2020 Year of the Turtle – Sea Turtles

2020 Year of the Turtle – Sea Turtles

This is one of the most beloved animals on the planet… sea turtles.  Discussions and debates over all sorts of local issues occur but when sea turtles enter the discussion, most agree – “we like sea turtles”, “we have nothing against sea turtles”.  There are nonprofit groups, professional hospitals, and special rescue centers, devoted to helping them.  I think everyone would agree, seeing one swimming near the shore, or nesting, is one of the most exciting things they will ever see.  For folks visiting our beaches, seeing the white sand and emerald green waters is amazing, but it takes their visit to a whole other level if they encounter a sea turtle.

The largest of the sea turtles, the leatherback.
Photo: Dr. Andrew Colman

They are one of the older members of the living reptiles dating back 150 million years.  Not only are they one of the largest members of the reptile group, they are some of the largest marine animals we encounter in the Gulf of Mexico.


There are five species of marine turtles in the Gulf represented by two families.  The largest of them all is the giant leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea).  This beast can reach 1000 pounds and have a carapace length of six feet.  Their shell resembles a leatherjacket and does not have scales.  Because of their large size, they can tolerate colder temperatures than other marine turtles and found all over the globe.  They feed almost exclusively on jellyfish and often entangled in open ocean longlines.  There is a problem distinguishing clear plastic bags from jellyfish and many are found dead on beaches after ingesting them.  Like all sea turtles, they approach land during the summer evenings to lay their eggs above the high tide line.  The eggs incubate within the nest for 65-75 days and sex determination is based on the temperature of the incubating eggs; warmer eggs producing females.  Also, like other marine turtles, the hatchlings can be disoriented by artificial lighting or become trapped in human debris, or unnatural holes, on the beach.  These animals are known to nest in Florida and they are currently listed as federally endangered and are completely protected.

The large head of a loggerhead sea turtle.
Photo: UF IFAS

The other four species are found in the Family Chelonidae and have the characteristic scaled carapace.  Much smaller than the leatherback, these are still big animals.  The most common are the loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta).  As the name suggest, the head of this sea turtle is quite large.  Their carapace can reach lengths of four feet and they can weigh up to 450 pounds.  The head usually has four scutes between the eyes and three scutes along the bridge connecting the carapace to the plastron.  This animal prefers to feed on a variety of invertebrates from clams, to crabs, to even horseshoe crabs.  It too is an evening nester and the young have similar problems as the leatherback hatchlings.  The tracks of the nesting turtle can be identified by the alternating pattern made by the flippers.  One flipper first, then the next.  The loggerhead is currently listed as a federally threatened species.

A green sea turtle on a Florida beach.
Photo: Florida Sea Grant

The green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) is called so not for the color of its shell, but for the color of its internal body fat.  They are fans of eating seagrasses, particularly “turtle grass” and other plants, which produce the green coloration of the fat.  The fat is used to produce a world favorite, “turtle soup”, and has been a problem for the conservation of this species in some parts of the world.  At one time, most green turtles nested in south Florida, but each year the number nesting in the north has increased.  They can be distinguished from the loggerhead in that (1) their head is not as big, (2) there are only two scales between the eyes, and (3) their flipper pattern in sand is not alternating; green turtles throw both flippers forward at the same time.  Green turtles are listed as federally threatened.

A hawksbill sea turtle resting on a coral reef in the Florida Keys.
Photo: Molly O’Connor

The hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is more tropical in distribution.  They are a bit smaller, with a carapace length of three feet and a weight of 187 pounds, but their diet of sponges is another reason you do not find them often in the northern Gulf of Mexico.  To feed on these, they have a “hawks-bill” designed to rip the sponges from their anchorages.  Their shell is gorgeous and prized in the jewelry trade.  “Tortoise-shell” glasses and earrings are very popular.


