Bamboo: Attractive Ornamental or Invasive Nightmare?

Bamboo: Attractive Ornamental or Invasive Nightmare?

Golden bamboo quickly establishes in an areas and pushes out all other plants.

Golden bamboo quickly establishes in an areas and pushes out all other plants.

Bamboo, the tallest grass in north Florida, can be an attractive landscape specimen or an invasive nightmare. There are more than 700 species of bamboo worldwide, ranging in height from 12 inches to 100 feet or more in ideal growing conditions.

In the U.S., only two species occur naturally (Arundinaria gigantea and A. tecta). Neither of these two plants are used for human food, but other bamboos are a dietary staple or flavoring condiments in Asia and Africa.

Bamboo holds two impressive records in the plant kingdom. It is the largest perennial grass on the planet and it can be the fasted growing plant under the perfect environment.
It has been deliberately propagated and used as an ornamental plant for many years in Florida. The wide variety of colors and textures combined with the exotic shaped and delicate leaves add to the landscaping appeal.

Generally speaking, the two native bamboos are not extremely weedy and are relatively easy to manage. However, there are scores of imported bamboos which are highly invasive and exceedingly difficult to contain in a limited area.

The most common invasive bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea) is commonly known as fishing pole or golden bamboo. It was imported into this country in the 1880’s as an ornamental, being popular as a cold-hearty and quick growing privacy screen.

Because of its weight and relative strength it became an inexpensive and popular source of fishing poles. Curiously, expensive bamboo fly fishing rods are usually made from a less common, but stronger bamboo species native to China.

This and other invasive bamboo varieties have large and complex underground root systems called rhizomes. These shallow roots maintain the plant’s viability by storing and distributing large volumes of nutrients.

Once an invasive bamboo is established the root system supports rapid growth and expansion. Other plants are quickly overwhelms and pushed out.
To control these invasive varieties, the entire rhizome network must be killed. This makes control of bamboo expensive, intensive, time consuming and difficult.

Being a grass bamboo easily tolerates occasional pruning, but regular and intensive mowing is much more effective for destroying this plant. The mowing frequency is similar to a home lawn if success is to be achieved.

The removal of the plant’s above-ground portion is required to deplete the rhizomes and exhaust it. One to two seasons of rigorous mowing is needed before control is achieved.

To learn more about invasive bamboo, contact your local UF/IFAS Extension Office or read IFAS Publication WG 209: Integrated Management of Nonnative Plants in Natural Areas of Florida at

The Majestic Longleaf: One of the South’s Distinguished Trees


Longleaf pine’s desirable characteristics have motivated restoration efforts on timber-lands, agricultural lands, private lands, and public lands. Photo by Judy Ludlow

Steeped in history, the majestic longleaf (Pinus palustris) is an economically and ecologically important tree species of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains. Its species name “palustris” means “of the marsh,” and although it is commonly associated with sandy, well drained areas, the longleaf pine is adapted to a range of soil types. Once the dominant tree on 60 million acres in the S.E. United States, development and intense harvesting have reduced its current range to about 3 million acres. The longleaf’s desirable characteristics, however, have motivated restoration efforts of this pine tree on timber-lands, agricultural lands, private lands, and public lands. Longleaf’s desirable characteristics include being a native, well-adapted, ecologically, and economically valuable tree.

[important]Longleaf pine takes 100 to 150 years to reach their full size of 100-120 feet, and can live to 300 years old![/important]

The longleaf pine is important because they are native and well-adapted:
The more widely adapted a natural commodity such as the longleaf pine tree species is, the safer an investment in the future it becomes. Because the longleaf is native and adapted, it is highly resistant to most diseases and insects such as the Southern Pine Beetle and Fusiform rust. It is ideally suited to, and in fact, dependent upon, a high-frequency (every 5 to 10 years), low-severity surface fire regime. Its seed will germinate on the mineral soil exposed by fire. Fire also controls the understory vegetation that would otherwise compete with longleaf preventing it from reaching its maximum growth potential. The established longleaf is also quite wind resistant in comparison to other southern pines.  See table 1 below.

