‘Tonto’ Crape Myrtle – the Perfect Small Tree for Small Yards
Despite being a near-perfect ornamental for the Panhandle, Crape Myrtle is often misused. Though there are dozens of commercially available varieties in all shapes and sizes, many people choose the wrong one for their yard. The most commonly sold cultivars ‘Natchez’...

Video: Great Southeast Pollinator Census Details
The Great Southeast Pollinator Census began in Georgia in 2019 with the goals of increased pollinator habitat, teaching the public the importance of insects, and providing useful data to researchers. 2024 is the first year for Florida to be included and we want to...

The Chemical Properties of Soil
Managing your soil is easily the most critical task in gardening. Well-managed soils retain water and nutrients, making them available to your plants, thus enabling them to thrive. It may seem daunting, but with a bit of knowledge, you’ll quickly discover that soil...

Dog Days of Summer
The “Dog Days” are the hottest, muggiest days of summer. In the northern hemisphere, they usually fall between early July and early September. The actual dates vary greatly from region to region, depending on latitude and climate. It is miserable right now, but fall...

Discover the Charm of Muscadines
Discover the Charm of Muscadines Imagine walking through endless rows of lush grapevines, each brimming with clusters of plump, juicy muscadines. Scientifically known as Vitis rotundifolia, muscadine grapes are a species native to the southeastern US, with a range...

Caring for African Violets: A Guide for Enthusiasts
Caring for African Violets: A Guide for Enthusiasts African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha) are beloved houseplants known for their vibrant blooms and ease of growth indoors. Since their introduction to the United States, they have become favorites among plant...

Harnessing the Power of Rain: Installing a Rain Barrel at Home
Water is one of the most valuable natural resources and with the ever growing concern of climate change and the hot dry conditions Northwest Florida has already experienced this summer, every drop counts. One way you could combat this issue is by installing a rain...

Color Your Containers Orange with Crossandra
While the Florida Panhandle isn’t considered a true tropical climate, now that the summer rains have started, it sure feels tropical outside. To create high performing colorful containers in these conditions, it’s wise to pick plants that hail from tropical climes –...

Video: Native Mimosa Groundcover in a Lawn
The native Powderpuff mimosa, Mimosa strigillosa, has potential as a turf companion in the North Florida landscape. Learn about the growth of this plant from UF IFAS Escambia Extension to determine if you want to add it as a groundcover or companion plant in your...

Variegation, Viruses, and You
An interesting phenomenon turned up in my camellia this spring. What has, for years, been a perfectly normal bush – growing its glossy, dark green leaves year ‘round and its showy flowers in the fall – suddenly changed. Its leaves started becoming variegated!...