Add This Shrub for an Edible Landscape!

Add This Shrub for an Edible Landscape!

Darrow's blueberry

Darrow’s Blueberry with spring blooms. Photo credit Mary Derrick UF IFAS.

A blueberry bush as a landscape shrub?

Yes! Darrow’s blueberry, Vaccinium darrowii, is closely related to the other blueberries you know and love, but this little gem of a shrub is highly ornamental and will fit in with any landscape scheme.

This compact shrub stays usually stays under three feet tall and wide, making it a perfect size for the home landscape. The small evergreen leaves emerge with a delightful pinkish tinge. In spring, pinkish white small flowers emerge and are followed by small but delicious blueberries. This blueberry will self-pollinate and set fruit, but studies have shown that there will be a sizable increase in fruit set if another variety of blueberry is close by for cross-pollination.

Darrow’s blueberry is a Florida native so it is perfectly adapted to our environmental conditions. Once established it has a moderate drought tolerance. Like other blueberries, it likes full sun, requires acidic soils with a pH between 4.0 and 5.5, and prefers the addition of organic matter into the planting bed if the soil is quite sandy. Pests are usually not a problem except for competition for the ripe fruit from wildlife.

If needed, there are several fertilizer options for blueberry; a 12-4-8 with 2% magnesium, a “blueberry special” formulation or a fertilizer formulated for camellias and azaleas. Whichever you use, apply the fertilizer lightly  and widely spread around the plant– only about one ounce per plant every 2 months during the growing season April through October. Blueberries can be easily killed by too much fertilizer.

For more information, please see:

Blueberry Gardener’s Guide

Gardening Solutions: Blueberries

Florida Native Plant Society: Darrow’s Blueberry

Creating an Edible Landscape


Gardening in Small Spaces

Gardening in Small Spaces

Container garden.  Image:  Julie McConnell, UF/IFAS

Container garden. Image: Julie McConnell, UF/IFAS

Living in a condo, apartment, or home with small yard does not mean you can’t garden at home.  Whether you are interested in edible plants or ornamentals you can create a fit that is right for your space by using containers.

The first step in container gardening is the same as for traditional landscaping. First, asses your site to determine the cultural situation.  Is it sunny or shady?  Is water available from rainfall or from a nearby spigot?  Will salt or wind be a factor?  Are there height and width limitations?  All of these need to be taken into consideration when you are planning to plant.   These are elements that we have very little control over, so it is best to choose the right plants for the place you have.

Choose a container that will allow for adequate root growth and good drainage.  If growing annuals, perennials, or small vegetables, a pot that is 12-18” deep should be sufficient.   For shallow rooted or plants that like dry conditions you can go smaller.  If plants grow tall make sure that the weight of the soil and pot is enough to keep it upright in gusty winds.  It is not necessary to buy a container, you can reuse something as long as the water will drain and it is sturdy.  Large containers may not need to be filled completely, but can be filled with a lightweight filler such as upside down nursery pots, water or soda bottles with lids, or packing peanuts.  Choosing a light weight filler material makes the container easier to turn or relocate if needed and reduces the cost of potting soil.

Once you have determined site conditions, select the type of plants you would like to grow.  When choosing edibles, the amount of sunlight available may be a limiting factor.  Although some herbs and vegetables may benefit from a little bit of shade, they still need a bright location in order to produce well.  If your site is very shady, consider shade loving ornamentals such as fern, hosta, and impatiens.

Understand  the sunlight, water, and fertilizer needs of each plant.  Group plants together that have similar requirements because they will receive the same care.  Most herbs like a hot, dry situation and very little to no fertilizer.  Grouping one of these herbs with a tomato plant that needs consistent watering and regular fertilizer will create a situation where one plant will perform poorly.

Container gardens require more care than plants in the ground because they dry out faster and may get no water from rainfall, if placed in a covered area.  Consider using micro irrigation designed for containers or choose plants with low water needs such as the grasses and succulents.