longleaf wind

Table 1. Hurricane Katrina Impacts by Species. Data Courtesy of The Longleaf Alliance and Glen Hughes

The seedling grass-stage of longleaf is uniquely resistant to fire, and this characteristic is critical as the grass stage of longleaf can last for 1-5 years while the tree is forming its strong root system underground.  The terminal bud of the grass stage is protected by a moist, dense, tuft of needles. As the tuft burns towards the bud from the needle tips, water is vaporized. The steam reflects heat away from the bud and extinguishes the fire. The bud also has scales for protection and a silver fuzzy covering that probably also reflects heat. (US Forest Service)

Joseph OBrien US Forest Service, BugwoodorgLongleaf pine provides economic benefits through its high quality timber and non-timber products:
Planting longleaf as an investment is a long-term prospect, and its financial viability and profitability becomes more apparent over time. It is recommended for thinning 4 times – from 20 to 45 years of age. The thinned trees themselves will provide income, while leaving the remaining trees to mature to their most valuable state. The remaining trees also act as “shelterwood” for subsequent stands. This “shelterwood” protects young seedlings. In a well-managed longleaf pine stand, future trees can be established using natural regeneration and fire, virtually eliminating repeated planting and site prep expenses. Longleaf pine produces high value timber with clear, straight wood and few defects. It was used extensively in the past for ship building, in fact, records indicate that some of the choicest stands of longleaf were set aside by the English Crown for the exclusive use of the British Navy! This pine yields a higher percentage of valuable poles than any other southern pine, and on average, poles are worth about 50% more per ton than saw-timber.
Percent poles at 39 years old:

  • Loblolly – 8%
  • Slash – 12%
  • Longleaf – 72%

Longleaf also produces valuable non-timber products such as pine straw. Longleaf pine straw is generally more desirable than other straw and commands a higher retail value. As the longleaf stand matures, more pine straw can be harvested.

Pine Straw Yields:
Age 6 – low yields

  • 50 to 75 bales per acre

Age 10 – higher yields

  • between 125 to 200 bales per acre

Age 15 – maximum yield

  • 200 to 300 bales per acre

[important]Because of the positive economic and ecological traits of the longleaf pine, there are financial assistance programs available to offset the cost of tree establishment.  Please refer to the links at the end of this article for more information.[/important]

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Because of the positive economic and ecological traits of the longleaf pine, there are financial assistance programs available to offset the cost of tree establishment. Photo by Judy Ludlow

Longleaf pine are ecologically important:
It is now recognized that a properly managed longleaf pine stand is one of the most biologically diverse habitats in North America! A wide variety of wildlife depends on the longleaf pine ecosystem. Endangered species such as red-cockaded woodpeckers and indigo snakes are threatened by the loss of longleaf pine habitat. The seeds are an excellent food source for many species. Gopher tortoises, Florida mice, gopher frogs, and eastern diamond-back rattlesnakes are among the native animals in the ecosystem.

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Proper management provides optimal conditions for longleaf and associated understory plants to thrive. Photo by Judy Ludlow

Longleaf pine are embedded in our aesthetic and cultural history:
Mature longleaf forests are a uniquely beautiful sight to see. The open, park-like, vistas are visually stunning with spring and fall wildflowers. These were the southern pine forests that early settlers and pioneering botanists explored. They provided turpentine, pitch, grazing lands, valuable timber, and wildlife habitat that supported the development of the southeastern United States. No wonder there is a growing interest among landowners and state and federal agencies to reestablish this important and outstanding tree ecosystem.

For more information about the Longleaf Pine, please see the following resources used for this article:

Longleaf Pine Initiative-Cost Share Program

Conservation Reserve Program Longleaf Pine Initiative-Cost Share Program

Longleaf Pine Private Landowner Incentive Program-Cost Share Program

Longleaf Pine – USDA Forest Service

UF/IFAS Florida Forest Stewardship

The Longleaf Alliance

Longleaf Pine Regeneration

Opportunities for Uneven-Aged Management in Second Growth Longleaf Pine Stands in Florida

Pinus palustris: Longleaf Pine


Our Recovering Florida Black Bear Population

Our Recovering Florida Black Bear Population

Florida Black Bear visiting an easy food source.