The most endangered of them all is the small Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii).  This little guy has a carapace length of a little over two feet and weighs in at no more than 100 pounds.  These guys are commonly seen in the Big Bend area of Florida but for years no one knew where they nested.  That was until 1947 when an engineer from Mexico found them nesting in large numbers (up to 40,000) at one time, in broad daylight in Rancho Nuevo, Mexico.  This was problematic for the turtle because the locals would wait for the nesting to be complete before they would take the females and the eggs.  Protected today they now face the problem that their migratory path across the Gulf takes them through Texas and Louisiana shrimping grounds, and through the 2010 Deep Water Horizon oil spill field.  Not to mention that illegal poaching still occurs.  Though all species of sea turtles have had problem with shrimp trawls, the Kemps had a particular problem, which led to the develop of the now required Turtle Excluder Device (T.E.D.S) found on shrimp trawls in the U.S. today.  Sea turtles have strong site fidelity for nesting and in the 1980s many Kemp’s Ridley eggs were re-located to beaches in Texas in hopes to move the nesting to other locations.  The program had some success and they have been reported to nest in Florida.  Their diet consists primarily of crabs but there have been reports of them removing bait from fishing lines fishing from piers over the Gulf.  This is species is federally endangered and is considered by many to be the most endangered sea turtle species on the planet.

Turtle friendly lighting.
Photo: Rick O’Connor

Sea turtles face numerous human-caused problems including (1) artificial lighting that disorient hatchlings and cause mortality to 50% (or more) of the hatchlings, (2) items left on beaches (such as chairs, tents, etc.) that can impede adults and entrap hatchlings, (3) large holes dug on beaches in which hatchlings fall and cannot get out, (4) marine debris (such as plastics) which they confuse with prey and swallow, (5) boat strikes, sea turtles must surface to breath and can become easy targets, and (6) discarded fishing gear, in which they can become entangled and drown.  These are simple things we can correct and protect these amazing Florida turtles.





Buhlmann, K., T. Tuberville, W. Gibbons. 2008. Turtles of the Southeast. University of Georgia Press, Athens GA. Pp. 252.


Florida’s Endangered and Threatened Species.  2018. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. https://myfwc.com/media/1945/threatend-endangered-species.pdf,


Species of Sea Turtle Found in Florida. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. https://myfwc.com/research/wildlife/sea-turtles/florida/species/.

Embrace the Gulf 2020 – The Fish

Embrace the Gulf 2020 – The Fish

If you ask a kid who is standing on the beach looking at the open Gulf of Mexico “what kinds of creatures do you think live out there?”  More often than not – they would say “FISH”.

And they would not be wrong.


According the Dr. Dickson Hoese and Dr. Richard Moore, in their book Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico, there are 497 species of fishes in the Gulf.  However, they focused their book on the fish of the northwestern Gulf over the continental shelf.  So, this would not include many of the tropical species of the coral reef regions to the south and none of the mysterious deep-sea species in the deepest part of the Gulf.  Add to this, the book was published in 1977, so there have probably been more species discovered.

Schools of fish swim by the turtle reef off of Grayton Beach, Florida. Photo credit: University of Florida / Bernard Brzezinski

Fish are one of the more diverse groups of vertebrates on the planet.  They can inhabit freshwater, brackish, and seawater habitats.  Because all rivers lead to the sea, and all seas are connected, you would think fish species could travel anywhere around the planet.  However, there are physical and biological barriers that isolate groups to certain parts of the ocean.  In the Gulf, we have two such groups.  The Carolina Group are species found in the northern Gulf and the Atlantic coast of the United States.  The Western Atlantic Group are found in the southern Gulf, Caribbean, and south to Brazil.  The primary factors dictating the distribution of these fish, and those within the groups, are salinity, temperature, and the bottom type.


Off the Texas coast there is less rain, thus a higher salinity; it has been reported as high 70 parts per thousand (mean seawater is 35 ppt).  The shelf off Louisiana is bathed with freshwater from two major rivers and salinities can be as low as 10 ppt.  The Florida shelf is more limestone than sand and mud.  This, along with warm temperatures, allow corals and sponges to grow and the fish assemblages change accordingly.


Some species of fish are stenohaline – meaning they require a specific salinity for survival, such as seahorses and angelfish.  Euryhaline fish are those who have a high tolerance for wide swings in salinity, such as mullet and croaker.

Courtesy of Florida Sea Grant. In total, it takes about 3 – 5 years for reefs to reach a level of maximum production for both fish and invertebrate species.