To read more about container gardening read Container Gardening for Outdoor Spaces ENH1095.

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Organic Gardening Starts With The Soil

Organic Gardening Starts With The Soil

Image Credit UF IFAS Gardening solutions.

Image Credit UF IFAS Gardening solutions.

What does it mean to grow gardens organically?  It depends upon who you talk to.  The simple answer is that organic gardeners only use animal or plant-based fertilizers rather than synthetic.  It also means use of natural pest control devoid of synthetically manufactured insecticides. In other words, using natural substances and beneficial insects to ward off pests instead of spraying with the backyard equivalent of Malathion.  My information on organic vegetable gardening was provided by UF IFAS Extension Publication “Organic Vegetable Gardening” HS 1215.

Why garden organically?  Since “USDA Certified Organic” does not apply to home gardening, why would any gardener give up all synthetic fertilizers?  And why not use synthetic pesticides, when just one application could eliminate even the most devastating ravages of a crop insect or disease?  Why work, so hard handling large quantities or organic soil amendments and manures when synthetic fertilizer of every description and purpose are so quickly available and easy to use?

Early organic gardeners did it to preserve a way of life that reduced pollution and environment decay, thus creating a more ecological society.  Organic enthusiasts are extremely health-conscious, and hope that working vigorously outdoors and eating foods free from pesticides just might lead to better nutrition and health.

The biggest differences between organic and conventional gardening are in the area of fertilization and pest control.  The organic gardener prefers organic materials and natural methods of dealing with insect problems and fertilizer requirements.  The conventional gardener uses a combination of chemically prepared materials and scientific methods in approaching the vegetable garden.

Whichever method you choose, you need to select a plot of good, well-drained soil for planting vegetables.  Also, it is important to choose vegetable varieties suited to Florida growing conditions.

Soil preparation is the most important step in organic gardening.  Since organic fertilizers and soil conditioning materials work rather slowly, they need to be mixed into the soil at least three weeks ahead of planting time.

To have a successful organic garden, you need to use abundant quantities of organic material, usually in the form of animal manures, cover crops, compost or mixed organic fertilizer.  These materials improve the tilth, condition, and structure of the soil.  They help the soil hold water and nutrients better.  In addition, organic matter supports micro-biological activity in the soil, and contributes major and minor plant nutrients.  Another benefit is that as these organic matters decompose, they release acid which help to convert insoluble natural additives, such as ground rock, into forms plants can use.

Save Our Citrus!

Save Our Citrus!

sliced citrus fruit

Delicious citrus! Photo by UF IFAS Thomas Wright.

All varieties of citrus – grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, kumquat and orange – are a vital part of our lives here in Florida. We love to grow citrus in our yards so that we can harvest the fruit fresh from the tree. On a wider scale, the citrus industry has a $9 billion annual impact on our economy providing over 76,000 jobs statewide.


But there are threats to our dooryard and commercial citrus from pests and disease. Only vigilance will help to combat the challenges so that we may continue to grow and enjoy our beloved citrus trees.


What can we do to protect our citrus?
  • Learn about how to properly care for citrus and the pests and diseases that occur.
  • Report any serious diseases like suspected citrus canker or citrus greening to the Division of Plant Industry by calling toll-free 1-888-397-1517.
  • Purchase citrus trees only from registered nurseries – they may cost a little more but they have gone through an extensive process to remain disease and pest free. That will save you $$ in the long run!
  • Don’t bring plants or fruit back into Florida – they may be harboring a pest!
  • Citrus trees or fruit cannot move in or out of the State of Florida without a permit. This applies to homeowners as well as to the industry in order to protect our vital dooryard trees and citrus industry.


For more information please see:

Save Our Citrus Website

UF IFAS Gardening Solutions: Citrus

Citrus Culture in the Home Landscape

UF IFAS Extension Online Guide to Citrus Diseases  

Your Florida Dooryard Citrus Guide – Common Pests, Disease and Disorders of Dooryard Citrus



Consider an Edible Landscape

Consider an Edible Landscape

As you begin plans for your garden this spring think about creating an edible landscape. Edible landscaping is becoming more popular now that vegetable prices are increasing.


