Leyland Cypress…not the best choice

Leyland Cypress…not the best choice

Photo Credit: Ed Gilman, UF/IFAS

Photo Credit: Ed Gilman, UF/IFAS

Leyland cypress, x Cupressocyparis leylandii, has been hugely popular over the past 20 years as an ornamental landscape tree. It has the reputation of being a beautiful evergreen that can grow at a rate of up to 3 to 4 feet per year. Sounds like the perfect option for someone looking to make their back yard more secluded and private. Because of these traits, it has been planted widely throughout the southeastern US, including the Florida panhandle, only to succumb to intense environmental conditions and disease pressure.

UF/IFAS suggests that other species be used in place of Leyland cypress because of the damaging effects of Seiridium canker. The disease is a fungal organism that attacks the tree after periods of drought while the tree is under stress. Once the stress has occurred and rain does arrive the fungus attacks the vulnerable trees in the wetter periods. The major symptom is “flagging” or branches that have turned brown that can be scattered throughout the tree. This is caused by a canker further up the brown branch that has been girdled,cut of from the flow of water and nutrients to the branch by diseased tissue.

Flag branch on Leyland Cypress. Photo Credit: UF/IFAS

Flag branch on Leyland Cypress. Photo Credit: UF/IFAS

What are the options for Florida panhandle landscapers and homeowners? If you have a tree exhibiting symptoms of Seiridium canker, pruning the “flag” branches out several inches below the canker can prolong the life of the tree but is very unlikely to save it. The only long term sustainable option is to replace Leyland cypress with species that are resistant to the disease. The following are good examples of species that could be considered:


Common Name

Scientific Name

Atlantic white cedar

Chamaecyparis thyoides

Southern red cedar

Juniperus silicicola

Arizona cypress

Cupressus arizonica var. glabra

Mexican cypress

Cupressus lusitanica

Oriental arborvitae

Platycladus orientalis

“Green Giant” arborvitae

Thuja x ‘Green Giant’

Kashmir cypress

Cupressus cashmeriana

Chinese funeral cypress

Cupressus funebris

Chinese cypress

Cupressus chengiana

Hinoki cypress

Chamaecyparis obtusa

For more information read the University of Florida publication, Seiridium Canker of Leyland Cypress.


Beat the Summer Heat with Energy-Efficient Landscaping

Beat the Summer Heat with Energy-Efficient Landscaping

Late summer brings hot, humid temperatures, and many Floridians are retreating from the heat into their air-conditioned homes. Unfortunately, those comforts of home also come with a price tag. When people think about energy efficiency, practices like turning off lights, purchasing energy-efficient appliances, good insulation and windows, and managing A/C temperature settings are the first things that come to mind. These are very important steps to take, not only to save money but also to conserve energy. The US Department of Energy has an excellent publication that can take you step-by-step through a home evaluation, and many energy companies offer a similar walk-through energy audit for free.

However, there are many best management practices that can be done outdoors to offset expensive home power bills. Planting trees is one example. Department of Energy studies have shown that when compared to a home in full sun, a shaded home may experience up to a 25% decrease in energy for cooling.

This home uses passive cooling from a front porch and numerous shade trees. Photo credit: Carrie Stevenson

This home uses passive cooling from a front porch and numerous shade trees. Photo credit: Carrie Stevenson

Trees planted to shade eastern and western facing walls of your home can be the most effective, as these areas receive direct sun in the morning and afternoon. By preventing heat from entering your home, you prevent straining an air conditioning system that would otherwise have to counteract that heat. It is also helpful to provide shade over an air conditioning unit. Deciduous trees are ideal, as they have leaves to provide shade in the summer but drop them by winter, when you might want sunlight to passively heat your home.

In addition to shade, transpiration—the process of plants emitting moisture as they release water from leaf pores—creates cool spaces around vegetation. Grasses and shrubs along the edges of a home, or vines on nearby trellises, can cool walls and windows in this manner.

Finally, consider sprinkler systems. A home irrigation system can use a significant amount of energy to pump water throughout your yard. Calibrating your system and even reducing run time or frequency can also conserve water and reduce water bills.

For more information on energy-efficient landscaping, please visit www.myfloridahomeenergy.com or contact your local Extension office.

You Can Propagate Memories

You Can Propagate Memories

There are a number of plants in my landscape that bring back fond memories – plants that I propagated.

Red Mulberry. Photo credit: Vern Williams, Indiana University, bugwood.org.

Red Mulberry. Photo credit: Vern Williams, Indiana University, bugwood.org.

There’s a mulberry tree in my backyard that I rooted years ago. I took the cuttings from an old mulberry tree in my hometown. As a boy, I climbed the tree, got in trouble once for coming home with mulberry stains on my clothes. I liked the berries and still do. I have good childhood memories about the tree.

About twenty years ago I visited the property adjacent to my childhood home. The tree was still there. It was during mulberry season. I enjoyed a few mulberries. I took about eight or ten cuttings from the tree. About a year after my visit, the property sold. The new owner bulldozed the tree.

But because of the cuttings that I rooted, the tree still lives and not just in my memory. The trees produced by those cuttings are genetically the same as the parent tree. Essentially, they are clones. The one in my backyard produces mulberries each year.

You too can propagate memories. Not all plants can be propagated from cuttings but many can be. Sometimes trial and error is necessary to learn proper timing in taking cuttings. But most reliable references will provide the time of year to take cuttings based on the plant species.

