low recycling profits.  In many cases it can be cheaper to produce and purchase new plastic products.  Also, unlike glass, plastic can only be recycled so many times.

Boxes providing garbage bags and disposal.
Photo: Pensacola Beach Advocates

Reuse and reduce may be the better options.  If you must purchase plastic items, try to reuse them.  In many cases this is difficult and the reduce method is the better option.  Reduce the purchase of plastic items such as your own drinking container instead of using the one-time plastic cup at meetings or events.  And of course, reusable grocery bags.  You will have to think on how to reduce some items, but most can be done.


There are numerous more suggestions, and more information, on Dr. Maia McGuire’s Flagler County Extension website – http://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/flagler/marine-and-coastal/microplastics/.


Help make others more aware of microplastics during Microplastics Awareness Month.

It’s Hot Out There… What Can We Do?  Have You Considered SCUBA?

It’s Hot Out There… What Can We Do? Have You Considered SCUBA?

We like to post articles about fun and adventurous activities people can do outdoors in the Florida panhandle… but it is very hot out there this time of year.  What sort of outdoor adventure can you have when the temperatures are running in the 90s and the humidity in the 80% range?




Many of us have our favorite swimming holes – local rivers, springs, estuaries, or the Gulf itself, but what about SCUBA?  I recently talked to a local dive charter and they said the current weather pattern is not a problem for them.  The seas are relatively calm – easy to get offshore, you are underwater – so not so hot, and afternoon rains washes the gear off.  Sounds like a good adventure on a hot summer day.

Diving near large coral.
Photo: Indiana University

But SCUBA is not for everyone.  My wife tried and did not care for it.  It certainly makes some folks nervous.  Underwater seems confining to many.  There is a lot of equipment you have to wear, and that can be bothersome.  There are creatures out there, some of them rather large.  And then there is the risk, many see SCUBA as a dangerous activity – and it can be.  This is why they require a course for certification… to address all of these issues.


During the course they will put you in a swimming pool with the gear and see how comfortable you are.  Honestly, I remember the first time I tried the tank.  My brain was telling me “DO NOT INHALE… YOU ARE NOT A FISH”.  But eventually I did, and MAN was that cool.  As you become more comfortable you can swim some.  All of this is done at the shallow end so if it is not working for you – you are fine.  The equipment really is not that cumbersome while in the water.  Swimming slow laps, getting use the breathing on the equipment, clearing your mask if water gets in, they teach you everything you need to know to be relaxed while underwater.

Student and instructor practice SCUBA skills in a swimming pool.
Photo: University of Central Florida.

There are skills you will need to learn while in the pool, and then the there is the classroom sessions.  Much of it deals with the danger issue of diving – what could go wrong.  As Jacques Cousteau once said, it is not going down that is the problem, it is coming back.  We are all aware of the pressure changes that occur as you descend into the ocean.  There is air pressure on your body at sea level – about 15 p.s.i.  We do not notice this because our body compensates for it.  However, as you descend into the water the pressure increases 15 p.s.i. every 33 feet you descend.  You will feel this and are taught how to compensate for it.  Once on the bottom, you will find all sorts of structures, fish, sometimes even sea turtles.  You swim around trying to take it all in, but the entire you are down the pressure is pushing gases into your body.  When it is time to return, you must do this the correct way – “gas off” as they say.  Again, local instructors will explain all of this in class and you will have a chance to practice in the pool.


Then there is the open water dive.

You get a chance to test your skills in the open Gulf.

Again, this makes some a bit nervous.  It is one thing in the safety of a swimming pool.  It is another in the wild blue.  There are jellyfish, fish, bigger fish, waves, can’t see the bottom yet, pirates, who knows what is running through your mind.  But you are with friends.  Everyone is going through the same experience and you have master divers at your side.  It is all good.  You eventually reach the bottom and see a world that is truly amazing.

A diver explores a coral reef.
Photo: NOAA

Again, SCUBA is not for everyone, but it is a fun activity on these hot summer days.  Something to consider trying.  There are many great dive instructors along the Florida panhandle, and one near you.  If SCUBA is too much – consider snorkeling, it can be a rewarding activity as well.


Stay cool.

The Thing About Sharks

The Thing About Sharks

The recent attacks on swimmers in North Carolina have once again brought up the topic of sharks.  And of course, “Shark Week” is coming up.  It is understandable why people are concerned about swimming in waters were animals weighing several hundred pounds with rows of sharp, sometimes serrated, teeth are lurking.  It is also understandable that local tourism groups are concerned that visitors are concerned.  Sounds like the movie Jaws all over again.

