Muscadine Grapes, a Southern Treat
I grew up with muscadine grapes. I liked them as a kid and still enjoy them today. In my opinion, they are a southern late summer and fall treat. Not everyone shares in my fondness for this native fruit of the Southeastern United States. If you did not grow up here,...

Potato: A Lot of Tuber in a Little Space
Looking to add a nutritional powerhouse to your early season garden this year? One plant that is often thought to be difficult to grow in Florida will surprise many home gardeners. This plant has a long, storied history, having been introduced extensively worldwide,...

Bird Feeder Surprises
Cardinal at bird feeder. Source: Adobe Stock. Many homeowners enjoy placing bird feeders in the landscape and filling them with purchased bird seed mixes to delight in observing the various visitors. In addition to our common songbirds, and maybe some rare migrating...

Backyard Landscaping Tips to Support Birds This December
NATURE’S NOMADS Florida has a diverse array of birds. Warblers, raptors, shorebirds, and more may be spotted now in North Florida. Your yard or landscape can serve as an ideal habitat for wildlife, particularly birds. Even a modest quarter-acre plot can be...

Chinese Cabbage Becoming Increasingly Popular in Panhandle Gardens
Looking for a mid-season vegetable to plant in your garden? Look no further, Chinese cabbage is a great option. This cabbage matures quickly and is ideal for growing in winter's shorter days and cooler temperatures. Figure: Bok Choy Harvested & Prepared in a...

Yaupon Holly
For most of the year, yaupon (pronounced “yo-pon”) holly is the nondescript evergreen backdrop to forested areas throughout the Panhandle. But in the fall, these plants are bursting with brilliant red berries. There are 9 holly species native to our area, all with...

Celebrate Trees in January
The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is Arbor Day 2024. Florida recognizes the event on the third Friday in January, so the next one is January 19, 2024. Arbor Day is an annual observance that celebrates the role of trees...

Video: Shrub Pruning Tips
Many shrubs can benefit from a little pruning. Choosing what to prune to maintain a plant's natural look can sometimes be a challenge. Get a few tips on pruning shrubs with cane type growth from UF IFAS Extension Escambia County....

2024 Gardening in the Panhandle LIVE! New Year – New Format
Since 2020, we have delivered timely webinars using Zoom and Facebook Live to reach Gardening in the Panhandle LIVE! viewers. In 2024, we are changing things up just a bit. Due to changes in the way Zoom and Facebook interface we will only be transmitting live through...

Propagating Plants by Leaf and Cane
The subject of plant propagation by leaf and cane is a continuation from my article on propagating plants by layering, written in late October. Plants can be generated in multiple ways with leaf and cane techniques emerging as a possible indoor winter and early...