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Purslane on a Calhoun County back porch. Photo courtesy of Daniel Leonard.

The biggest problem folks have with flowering potted plants in the heat of summer is remembering that they need water, lots of it.  One way to work around having to remember to water every single day is to plant something that doesn’t like too much water but still can churn out a great daily flower show.  For this job, there’s only one choice, Purslane (Portulaca oleracea).

Purslane is a super showy, low-growing, succulent-type annual that loves it hot and a little on the dry side.  If planted in the ground, it will form a 6-8” tall flowering carpet over the surface of the soil, but I think it really shines when allowed to fill and then spill over the sides of a container!  Individual purslane flowers close shop for the day in late afternoon, but cheerily pop back open as soon as day breaks the following day.  For best results, make sure the container you plant in has ample drainage holes in the bottom and fill with a quality, quick-draining potting mix.  After planting, top dress with a slow-release fertilizer according to the label rate and water only when the soil begins to dry out (every other day or so, generally).  Plant a Purslane today!