The Bull Shark is considered one of the more dangerous sharks in the Gulf. This fish can enter freshwater but rarely swims far upstream. Photo: Florida Sea Grant

So, what is the risk?


It is good question to ask for anything we feel uncomfortable with.  Hiking in Rockies where bears might roam.  Hiking in wetlands of Florida or deserts of the American southwest where venomous snakes may lurk.  Paddling the creeks and rivers of the American southeast where alligators could be basking.  All are concerns.


According to G. Tyler Miller and Scott E. Spoolman, a risk is the probability of suffering harm from a hazard that can cause injury, disease, death, economic loss, or damage.  There is a difference between possibility and probability.  There is always the possibility of a shark attack, but what is the probability it will happen?  Unfortunately, media blast can create a scare over a highly unlikely possibility without discussing the data driven probability of it happening.  We all take risk every day – riding in a car, smoking, drinking alcohol, eating bad food – which can lead to heart issues and the number one killer of humans worldwide, and more.  Many of these we do not consider risky.  We feel we are in control, understand the risk, and are managing from them.  Those risk we have little control over – shark attacks – seem more of a risk than they really are.  The car is far more dangerous, yet we do not hesitate to get in one at zoom onto the interstate.


Let’s conduct a simple risk assessment of shark attacks…


What is the hazard of concern?

Being attacked by a shark

Dying from the shark attack


How likely is the event?

The International Shark Attack File was first developed after World War II to address the issue of shark attacks on US Navy personnel, but expended to everyone.  It was originally housed at the Smithsonian Institute but is currently housed at the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville.  Based on their records of unprovoked shark attacks (the ones we are truly interested in) there have been 3103 attacks on humans since 1580.  46% of those were in the United States, ranking us #1.  Number two and three are Australia and South Africa.  So as far as nations go, we are number one for attacks.  However, this equates to 7 attacks / year – worldwide.  And not all of those died.  Most did not.


Which state?

Since 1837, 828 attacks (57%) occurred in Florida.  This equates to 4.5 attacks / year.  Florida is number one, followed by Hawaii and California.


What about counties in Florida?

Since 1882 there have been 303 attacks (36%) in Volusia County.  This equates to 2.2 attacks/year.  The total number of attacks in Florida panhandle counties since 1882 have been 25 – this is 0.2 attacks/year for the entire panhandle.


What were these Floridians and visitors doing when they were attacked?

Surface recreation (surfing, boogie boarding), swimming, and wading top the list, the other activities were logged.


So, there have between 8-10 shark attacks each year, and two fatalities, worldwide. 

The white shark is responsible for more attacks on humans than any other species. It is found in the Gulf of Mexico in the winter months but there are no reports of attacks in Florida.
Photo courtesy of UF IFAS

The Risk Assessment is used to develop a Risk Management Plan

First, How do these shark attack data compare with other risks?


I wondered how many car accidents occur each year worldwide?

According to USA Insurance Coverage, who got their data from the National Highway Traffic Administration – 5,250,000 each year in the United States alone.  About one every 60 seconds.


Situations that cause human deaths annually in the United States

Heart disease    652,486              1 in 5 people

Cancer                553,888              1 in 7

Stroke                 150,074              1 in 24

Shark attack      1                           1 in 3,748,067


Between 1992-2000 there were 2 shark attacks in Florida.  In that same time period, there were 135 drownings.


Between 2004 and 2013, 361 people drowned in rip currents.  During that same period, 8 people were attacked by sharks.


Between 1990 and 2009, in Florida, 112,581 people were involved in bicycle accidents; 2272 died.  In that same period, there were 435 shark attacks in Florida; 4 died.


And my favorite…

Between 1984 and 1987, 6339 people had to visit a hospital in New York City because they were bitten by a human.  This was 1585 / year.  In that same period there were 45 shark attacks in the entire United States.  This was 11 / year.


Second, How should we reduce the risk of shark attack?

Well… as you can see from the assessment and comparative risk analysis, many would say you did not need to develop a plan to reduce risk because the risk is too low to fool with.  You should spend time on hazards that are of a more real concern.  That said, there are some things you can do.

–          Avoid excessive splashing; it is known that sharks are attracted to this.  It is also known that more often than not, they move away when they detect the source of the splashing.

–          Avoid swimming when bleeding or in water with strong smells (like fish bait); this too will attract them.

–          Most unprovoked attacks occur between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM.  But honestly, that is when most people are in the water.  This could be different if most of us swim after sunset.  That said, we recommend that you reduce swimming at dawn and dusk.