Forty-three of the 497 species are cartilaginous fish, lacking true bone.  Twenty-five are sharks, the other 18 are rays.  Sharks differ from rays in that their gill slits are on the side of their heads and the pectoral fins begins behind these slits.  Rays on the other hand have their gill slits on the bottom (ventral) side of their body and the pectoral begins before them.  Not all rays have stinging barbs.  The skates lack them but do have “thorns” on their backs.  The giant manta also lacks barbs.


Sharks are one of the more feared animals on the planet.  13 the 25 species belong to the requiem shark family, which includes bull, tiger, and lemon sharks.  There are five types of hammerheads, dogfish, and the largest fish of all… the whale shark; reaching over 40 feet.  The most feared of sharks is the great white.  Though not believed to be a resident, there are reports of this fish in the Gulf.  They tend to stay offshore in the cooler waters, but there are inshore reports.

The impressive jaws of the Great White.
Photo: UF IFAS

There is great variety in the 472 species of bony fishes found in the Gulf.  Sturgeons are one of the more ancient groups.  These fish migrate from freshwater, to the Gulf, and back and are endangered species in parts of its range.  Gars are a close cousin and another ancient “dinosaur” fish.  Eels are found here and resemble snakes.  As a matter of fact, some have reported sea snakes in the Gulf only to learn later they caught an eel.  Eels differ from snakes in having fins and gills.  Herring and sardines are one of the more commercially sought-after fish species.  Their bodies are processed to make fish meal, pet food, and used in some cosmetics.  There are flying fish in the Gulf, though they do not actually fly… they glide – but can do so for over 100 yards.  Grouper are one of the more diverse families in the Gulf and are a popular food fish across the region.  There untold numbers of tropical reef fish.  Surgeons, triggerfish, angelfish, tangs, and other colorful fish are amazing to see.  Stargazers are bottom dwelling fish that can produce a mild electric shock if disturbed.  Large billfish, such as marlins and sailfins, are very popular sport fish and common in the Gulf.  Puffers are fish that can inflate when threatened and there are several different kinds.  And one of the strangest of all are the ocean sunfish – the Mola.  Molas are large-disk shaped fish with reduced fins.  They are not great swimmers are often seen floating on their sides waiting for potential prey, such as jellyfish.

We could go on and on about the amazing fish of the Gulf.  There are many who know them by fishing for them.  Others are “fish watchers” exploring the great variety by snorkeling or diving.  We encourage to take some time and visit a local aquarium where you can see, and learn more about, the Fish of the Gulf.




Hoese, H.D., R.H. Moore. 1977. Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico; Texas, Louisiana, and Adjacent Waters.  Texas A&M University Press.  College Station Texas.  Pp. 327.

2020 Year of the Turtle – the snapping turtles

2020 Year of the Turtle – the snapping turtles

There are a couple of things you learn when working with youth in turtle education.

1)      ALL turtles are snapping turtles

2)      Snapping turtles are dangerous

I grew up in a sand hill area of Pensacola and we found box turtles all of the time.  We had one as a “pet” and his name was “Snappy”.  Oh, I forgot… all turtles are males.


That said, others are well aware of this unique species of turtle in our state.  It does not look like your typical turtle.  (1) They are large… can be very large – some male alligator snappers have weighed in at 165 lbs.!   (2) Their plastron is greatly reduced, almost not there.  Because of this their legs can bend closer to the ground and walk more like dogs than other turtles do.  We call this cursorial locomotion.  Snappers are not cursorial, but they are close, and because of this can move much faster across land.  (3) Their carapace is almost square shaped (versus round or oval) and have large ridges making them look like dinosaurs.  (4) They have longer tails than most turtles, some species have scales pointing vertically making them look even more like dinosaurs.  Scientists have wondered whether this unique reduced plastron-better locomotion design was the original for turtles (and they lost it), or they are the “new kids on the block”.  The evidence right now suggests they are “the new kids”.

The relatively smooth shell of a common snapping turtle crossing a highway in NW Florida.
Photo: Libbie Johnson

And of course, there is the “SNAP”.  These are very strong animals who seem to crouch and lunge as they quickly SNAP at potential predators – as quickly as 78 milliseconds/bite.  I remember once stopping on a rural highway to get one out of the road.  I grabbed it safely behind the nape and near the rear.  That sucker crouched and snapped, and I could hardly hold on.  I was amazed by its strength.  It did not understand I was trying to help. You do need to be careful around these guys.