Florida Black Bear visiting an easy food source. Photo by Jennifer Bearden

Florida Black Bear are the largest land mammals in the state of Florida. At birth they are smaller than a soda can but they quickly grow up to 250-400 pounds for males and 125-250 pounds for females. Even though black bears are large animals, they are not fierce killers nor are they cute and cuddly. Bears are like most other wildlife; if you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you.

In 1974, bear population numbers were extremely low and the Florida Black Bear was listed as a state threatened species. Today, we have increased bear population numbers 10 fold to about 3,000 statewide.

bear ranges

Graphics courtesy of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

As urban areas have expanded into bear habitat, the number of bear/human interactions has increased. Bears are omnivorous with 80% of their diet coming from plants. Bears are fairly intelligent creatures that forage for easy food sources. Urban areas tend to attract nearby bears with food sources such as garbage containers, pet food dishes, and bird feeders. Bears become accustom to food sources near humans and lose some fear of humans and may even bluff charge humans to defend their food source. The best way to prevent this is to remove food sources.


  • Clean BBQ grills and store them in a secure building when not in use.
  • Take garbage to the curb the morning of pickup instead of the night before.
  • Store garbage cans in a sturdy building or other secure area.
  • Feed pets inside and store pet food securely.
  • Protect gardens and trees with electric fencing.
  • Hang wildlife feeders out of reach of bears and take them down if bears are in the area.


It is illegal to feed bears in Florida (Florida Administrative Code 68A-4.001(3)). In addition to being illegal, it isn’t smart. Feeding bears intentionally or unintentionally increases the likelihood of human injury, property damage and bear injury or death.

So what do you do if you encounter a bear?

  • Remain calm and don’t run!
  • Don’t approach the bear, instead give it space to retreat.
  • Back away slowly without looking the bear in the eyes.
  • Speak to the bear in a calm voice.
  • Bring children and pets inside.
  • Find a safe place then make a lot of noise to let the bear know it isn’t welcome – yell, bang pots and pans, raise your hands high and stand tall to scare the bear away.

Report Bear sightings to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at

For more information on Florida Black Bears, you can visit MyFWC at

March is an ideal time to consider wild birds

Spring is a dynamic time for wildlife. If you enjoy watching nature, now is a fantastic time to get outdoors to see some interesting activity. March is also one of the best times of year to do some active management on your property to enhance the habitat you provide for wildlife.

Purple martins select nest sites during February-March in the Panhandle, so now is your last chance to make martin housing available. Photo by Sarah Friedl.

Purple martins select nest sites during February-March in the Panhandle, so now is your last chance to make martin housing available. Photo by Sarah Friedl.

Because of its position just north of the Gulf of Mexico, Florida is the first landmass where many exhausted birds can rest after migrating northward to the U.S. from South and Central America. The strenuous northward migration is now underway for many species of birds. That means this is one of the most interesting times of year to visit your local natural area with a pair of binoculars. A trip to St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge or your nearby State Park or Wildlife Management Area could result in a glimpse of several migratory species that are rarely seen in the area.

Purple martin scouts began their migration from South America to the Panhandle nearly four weeks ago. If you have purple martin housing and have not yet cleaned out last year’s nesting material, now is your last chance to do this. Wash out your housing with soap and water. If you take your martin housing indoors during the fall and winter to protect it from harsh weather or if you plug the entrances to prevent use by other species, don’t wait any longer to make your housing available to martins or you’ll miss out on attracting them this year. Older martins remain extremely faithful to the exact same nesting site, so will want to return to the housing you provided them last year. In contrast, yearling martins that hatched last summer tend to return to the same area they were born in Florida about 4-6 weeks later than the older scouts. These yearling birds are generally the ones who adopt new housing and start new colonies. Therefore, this week is the ideal time to put up new purple martin housing in the Panhandle.