I hope this clear up some of the concerns about shark attacks.  Yes, they do happen – but infrequently.  There are some things you can do to reduce your risk, but these should not keep you from enjoying water related activities.  Enjoy your time here on the Gulf coast.  Be careful driving and try to eat healthier.




International Shark Attack File.  https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/shark-attacks/.


Miller, G.T., S.E. Spoolman. 2011. Living in the Environment. 16th Edition.  Brooks and Cole, Cengage Learning.  Belmont CA. pp. 121.


USA Insurance. https://www.usacoverage.com/auto-insurance/how-many-driving-accidents-occur-each-year.html.

Dealing with Nutria

Dealing with Nutria

I found one in Escambia County, near Perdido Key.  It was dead, roadkill, and was quite large.  Needless to say, working with invasive species and trying to stay ahead of any new potential problems, I was surprised.  I immediately turned around to confirm what I saw as I drove by – it was a nutria.

A dead nutria found along a roadside in Escambia County.
Photo: Rick O’Connor

Many of us have heard of this large rodent (Myocastor coypus), and all the problems it has caused in the state of Louisiana.  With the loss of their marshes at stake, it was “all hands” to battle this guy.  From reading, it appears it was released across the United States as a potential fur product.  I found statements that they may have been brought here from their home in South America as early as the 19th century.  Certainly, by the 1920s and 1930s they were here.  Today there are records in 18 states across the southeast, the Chesapeake Bay area, and the Pacific northwest – a widespread release and distribution.


It is another classic invasive species story.  A nonnative creature is brought to the United States for some specific reason, sometimes accidentally; escapes into the local environment, or is intentionally released; has no natural predators so begins to reproduce at a high rate; and causes environmental and/or economic problems.  The United States spends hundreds of millions of each year battling such species.


In the nutria’s case, it is from South America.  It was hard to determine whether they were brought over here in small increments to different locations over time, or whether they were brought here in bulk and released into habitats they could survive in, but they were released.  It is a large rodent and resembles a beaver except that its tail is round, and not flat, and the profile of their back has an arch to it.  They can reach two feet in length, not counting tail, and can weigh up to 20 pounds.


They are herbivores, and some used this animal to control aquatic plants in their ponds.  Like many rodents, they have an aggressive reproductive rate to overcoming predation.  Nutria become sexually mature within 4-6 months and can produce their first litter at eight months.  They breed year-round and typically have three litters / year with 2-13 young / litter.  Gestation is 128-130 days and the females are ready to breed within 48 hours of birth.


Nutria like water and can survive in brackish conditions.  They live in small social groups that typically have a dominant male, 2-3 females, and the young.  Activity is usually at night, moving through the habitat consuming 25% of their body weight in plants each day.  They can be seen during daylight hours if food is scarce.

Photo Courtesy of US Fish & Wildlife National Digital Library

So, what’s the problem?


They eat a lot and burrow for denning.  Many waterways are endangered due to their destructive habits. The tunneling and burrowing can compromise the integrity of banks and shorelines around these waterways.  Louisiana, being a state with many levees holding water back from communities, you can understand their concern; but communities in Washington, Oregon, and Maryland are facing the same issues.  They are carries of certain pathogens and parasites, such as tuberculosis, septicemia, and liver flukes which can be a threat to humans and pets.  They also carry nematodes which can trigger a condition known as “nutria itch” in waterways where they are found.


In 1938, 20 nutria were released in Louisiana.  By 1958 there were 20 million in the state.  There did not seem to be any natural control and the state began losing its marshes.  The interesting thing is there are records of releases in Florida as far back as 1955.  There are records of this animal in the Pensacola area dating back to 1956.  Yet, we do not see the overwhelming numbers found in Louisiana, or with lionfish in our area.  I spoke with long time Mobile Delta natural historian Jimbo Meador about the problem there.  He said there were lots of nutria at one time and they had hunting tournaments to control them.  But when the state began protecting alligators the nutria problem went away – a natural predator after all.  He said today you can still find nutria in the Mobile area, but they are restricted to the more brackish areas where alligators are not as common.


Which brings us back to the Pensacola issue.


Many believe that the best method for controlling a new potential invasive species is discover and manage them early before they become widespread and established.  Even though this is the first one I have seen in Escambia County, they apparently have been in the area for over 60 years.  Something seems to be controlling their populations, which is a good thing.  That said, any populations found should be monitored so they do not become more widespread.  Currently, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission considers them as one of the furbearers and manages them as such.  Live trapping is allowed but you must have a trapping permit to do so.  You can actually sell the fur, but you will need a license for this.  This may be like the tiger shrimp story, an invasive we are aware of but is not becoming a widespread problem in the county, but I do recommend anyone seeing the creature report to the website data base www.EDDMapS.org so that we can all keep track of where they are and whether they are spreading.




