Marine Creatures of the Northern Gulf – Brown Algae
If green algae are difficult to find in the northern Gulf because most prefer freshwater, and rocky shorelines, brown are difficult because the group prefers colder water, as well as rocky shorelines – but we do have some here. Brown algae get their color because the...

Marine Creatures of the Northern Gulf – Red Algae
Members of the seaweed group Rhodophyta – the red algae – prefer warmer marine waters. Though the diversity and abundance of seaweeds in the northern Gulf is low due to unsuitable substrate for them to attach to, the red algae may be the most diverse group we have....

Our Environment: Part 4 – Life on Land
The principles of life on land are not that different from life in the sea. It is believed that life began in the sea but, the creation of continents and islands, new habitat was available for colonization. However, the creatures who would colonize land would have...

Getting Your Farm Pond Ready for Spring
As spring approaches, I’ve been receiving more calls from local pond owners looking for advice on preparing their farm ponds for the season. Managing a pond in the Florida Panhandle can be tricky—especially when dealing with spring-fed ponds. While these ponds are...

Our Environment: Part 3 – Life in the Sea
They say life began in the oceans. We know that the lithosphere is cracked, adding new land, subducting land over time. But much of the lithosphere is covered with water – and here life began. Initially it had to begin on either rock or sand. The sand would have...

Marine Creatures of the Northern Gulf – Green Algae
With this article we will shift from the microscopic creatures of the Gulf of Mexico to the macroscopic ones – ones you can see without a microscope. We will begin with the simplest and most primitive of macroscopic creatures – the seaweeds. Many locals see the grass...

Our Environment – Part 2: How Our Planet Works
To better understand the basics of how the planet works we will use the analogy of a chicken egg. The yolk would represent the core – solid and in the middle of the planet. The mantle would be like the egg white that surrounds the yolk. It takes up most of the...

A Northwest Florida Winter Wonderland
Snow in Florida? Yeah, it happens. We sometimes get the dusting, we sometimes get the icing, but we never really get the good stuff, the “accumulation.” Well Tuesday, January 21st will go down as the snowiest day in Florida recorded history, and I was lucky (or...

Killer Turkey Food Plot
Before you know it spring turkey season will be upon us and now is the time to start planning a killer turkey food plot. Establishing a great food plot takes more than just planting seeds. It takes planning and preparation prior to planting those seeds. The prime...

Our Environment – Introduction
Each year I survey the public to determine what their needs are – what they are most concerned about – and where Extension might help. One of the primary functions of Extension is to provide local clientele with solutions to their needs – our mantra at UF IFAS...