In Florida, we have two species of snapping turtles; the common and the alligator.  They look very similar and are often confused (everyone seen is called an alligator snapper).  There are couple of ways to tell them apart.

1)      The alligator snapper has a large head with a hooked beak.

2)      The alligator snapper’s carapace is slightly squarer and has three ridges of enlarged scales that make it look “spiked”; where the common snapper lacks these.

3)      The tail of the common snapper has vertical “spiked” scales; which the alligator lacks.

4)      And the textbook range of the alligator snapper is the Florida panhandle.  Basically, if you are south or east of the Suwannee River, it should not be around – you are seeing the common.

As the name implies, the common snapper (Chelydra serpentina) is found throughout the state – except the Florida Keys.  There are actually two subspecies; the Common (C. serpentia serpentina) which is found west of the Suwannee River and the Florida Snapper (C. serpentina osceola).  This species uses a wide range of habitats.  They have been found in small creeks, ponds, floodplain swamps, wet areas of pine flatwoods, and on golf courses.


These are very mobile turtles, often seen crossing highways looking for nesting locations, dispersing to new territory, or their pond has just dried up and they need a new one.  Interestingly they have an expanded diet.  Most think of snapping turtles as fish eaters, but common snappers are known to consume large amounts of aquatic plants and invertebrates.


Like all turtles, snappers must find high-dry ground for nesting.  Nesting begins around April and runs through June.  In south Florida, nesting can begin as early as February.  They select a variety of habitats and typically lay 2-30 eggs deep in the substrate.  These incubate for about 75 days and the temperature of the egg determines its sex; warmer eggs produce females.  Nest predation is a problem for all turtles, snappers are not exempt from this.  Raccoons are the big problem, but fish crows, fox, and possibly armadillos also dig up eggs.  Many adults have been found with leeches.  Turtles are known to live long lives.  Data suggests common snappers reach 50 years of age.


Alligator snappers (Macrochelys temminckii) are the big boys of this group.  Where the common snapper’s carapace can reach 1.5 feet, the alligator snapper can reach 2.0. (that’s JUST the shell).  As mentioned, this animal is found in the Florida panhandle only.  It is a river dweller and prefers those with access to the Gulf of Mexico.  They appear to have some tolerance of brackish water.  One alligator snapper near Mobile Bay AL had barnacles growing on it.  Evidence suggest they do not move as much as common snappers and stay in the river systems where they were born.  There are three distinct genetic groups: (1) the Suwannee group, (2) the Ochlocknee/Apalachicola/Choctawhatchee group, and (3) the Pensacola Bay group.

The ridged backs of the alligator snapping turtle. Photo: University of Florida

This animal is more nocturnal than their cousin and are not seen very often.  They are basically carnivores and known to feed on fish, invertebrates, amphibians, birds, small mammals, reptiles, small alligators, and acorns are common in their guts.  This species possesses a long tongue which they use as a fishing lure to attract prey.


Alligator snappers have a much shorter nesting season than most turtles; April to May.  And, unlike other turtles, only lay one clutch of eggs per season.  They typically lay between 17-52 eggs, sex determination is also controlled by the temperature of the incubating egg, and they may have strong site fidelity with nesting.  Male alligators are very aggressive towards each other in captivity.  This suggests strong territorial disputes occur in the wild.  These live a bit longer than common snappers; reaching an age of 80 years.


Though still common, both species have seen declines in their populations in recent years.  Dredge and fill projects have reduced habitat for the common snapper.  Dams within the rivers and commercial harvest have impacted alligator snapper numbers.  The alligator snapper is currently listed as an imperiled species in Florida and is a no-take animal (including eggs).  Because the common snapper looks so similar, they are listed as a no-take species as well.


Both of these “dinosaur” looking creatures are amazing and we are lucky to have them in our backyards.




Meylan P.A. (Ed). 2006. Biology and Conservation of Florida Turtles. Chelonian Research Monographs No.3, 376 pp.


