Gardening in the Panhandle

UF/IFAS Extension
Growing Shiitake Mushrooms

Growing Shiitake Mushrooms

Whether you are interested in creating a shiitake mushroom operation or just want to have fun with a backyard production of mushrooms for yourself and others, growing shiitake mushrooms is a fascinating and delicious enterprise. Below are some great facts about...

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Tomato Tips: Keys to Success

Tomato Tips: Keys to Success

Tomatoes rank high among the favorites for home gardeners, cherished for their versatility and flavor. Whether planted in traditional garden beds, confined to containers, nurtured in hydroponic setups, or suspended in hanging baskets, tomatoes thrive in the Florida...

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Deer Damage in the Landscape

Deer Damage in the Landscape

Many different Florida wildlife pass through a home landscape daily in search of food.  Possibly the most destructive animal to landscape plants in northwest Florida is the White-Tailed Deer.  Extensive amounts of damage can be observed after they have passed...

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What is Drilling Holes in My Trees?

What is Drilling Holes in My Trees?

They are often very prevalent on trees in our area; a strange string of shallow holes drilled in the bark of a tree. Often this is oozing sap, especially on pines and hardwoods with heavy sap flow, and more holes keep appearing as the sap dries up in others. I get...

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On occasion, homeowners report being troubled by certain slimy visitors to their gardens. Perhaps not the first pest most people would think about in their landscapes, snails are nonetheless a source of frustration for some. While many species are harmless or even...

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Tiny Invaders

Tiny Invaders

In Florida, we have plenty of native critters trying to find their way into our homes – cockroaches, mosquitoes, lizards, squirrels, mice, and even alligators and bears every now and again. So, we don’t really need any more non-native critters to worry about, but we...

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Herb Gardens: A Tasty Way to Learn

Herb Gardens: A Tasty Way to Learn

As spring approaches, the time to plan and implement gardens is at hand. If you have wanted to get into this hobby but have been intimidated by the avalanche of information, consider an herb garden. This collection of plants is grown primarily for their aromatic...

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Crabgrass and Summer Annual Weed Control

Crabgrass and Summer Annual Weed Control

Spring is approaching and the main thing on my mind is controlling annual weeds. The most effective way to control crabgrass and other summer annual weeds is with a pre-emergent herbicide. Pre-emergent herbicides should be applied prior to weed seed germination. They...

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