Fall Flower Color

Fall color in the Florida landscape may be a little different than more northern areas but it is just as dramatic with the right plant selections.  One of the favorite perennials that is in peak bloom right now is the Cassia or butterfly plant, Cassia bicapsularis.  Grown for its showy bright yellow flowers, this soft-wooded perennial can be a garden accent when grown as a small tree.  Plants normally grows as a multi-stemmed plant with a vase shape or rounded canopy.  Size ranges from 5-10 feet in height and the best flowering is when plants receive full sun.


An added benefit of this species of cassia is that it can serve as a host for sulfur butterflies.  Blooms will often last until first frost and plants may be injured by freezing temperatures.  Homeowners will cut back cold damaged stems and wait for regrowth in the spring.  During the growing season, larger plants may need support and summer storms can break some branches.  Despite these issues, the fall flower show makes this a highlight in a garden.  Learn more about this cassia from the University of Florida IFAS Extension.

Summer Bulbs

Thinking of bulbs for the garden? Summer is not necessarily the time of year that gardeners think about beautiful blooms from bulbs and bulb-like plants, but there are many that bloom in the summer garden.

In general, many types of plants with an underground storage organ are classified as a bulb.  These  include plants with tubers, rhizomes, or corms.  True bulbs including Lycoris and Crinum lily are compressed stems with a growing point surrounded by thick, fleshy scales.  Corms such as Crocosmia are solid masses of stem tissue with a terminal bud and side nodes.  The rhizome is an underground stem that grows laterally, with representatives of this type being blackberry lily and ginger.

It is likely that your garden is full of bulb-like plants and you were just not aware of their underground beginnings.  If you want to consider a few more for the summer garden, here are some good choices.

Blackberry lily is a member of the Iris family that offers good summer bloom in our northern Florida gardens.  Plants form sprays of foliage about 2 feet in height with stalks of orange flowers with red spots.  Plant in full sun or partial shade and supply with well drained, amended soil.

A hairstreak butterfly visits the Blackberry lily flower.

A hairstreak butterfly visits the Blackberry lily flower.

Blackberry lily foliage_bbolles

Another bright summertime bloomer is Croscomia.  Commonly overlooked early in the year as foliage regrows from the cold, the bright orange flowers that emerge in summer make it a feature in garden beds.  Plants grow well in both full sun and partial shade but clumps can expand easily beyond the desirable planting area.  Thin out every few seasons to keep the clump manageable.

A tuberous perennial that will have stunning flowers closer to eye level is the Gloriosa or flame lily.   Plant stems will wind around a trellis or garden feature, hold on with tendrils, and support large upward-curved petals.  Flower colors are red, yellow, orange, or mixes of several colors.   Flame lily prefers sunny locations and lots of moisture in the growing season.  Winter soils should be drier to prevent tubers from rotting.

Flame lily growing with a spring blooming vine.

Flame lily growing with a spring blooming vine.

All of these options can enhance your garden and extend your bulb growing season beyond the spring. Happy Gardening!

What is the name of this plant?

Question of the Week. What is the name of this plant??? Please post your comments below. The answer will be revealed next week !

What it the name of this plant? Image Credit: Dr. Pete Vergot

What it the name of this plant? Image Credit: Dr. Pete Vergot

The answer is Brugmansia spp.

Edward F. Gillman states in his publication:

“This small tree with large, 6- to 8-inch-long, simple leaves
makes a dramatic statement in any landscape. Reaching
perhaps to 15 feet tall, this densely foliated plant puts on a no
less than spectacular show when in full bloom in summer and
fall. Flowers hang from the stems and branches and drape the
plant with orange, white or yellow for a number of weeks.
Flowers can be up to 12 inches long.”

In Northwest Florida, this may die to the ground in the winter, and will need protection from extremely cold temperatures

It often will re-seed itself.



Garden Fireworks

Garden Fireworks

Bring your own blend of fireworks to the garden this July by adding the Red Rocket Russelia, Russelia sarmentosa to a full sun area.


Russelia sarmentosa. Image Credit Beth Bolles, University of Florida


A favorite perennial to those who grow it, the Red Rocket has many positive qualities that make it a must have for everyone.  Plants form a large group of arching stems that grow 5-6 feet in height.  Clusters of tubular red flower occur at each node, covering the entire stem in color.  Flowering occurs soon after regrowth from winter cold  and continues until the first frost.  Once established plants perform well with occasional irrigation or a routine rain shower.  The added bonus of this colorful perennial is that hummingbirds visit flowers often to feed on nectar.