FWC – Freshwater Turtles


2020 Year of the Turtle – Introduction

2020 Year of the Turtle – Introduction

How cool, there is nothing wrong with other animals, but how cool for a year to be dedicated to turtles.   And how fitting for the Florida panhandle.  Based on the publication Biology and Conservation of Florida Turtles (2006), there are 38 taxa of turtles in our state.  The majority of these can be found in the panhandle, particularly near the Apalachicola and Escambia Rivers.  Within our state some species are only found at these two locations, and some are only found there on the planet. 

A terrestrial gopher tortoise crossing the sand on Pensacola Beach.
Photo: DJ Zemenick

Everyone loves turtles. 

I hear a lot of stories about families trying to rescue while they are crossing highways.  And when it comes to conservation, most will tell you “don’t mess with the turtles”.  They are not kola bears… but they’re close.  So, we are excited that 2020 is not only the year to Embrace the Gulf of Mexico, but also the Year of Turtle, and we plan to post one article a month highlighting the species richness of our area. 


Let’s start with turtles in general.

Most know they are vertebrates but may not know the backbone and ribs support the framework for their famous shell.  The top portion of this shell, where the backbone is, is called the carapace.  The hard portion covering their chest area is the plastron.  And they are connected by the bridge.  The shell is a series of bony plates covered with scales (scutes).  These scales are what put them in the class Reptilia.  Fish also have scales but differ from reptiles in that they have gills instead of lungs.  Most turtles are excellent swimmers, but they must hold their breath underwater, and some can do this for quite a long time. 


All turtles are in the same Order Chelonia.  The terms tortoise and terrapin are more cultural than biological.  There are 7 families, and 25 species, of turtles found in Florida.  Some are marine, and some terrestrial, but most are what we call “riverine”, living in freshwater. 

This aquatic Florida Cooter was found crossing a locals yard.
Photo: Deb Mozert

Turtles lack teeth but do have a blade like beak they can cut with.  In general, smooth blades are carnivorous, serrated ones herbivorous, and their omnivorous turtles as well.  Most prey are small, and most carnivores must conceal themselves to ambush their prey.  Though depicted as slow animals in fairy tales and stories, turtles can be quite fast for a few seconds. 


Most are diurnal (active during daylight hours) but some nocturnal activity does occur.  They spend parts of their day basking on logs and other platforms to warm – turtles are ectothermic and rely on the sun for heat. 


Mating occurs in the spring.  And despite the fact that most are aquatic, nesting occurs on land for all.  Except for a few live bearers, reptiles lay cledoic eggs (shelled) buried on dry ground.  Sex is determined by the temperature of the egg in all except the softshell turtles, with eggs at 30° C or higher producing females. 

Teaching our youth about the great diversity of Florida’s turtles.
Photo: Molly O’Connor

Despite their need for warm climates, they can be found throughout the United States.  But it is the warm humid southeast where they thrive.  Especially the northern Gulf Coast where 60″ of rainfall each year is the norm.  We will bring you an article about a new species every other week throughout this year. 


Let’s Celebrate the Year if the Turtle.

Snakes on Our Barrier Islands

Snakes on Our Barrier Islands

Over the last two years I have been surveying snakes in a local community on Perdido Key.  The residents were concerned about the number of cottonmouths they were seeing and wanted some advice on how to handle the situation.  Many are surprised by the number of cottonmouths living on barrier islands, we think of them as “swamp” residents.  But they are here, along with several other species, some of which are venomous.  Let’s look at some that have been reported over the years.

The dune fields of panhandle barrier islands are awesome – so reaching over 50 ft. in height. This one is near the Big Sabine hike (notice white PVC markers).

In the classic text Handbook of Reptiles and Amphibians of Florida; Part One – Snakes (published in 1981), Ray and Patricia Ashton mention nine species found on coastal dunes or marshes.  They did not consider any of them common and listed the cottonmouth as rare – they seem to be more common today.  In a more recent publication (Snakes of the Southeast, 2005) Whit Gibbons and Michael Dorcas echo what the Ashton’s published but did add a few more species, many of which I have found as well.  Their list brings the total to 15 species.  I have frequently seen four other species in Gulf Breeze and Big Lagoon State Park that neither publication included, but I will since they are close to the islands – this brings the total 19 species that residents could encounter.