Edible landscapes are attractive to the eye, as well as enticing to the palate. What more could a home gardener ask for than to be walking through the landscape eating vegetables and fruits produced from their very own effort?  The additional color edible landscapes offer is a bonus.

Locating the edible landscape in the right spot is important. Make sure it is planted in an area that will be easily accessible and visible. It is fun and rewarding to watch vegetables grow and work in the garden. 

One of the numerous benefits of edible landscape gardening includes obtaining freshly picked produce on a regular basis.  Such freshness offers higher nutritional value and enhanced flavor, since produce is at its highest peak right after harvest. This is a benefit because most vegetables sold through large supermarkets have been stored and transported for days or weeks, depending on the product.

Food costs have been on the rise due to rising fuel and fertilizer prices, increasing regulations and competition from imported produce. By creating an edible landscape, the home gardener can reduce their food costs. As a bonus, fresh food will be right outside!  

Read more on this topic by visiting the UF IFAS edible landscaping page

Youth Gardening Grows Across the Country

Youth Gardening Grows Across the Country

Backyard gardens have increased in popularity the last few years, with record calls to Extension offices statewide on how to grow tomatoes and preserve produce.  Along with the boom in home gardening, schools have steadily added gardens to their campuses. There are countless benefits to including children in growing their own food. Personal experience and numerous studies have shown that children improve their attitude towards fruits and vegetables and are more likely to try new foods if they’ve helped grow it themselves.  Urban-dwelling youth find a safe place to interact with nature, increase their awareness of where food comes, and learn to be responsible for a living thing. Youth of all ages can gain critical math and science skills from measuring, planting, observing and problem-solving.  Even toddlers enjoy scooping up soil, holding worms, and seeing the growth of a tiny seed or plant over time.  Any veteran gardener will tell you that the fresh air and physical work improves their health and mental outlook.

This raised bed garden is used at the Roy Hyatt Environmental Center to teach youth about gardening and provide food for numerous animals housed at the center.  Photo credit: Molly O'Connor

This raised bed garden is used at the Roy Hyatt Environmental Center to teach youth about gardening and provide food for numerous animals housed at the center. Photo credit: Molly O’Connor

School gardens are being used around the country to achieve all of these objectives, including intangible skills such as teamwork, confidence, and patience. The utility of gardens for lessons on art, poetry, creative writing, and music should not be underestimated; countless writers and artists have been inspired by the natural world.

Across the country, Extension programs, Master Gardeners, and 4-H staff are lending their gardening expertise to schools and learning centers from preschool to the University level. The Junior Master Gardner 4-H program is an excellent hybrid between horticultural and youth education, and is set up with curriculum and lessons for working with kids in both a classroom and field setting.  The Florida Ag in the Classroom “Gardening for Grades” program has curriculum for elementary through high school levels  correlated with state standards and ready to go for a classroom.  Youth study soil structure, chemistry, botany, environmental science, agriculture, meteorology, and wildlife ecology in an engaging, hands-on way.  In-service training workshops are held periodically to prepare teachers for beginning and teaching from a school garden, so ask your local Horticulture or Agriculture agent about these programs.

Typically, backyard gardeners, schools, or Scout groups will create a raised-bed garden, which reduces weeds and water needs and allows for easier control of soil type and maintenance.  Guidelines for raised bed gardens, for home or educational institution, are available here.

Vegetable gardens aren’t the only teaching tool in the horticultural world. Butterfly and wildlife gardens are (pardon the pun) perennially popular, and are typically easy to implement.  Youth may learn valuable lessons on food webs and insect life cycles in addition to the soil and botanical information. For more information on the benefits of gardening with youth, visit the UF school garden site or contact your local horticulture Extension agent.