Eastern bluebirds are resident all year round, but March is when they begin nesting in the Panhandle. Because bluebirds have a habit of nesting several times each year, it is possible that birds will adopt new houses erected later in the spring. However, the sooner you make new bluebird houses available, the greater the chances you’ll attract nesting birds. When deciding where to locate new bluebird houses, remember that bluebirds are territorial and will not let another bluebird nest within ~100 yards of a nest site they’ve already chosen.

Bluebirds nest several times each year, so you can install a new bluebird house anytime during the spring, although February-March is ideal. Photo by Holly Ober.

Bluebirds nest several times each year, so you can install a new bluebird house anytime during the spring, although February-March is ideal. Photo by Holly Ober.

For more information on attracting birds, check out this article on Purple Martins or this one on Cavity Nesting Birds. Or contact your county’s UF/IFAS Extension Office.

Holly Ober                     Author: Holly Ober –

I am an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. My research covers wildlife ecology, habitat management, and identifying creative ways to cope with nuisance wildlife.

Deer Nutrition Now Can Pay Off in the Fall


Deer grazing test plots at the NFREC in Quincy. Food plots can benefit deer year round, not just during hunting season.

Deer grazing test plots at the NFREC in Quincy. Food plots can benefit deer year round, not just during hunting season.


To the chagrin of hunters across the panhandle deer season has drawn to a close. As the days lengthen and temperatures begin to climb, many of the area’s outdoorsmen (and women) shift their focus to a more aquatic nature. However, those sportsmen, who will place a premium on antler size in the fall, should not neglect the nutritional needs of the deer herd during the spring and summer months.

There is a well-documented correlation between deer nutrition and antler growth. Antler growth is suppressed when adequate nutrition is not available. Antler growth requires a large amount of energy and protein. The energy requirements for antler growth can generally be met by the deer’s natural environment. However, some natural environments may not supply enough protein to maximize antler growth. Nutrition is only one of several factors effecting antler growth but it is perhaps the easiest of those factors to alter.

Source: Mississippi State University,  Forest & Wildlife Research Center

Source: Mississippi State University, Forest & Wildlife Research Center

As with all animals, a deer’s nutritional demands change over time. The suppressing effect of insufficient protein in the diet is most evident in younger bucks. This is because the bodies of immature deer are still growing. The processes of growth and development demand protein. When antler growth is added to the equation the protein demand of a young buck can easily exceed what is provided by it natural environment. Research indicates that young, growing deer during antler development need a diet that is approximately 16% crude protein in order to maximize antler growth. Mature bucks can maximize antler growth with as little as 10% crude protein.

Planting and maintaining warm season food plots is a good way for a deer herd manager to help prevent any nutritional limitations to antler growth. Food plots are often thought of in terms of their ability to attract deer to a specific location during hunting season. However, if properly utilized food plots can have a lasting positive effect on an area’s deer herd and other wildlife. Follow the links for the basics on food plot establishment and soil fertility management.

If your goal is to increase the amount of protein available to the deer herd then legumes are your best bet. Some warm season legumes that do well in the panhandle include Aeschynomene, Alyceclover, Cowpeas, Soybeans, Lablab, and Perennial Peanut. It is important that you select species and varieties that are suited to the conditions (especially soil properties) of the area you intend to use them. It is also recommended that you plant a variety of species in any food plot.

The species listed vary in terms of grazing tolerance and recommended planting technique. Contact your county's extension office for more details.

The species listed vary in terms of grazing tolerance and recommended planting technique. Contact your county’s extension office for more details.

Legumes provide high amounts of protein to deer and other wildlife because they contain relatively high amounts of nitrogen. Due to a symbiotic relationship with a specific type bacteria, legumes are able to utilize atmospheric nitrogen. Other plants are dependent solely on soil nitrogen. To ensure that the proper bacteria is available to the legume it is important to inoculate legume seeds prior to planting. Inoculants are available through most seed dealers. Be sure that you get the proper inoculant for the species you are planting. Aeschynomene, Alyceclover, and Cowpeas all require the inoculant for the cowpea group. Soybeans and Lablab each have a species specific inoculant. Perennial Peanut does not require inoculation because it is not planted from seeds. Additional information about inoculants, planting techniques, and fertilization is available from your county’s extension office.