California’s Invaders: Nutria (Myocastor coypus), California Department of Fish and Wildlife



Jimbo Meador (personal communication)


Maryland Mammals: Nutria (Mycastor coypus), Maryland Department of Natural Resources



Nutria Biology and Identification, Chesapeake Bay Nutria Eradication Project, U.S. Fish and Wildlife



Nutria (Myocastor coypus), Florida’s Nonnative Wildlife Species Detail, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.



USGS, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species, Nutria (Myocastor coypus)


The Magnificent Mullet

The Magnificent Mullet

Or just mullet… maybe you prefer “mu-lay”…

Either way it is a fish we all know and love.  Those of us who grew up here on the Gulf coast know this fish as part of our culture.  I remember numerous family gatherings where fried mullet was the order of the day.  Along with grits, baked beans, cole slaw, and iced tea you had your “mullet plate”.  It is the fish of choice for Catholic fish fries during Lent.  It is the icon of the “Mullet Toss” event at the Flora-Bama, which draws huge crowds and people plan for all year.  It almost became the mascot of minor league baseball team.  One my favorites was a story told to me by a colleague who used to teach at the old Booker T. Washington High School when it was on “A” street.  He told me each morning the janitorial staff would catch mullet for the school lunches.  They would have your classic “mullet plate” for lunch everyday – fresh from the bay – how good is that.  It is the fish that “jumps” and everyone knows what it is.

The Striped Mullet.
Image: LSU Extension

I paddle area waters monitoring a variety of things assessing the health status of Pensacola Bay.  While out there I see a lot of wildlife, but mullet is one of the more common ones.  Wherever I go, open intracoastal waterway, grassbeds, bayous, marshes, even backwater creeks where the water is almost stagnant, I find mullet.  You see their swirls, schools gliding beneath your paddleboard or kayak, I even watched one make unusual circles with its head above water once.  And always the “jump”, they are always jumping.  But I had never really thought much about their biology.  Many folks observe and study more unusual, or problematic fish, like lionfish.  But the mullet slips by the radar.  It is more like… “oh yea, then there is the mullet”, and we do not think of them more than that.


Local recreational and commercial fishermen are aware of their movements and behaviors.  They know when and where they will be at different times of the year.  But I thought I would do some digging and educate the rest of you about this amazing fish who is like part of the family.


There are actually two species of mullet swimming in area waters.  The striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) is more common.  It is one that the commercial fishermen seek, FWC lists as the “black mullet” on their commercial guides.  The other is the white mullet (Mugil curema).  They differ in that the anal fin of the white mullet has 9 soft rays; the striped has 8.  Large striped mullet will have stripes, which the large white mullet lack.  The juveniles of both species lack stripes.  When caught and still alive, the white mullet will have a bright gold spot on the operculum (the bone covering the gills), this is lacking on the striped mullet.

A fisherman throws a cast net to catch mullet at White Point in Choctawhatchee Bay

Mullet are euryhaline… meaning they can tolerate a wide range of salinities and can be found in fresh or saltwater.  They travel in schools, feeding off of the bottom.  Their diet consists of bacteria and single-celled algae found attached to plants.  They pick at the bottom, and scrape seagrasses consuming these.


They spawn most of the year, but the peak is between October and December.  Spawning takes place in the open Gulf of Mexico, sometimes far offshore.  They become sexual mature at three years old and can produce 0.5 – 4 million eggs.  Mullet roe (fish eggs) is a local delicacy for some.  They have been reported at an age of 16 years – long time for a fish.


While studying marine biology in college, I remember someone asked our professor why mullet jump.  He paused for several seconds and then replied – “for the same reason manta rays jump”… there was a long pause… so we bit the bait – “okay, why do manta rays jump?”  “We don’t know”.  Classic…

However, they now have an idea why.  It is believed they clean their gills doing this and also oxygenate those gills in stagnant, warm, low oxygen waters that mullet find themselves in periodically.

A striped mullet died during cold stress.

It is a local commercial fishery.  Between 2018-2019 412,421 pounds of mullet were landed in Escambia County, another 151,638 pounds in Santa Rosa.  This made it the number one fish for the season.  Between the two counties the value of the fishery was $456,892 but sells better as a bait than as food.


It is truly a magnificent fish.  Their numbers have increased since the 1995 net ban and has become one of the more common fish we see while exploring local estuarine waters.  I certainly will not take them for granted any longer.