Japanese Maple – A Stunner for Some Panhandle Landscapes
When looking for a small tree that provides a visual impact in the landscape, nothing beats a Japanese maple. In North Florida, we have landscapes with some suitable conditions for growing a Japanese maple but these trees are not for every site. Japanese Maple plants...

Why Watering the Ground Before a Freeze Protects Your Plants
Many of us experienced our first freezing temperatures in the Panhandle last week. As we welcome winter, here are some helpful resources to prepare your plants when temperatures dip in the months ahead: Frost in the Panhandle? Practical Tips for Protecting Your Garden...

Christmas Plants can be Enjoyed Beyond the Holidays
Christmas cactus, poinsettia and amaryllis are some of the flowering holiday plants that can be kept for enjoyment after the holidays are gone. These plants require bright, indirect light. They should be placed close to a sunny window and turned once a week to prevent...

Spotting AI-Generated Plants Online
In recent months, I’ve noticed an increasing number of AI-generated plant photos being shared on social media. These posts feature plants that seem to have stepped out of a dream rather than a garden—orchids shaped like cats, elephant ears as tall as your house, and...

How to Care for a Gift Plant
It’s getting close to that time of year again! You may be the giver or receiver of a wonderful holiday plant soon. Dish gardens, potted flowering plants (such as azalea, begonia, poinsettia, or chrysanthemum), plants with attractive foliage, and even patio citrus make...

Mistletoe: A Holiday Tradition with Roots in our Trees
A kiss under the mistletoe…a timeless holiday tradition that we’ve all heard of. If you look around, you’ll be sure to find some growing on the branches of several different species of hardwood trees throughout the Panhandle. This same mistletoe is often harvested and...

Pro-Tips for Dealing with Problem Oaks and Other Brush in the Home Landscape
Not all trees and woody species are welcome in the landscape. In fact, some woody species can be pesky and problematic and for lack of a better term “weeds”. Despite the fact that some of these species are native trees, bushes, and vines, many can be aggressive and...

It’s been years since I ran across doodlebugs. But when I saw a stretch of their pitfall traps at a campsite near Coldwater Creek in MIlton, I knew it was time to write about them. Lore says their silly name came from Southern kids like me, who watched the larvae drag...

Sunn Hemp for Home Gardens
A Sea of Yellow You do not often see a sea of yellow flowers on what was recently a field of row crops in North Florida. In this instance, the culprit is a cover crop called sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea). Cover cropping, or green manure as it is sometimes known, is...

An Easy Fruit Selection for Your Landscape
Although not native to Florida, the Loquat or Japanese plum is adapted to North Florida conditions. Unlike its relatives, apple, peach, and pear, the loquat is an evergreen tree providing a tropical look with attractive dark green leaves. Flowers appear in Fall and...