Stem cuttings should be removed from the parent plant with a clean, sharp knife or pruner. Ideally your cutting should be 4-6 inches in length and not much thicker than a pencil in diameter.

Take the bottom two-thirds of leaves off on each cutting. The cuttings should be stuck upright in a propagation medium. I usually use a good quality potting mix and mix in a little course sand or perlite for better drainage. The cuttings should be inserted deep enough to hold them upright, usually ½ to 1 inch.

To help promote rooting of moderate to difficult to root plants, wound the cuttings by scraping the lower ½ to 1 inch of the stem with a clean, sharp knife. The scrape should remove the bark or “skin.” Then dip the cutting in a rooting hormone covering the scrape with the rooting powder prior to inserting the cutting into the rooting medium.

I usually use a four inch pot, gallon size pot or bedding plant flat with drainage holes as a rooting container. I may stick as many as ten stem cuttings in a gallon size pot. I place the container of cuttings in a shady location outdoors and keep it moist. The cuttings should produce roots in two to sixteen weeks, depending upon plant species and the environment.

After the cuttings have rooted, carefully remove them and individually plant each rooted cutting in its own four inch to one gallon size pot. Keep the potting medium moist but not soggy. After the roots adequately fill the pot, the plant should be strong enough to be planted in the ground.

As your rooted cuttings grow, hopefully they will provide fond memories.

Old Habits Die Hard

If you’ve been gardening for more than a few years, you may be confused by UF/IFAS recommendations that conflict with practices you’ve used for years. You aren’t imagining things, we do change recommendations based on the most current research available to help you with your agricultural endeavors.

I want to share a few common mistakes that gardeners make based on old recommendations but that research has shown are not the best choices. Check out the list below to see if you can break an old habit or two!

Old Habit Current Recommendation
Throw a little “starter fertilizer” in the hole (or under new sod, seed, etc.) It is not beneficial to add fertilizer to plantinghole or under newly installed sod.Quick release (soluble) fertilizer may burn roots if added to planting hole.If applied properly, a slow release fertilizer may be applied to trees and shrubs but should be applied to the top of root ball or mulch following label instructions.Turfgrass grown from seed, sprig, or sod does not use fertilizer efficiently at planting. Wait 30 days to apply fertilizer – after roots have been established.
Dig the hole twice as deep and wide as the root ball for trees and shrubs 1.5 times the width of the root ball is good, but planting too deep can be a death sentence.Planting depth should be 10% shallower than the distance from the topmost root to the base of the root ball.
Mulch 3-5 inches deep 2-3 inches with a very thin layer directly over the rootball (less than 1 inch) and none touching trunk. This is the ideal amount to conserve water and suppress weeds.
Native and drought tolerant plants don’t need water All plants need water until established – depending on the type and size of the plant, weather, and soil conditions this may take months.Always plan to give a little TLC to newly installed plants no matter how tough they are supposed to be.


For more information, including great illustrations on proper planting techniques please visit Specifications for Planting Trees and Shrubs in the Southeastern U.S. and Establishing Your Florida Lawn.

How to Space Plants in your Landscape

How to Space Plants in your Landscape

UF/IFAS Photo: Tyler Jones.

UF/IFAS Photo: Tyler Jones.

Most people know that an attractive landscape adds to the value of a home.  For most of us, the landscape also represents a hefty investment of money, time and work so it’s important to know enough about landscape design to do the job right.

An important step in developing an attractive landscape is spacing plant materials correctly.  Plants should be placed in the landscape in relation to each other, and with some understanding of their ultimate height, spread, and growth rate.  However, the endless variety of plant sizes and shapes can easily complicate this matter for the home gardener.

How the plant is used in the landscape will determine its shape to a large extent.  For example, if a plant is part of a hedge row, it should be placed close to the other plants so that in a few years, all of them grow together.  If you want to retain the individual shape of each plant space the plants further apart.

Spacing trees correctly is very important as trees are the largest and most permanent of all landscape materials.  Here are a few examples of some ways to use trees effectively around the home:

  • Pine trees look very good as a tall background screen in the landscape.  To have the trees work as a screen, plant them eight to twelve feet apart measuring from the center of one tree to the center of the next.
  • Mass planting of dogwood, redbud and crape myrtle make brilliant assets to your landscape.  If these trees are spaced about 12 to 15 feet apart, the top foliage should meet in a few years.  When these trees are in bloom, the mass plantings will enhance their show of flowers.
  • An oak tree planted on the west side of your lot will provide shade for your home, the tree should be planted about thirty feet from side of the house, to prevent tree limbs from eventually crowding the house.

As you can see, it’s important to learn as much as possible about trees you select for your landscape.  In spite of the few examples given you, there is no single standard recommendation on spacing trees in the home landscape. This is because most of the popular landscape trees can range from 10 to 100 feet in height, and vary as much in spread.  Specialists recommend that the minimum spacing for landscape trees should be one half of the spread of the tree’s mature canopy from other trees, from walls and other existing structures.  But even this minimum spacing may vary among different varieties of the same species.  For specific spacing requirements for the tree you are interested in check with your local County Extension Office.


To review briefly, correct spacing of plant materials is an important step in developing an attractive landscape.  Whenever you plant a tree or a shrub in your landscape, you should do so with careful consideration of the plant’s ultimate height, spread and rate of growth.