Leading us off is the one most are concerned about – the Eastern Cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorous).  Though listed as “rare” by the Ashton’s, encounters on both Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key are becoming common.  There is more than one subspecies of this snake – the eastern cottonmouth is the local one – and that the water moccasin and cottonmouth are one in the same snake.  This snake can reach 74 inches in length (6ft).  They are often confused with their cousin the copperhead (Agkistrodon contorix).  Both begin life in a “copper” color phase and with a luminescent green-tipped tail.  But at they grow, the cottonmouth becomes darker in color (sometimes becoming completely black) while the copperhead remains “copper”.  The cottonmouth also has a “mask” across its eyes that the copperhead lacks.  Believe it or not, the cottonmouth is not inclined to bite.  When disturbed they will vibrate their tail, open their mouth showing the “cottonmouth” and displaying their fangs, and swiveling their head warning you to back off.  Attacking, or chasing, rarely happens.  I find them basking in the open in the mornings and seeking cover the rest of the day.  Turning over boards (using a rake – do not use your hand) I find them coiled trying to hide.  MOST of the ones I find are juveniles.  These are opportunistic feeders – eating almost any animal but preferring fish.  They hunt at night.  Breeding takes place in spring and fall.  The females give live birth in summer.  As mentioned earlier, they seem to be becoming more common on our islands.


Eastern Cottonmouth with distinct “mask” and flattened body trying to intimidate.
Photo: Rick O’Connor

This year, while surveying for cottonmouths, I encountered numerous Eastern Coachwhips (Masticophis flagellum).  These long slender snakes can reach lengths of 102” (8ft.), move very fast across the ground – often with their heads raised like a cobra – and, even though nonvenomous, will bite aggressively.  They get their name from their coloration.  They have a dark brown head and neck and a tan colored body – resemble an old coachwhip.  They like dune environments and are excellent climbers.  They consume lizards, small birds and mammals, and even other small snakes.  They are most active during the daylight, but I usually find them beneath boards and other debris hiding.  They have always been on the islands but encountered more often this past year.  They lay eggs and do so in summer.


Their close cousin, the Southern Black Racer (Coluber constricta) is very similar but a beautiful dark black color.  They can reach lengths of 70” (6ft.) and are also very fast.  Like their cousin, they are nonvenomous but bite aggressively – often vibrating their tail like cottonmouths warning you to stay back.  They are beneficial controlling amphibian, reptile, and mammalian animals.  They are also summer egg layers.

The southern black racer differs from otehr black snakes in its brillant white chin and thin sleek body.
Photo: Jacqui Berger.

There are a few freshwater snakes that, like the cottonmouth do not like saltwater, but could be found on the islands.  These are in the genus Nerodia and are nonvenomous.  There are two species (the Midland and Banded water snakes) that could be found here.  They resemble cottonmouths in size and color and are often confused with them.  They differ in that they have vertical dark stripes running across their jaws and have a round pupil.  Though nonvenomous, they will bite aggressively.  One member of the Nerodia group is the Gulf Coast Salt Marsh Snake (Nerodia clarkii clarkii).  This snake does like saltwater and is found in the brackish salt marshes on the island.  It is dark in color with four longitudinal stripes, two are yellow and two are a dull brown color.  It only reaches a length of 36” (3ft.), is nocturnal, and feeds on estuarine fish and invertebrates.

This banded water snake is often confused with the cottonmouth. This animal has the vertical stripes extending from the lower jaw, which is lacking in the cottonmouth.
Photo: University of Georgia

Other species that the guides mention, or I have seen, are the small Crowned Snake, Southern Hognose, Pine Snake, Pine Woods Snake, and the Rough Green Snake.  I will mention here species I have seen in either Gulf Breeze or Big Lagoon State Park that COULD be found on the island:  Eastern Coral Snake, Eastern Garter Snake, Pigmy Rattlesnake, Eastern Hognose, and the Corn Snake (also called the Red Rat Snake).  Only two of these (Eastern Coral and Pigmy) are venomous.


