Problem areas in the landscape – everyone has them.  Whether it’s the spot near a drain that stays wet or the back corner of a bed that sunshine never touches, these areas require specialized plants to avoid the constant frustration of installing unhealthy plants that slowly succumb and must be replaced.  The problem area in my landscape was a long narrow bed, sited entirely under an eave with full sun exposure and framed by a concrete sidewalk and a south-facing wall.  This bed stays hot, it stays dry, and is nigh as inhospitable to most plants as a desert.  Enter a plant specialized to handle situations just like this – Yarrow ‘Moonshine’.

Yarrow (Achillea spp.) is a large genus of plants, occurring all over the globe.  To illustrate, Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is native to three different continents (North America, Europe, and Asia), making it one of the most widely distributed plants in the world.  And though it was commonly grown and used in antiquity for medical purposes (the genus name Achillea is a reference to Achilles, who supposedly used the plant as a wound treatment for himself and his fellow Greek soldiers), I and most of you are probably more interested in how it looks and performs in the landscape.

‘Moonshine’ Yarrow foliage.

All species of Yarrow share several ornamental traits.  The most obvious are their showy flowers, which occur as large, flattened “corymbs” and come in shades of white, pink, red, and yellow.  I selected the cultivar ‘Moonshine’ for my landscape as it has brilliant yellow flowers that popped against the brown wall of the house.  Equally as pretty and unique is the foliage of Yarrow.  Yarrow leaves are finely dissected, appearing fernlike, are strongly scented, and range in color from deep green to silver.  Again, I chose ‘Moonshine’ for its silvery foliage, a trait that makes it even more drought resistant than green leaved varieties.

‘Moonshine’ Yarrow inflorescence.

If sited in the right place, most Yarrow species are easy to grow; simply site them in full sun (6+ hours a day) and very well drained soil.  While all plants, Yarrow included, need regular water during the establishment phase, supplemental irrigation is not necessary and often leads to the decline and rot of Yarrow clumps, particularly the silver foliaged varieties like ‘Moonrise’ (these should be treated more like succulents and watered only sparingly).  Once established, Yarrow plants will eventually grow to 2-3’ in height but can spread underground via rhizomes to form clumps.  This spreading trait enables Yarrow to perform admirably as a groundcover in confined spaces like my sidewalk-bound bed.

If you have a dry, sunny problem spot in your landscape and don’t know what to do, installing a cultivar of Yarrow, like ‘Moonshine’, might be just the solution to turn a problem into a garden solution.  This drought tolerant, deer tolerant, pollinator friendly species couldn’t be easier to grow and will reward you with summer color for years to come.  Plant one today.  For more information on Yarrow or any other horticultural question, contact your local UF/IFAS County Extension Office.

Daniel J. Leonard