Planting food plots does not guarantee any additional antler growth but it is one way to help alleviate a possible limiting factor. Habitat improvement and additional available nutrition can benefit the entire ecosystem. If you want to get the most out of your property, in terms of deer production, it is important to provide the deer what they need all year long, not just during hunting season.

Invasive Species of the Day (March 6th): Climbing Ferns & Chinese Privet

Invasive Species of the Day (March 6th): Climbing Ferns & Chinese Privet

March 6th: Climbing Ferns (Lygodium sp.) & Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense)

Japanese Climbing Fern (Lygodium japonicum) and Old World Climbing Ferns (Lygodium microphyllum): are presently the only non-native invasive ferns in Florida.  Both ferns reproduce and spread readily by wind-blown spores. A single fertile leaflet can produce 28,600 spores.  Animals, equipment, and even people that move through an area with climbing ferns are very likely to pick up spores and move them to other locations on the property or even to other properties.  In 2005, they covered 122,787 acres of Florida.

Japanese Climbing Fern Lygodium japonicum photo by Chris Evans, Illinois Wildlife Action Plan,

Japanese Climbing Fern
Lygodium japonicum photo by Chris Evans, Illinois Wildlife Action Plan,

Japanese climbing fern is a delicate looking perennial climbing vine.  It is capable of forming a dense mat-like thatch capable of covering trees and shrubs. Initially, it was introduced from Japan as an ornamental. It is scattered throughout the lower portions of Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, and south into central Florida. Further planting or cultivation of this vine is prohibited by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.  It climbs very quickly to the crowns of pine trees, which can move fire into the growth points during controlled burns, making it a concern on forested lands.

Old World climbing fern has been a problem for many years in central and south Florida but it is currently moving north. The first plant was documented in 1958 by a nursery in Delray Beach.  By 1965, it

was found in natural areas of Marion County.  The northern edge of its advance by 2012 was Hernando County on the Gulf side and Duval County on the Atlantic coast.

Adequate control of both climbing ferns has been achieved with multiple applications of glyphosate and/or metsulfuron. Other herbicides, such as triclopyr and imazapic have also been used to control

Old World Climbing Fern Lygodium microphyllum photo by Ken A. Langeland, University of Florida,

Old World Climbing Fern Lygodium microphyllum photo by Ken A. Langeland, University of Florida,


Japanese climbing fern.  However, when the plant is growing in areas adjacent to wetlands or water, fewer herbicides are registered for those sites.  Hand digging is also an option, except when the fern is producing spore covered leaflets.  Disturbing it then would propagate more plants.

As with most invasive plants, repeated and correctly timed treatments are likely to be necessary. For more information about climbing ferns contact your local UF/IFAS Extension Office and read the following publications:  and

For more information contact Les Harrison, Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Agent by phone at 850-926-3931.



Chinese Privet Ligustrum sinense photo by James H. Miller & Ted Bodner, Southern Weed Science Society,

Chinese Privet
Ligustrum sinense photo by James H. Miller & Ted Bodner, Southern Weed Science Society,

Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense): Chinese Privet is a non-native shrubby tree commonly found in forested areas in northern Florida. This eastern invader thrives in low-lying, wet areas near forest openings and fence rows. Other species of the Ligustrum genus are commonly grown in landscapes. Chinese Privet can be identified in the spring by its small white flowers which omit a foul odor. Birds easily spread this weed by feeding on and excreting the fruit which contain many seeds. Additionally, Chinese Privet can spread by underground plant structures called rhizomes which allow new shoots to sprout up from the ground from a mother plant.

For control options of Chinese Privet, see or contact your local Extension agent.

For more information, contact the author Josh Thompson, Regional Agriculture/IPM Extension Agent 850-482-9620.