Last, but not least, is the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotolus adamateus).  This is the largest venomous snake in the United States, reaching 96” (8ft.).  It is a diurnal hunter consuming primarily small mammals, though large ones can take rabbits.  They prefer the dry areas of the island where cover is good.  Palmettos, Pine trees, and along the edge of wetlands are their favorite haunts.  Despite their preference for dry sandy environments, they – like all snakes – are good swimmers and large rattlesnakes have been seen swimming across Santa Rosa Sound and Big Lagoon.  They tend to rattle before you get too close and you should yield to this animal.  The have an impressive strike range, 33% of their body length, you should give these guys a wide berth.  I have come across several that never rattled, I just happen to see them.  Again, give them plenty of room when walking by.

Eastern diamondback rattlesnake swimming in intracoastal waterway near Ft. McRee in Pensacola.
Photo: Sue Saffron

It is understandable that people are nervous about snakes being in popular vacation spots, but honestly… they really do not like to be around people.  We are trouble for them and they know it.  Most encounters are in the more natural areas of the islands.  Staying on marked trails and open areas, where you can see them – and be sure to look down while walking, you should see them and avoid trouble.  For more questions on local snakes, contact me at the county extension office.




Ashton, R.E., P.S. Ashton. 1981. Handbook of Reptiles and Amphibians of Florida; Part One – Snakes. Windward Publishing, Miami FL. Pp.176.


Gibbons, W., M. Dorcas. 2005. Snakes of the Southeast. University of Georgia Press, Athens GA. Pp. 253.

Help the Monarch Butterfly

Help the Monarch Butterfly

Orange and black buterflyOver 1.8 million Monarch butterflies have been tagged and tracked over the past 27 years. This October these iconic beauties will flutter through the Florida Panhandle on their way to the Oyamel fir forests on 12 mountaintops in central Mexico. Monarch Watch volunteers and citizen scientists will be waiting to record, tag and release the butterflies in hopes of learning more about their migration and what the 2019 population count will be.

This spring, scientists from World Wildlife Fund Mexico estimated the population size of the overwintering Monarchs to be 6.05 hectacres of trees covered in orange. As the weather warmed, the butterflies headed north towards Canada (about three weeks early). It’s an impressive 2,000 mile adventure for an animal weighing less than 1 gram. Those butterflies west of the Rocky Mountains headed up California; while the eastern insects traveled over the “corn belt” and into New England. When August brought cooler days, all the Monarchs headed back south.

What the 2018 Monarch Watch data revealed was alarming. The returning eastern Monarch butterfly population had increased by 144 percent, the highest count since 2006. But, the count still represented a decline of Map of US90% from historic levels of the 1990’s. Additionally, the western population plummeted to a record low of 30,000, down from 1.2 million two decades ago. With estimated populations around 42 million, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service began the process of deciding whether to list the Monarch butterfly as endangered or threatened in 2014. With the additional information, FWS set a deadline of June 2019 to decide whether to pursue the listing.

Scientists estimate that 6 hectacres is the threshold to be out of the immediate danger of migratory collapse. To put things in scale: A single winter storm in January 2002 killed an estimated 500 million Monarchs in their Mexico home. However, with recent changes on the status of the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has delayed its decision until December 2020. One more year of data may be helpful to monarch conservation efforts.

butterfly on bushIndividuals can help with the monitoring and restoring the Monarch butterflies habitat. There are two scheduled tagging events in Panhandle, possibly more. St. Mark’s National Wildlife Refuge is holding their Butterfly Festival on Saturday, October 26 from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. Henderson Beach State Park in Destin will have 200 butterflies to tag and release on Saturday, November from 9 – 11 a.m. Ask around in the local area. There may be more opportunities.

There is something more you can do to increase the success of the butterflies along their migratory path – plant more Milkweed (Asclepias spp.). It’s the only plant the Monarch caterpillar will eat. When they leave their hibernation in Mexico around February or March, the adults must find Milkweed all along the path to Canada in order to lay their eggs. Butterflies only live two to six weeks. They must mate and lay eggs along the way in order for the population to continue its flight. Each generation must have Milkweed about every 700 miles. Check with the local nurseries for plants.  Though orange is the most common native species, Milkweed comes in many colors and leaf shapes.Orange flower