Invasive ‘Yellow-Legged Hornet’ Poses Threat to Honey Bees
A concerning discovery has emerged in Savannah, Georgia, regarding the yellow-legged hornet, commonly known as the "murder hornet's cousin." Officially identified as Vespa velutina by the Georgia Department of Agriculture in August 2023, it was first encountered by a...

Rubber-looking Leaves and Flowers
Extended spring weather with cool nights and frequent rain can be enjoyable for humans, but does strange things to plants, especially if dormant fungi are hanging around. Exobasidium vaccinii is a fungus that is believed to overwinter as spores attached to bark and...

Pruning Everblooming Shrubs
When to prune a particular shrub can be a confusing practice for even the most experienced gardener. Luckily there are many plant guides to help remind us of pruning times or even a quick call to your local Extension office. Now that we finally remember the best time...

Crane Flies
All my life, I’ve known them as mosquito hawks. Built like extra-large, spindly-legged versions of mosquitoes, they look a bit intimidating. However, growing up we were told they were harmless and actually fed solely on mosquitoes. In the days before Google, I just...

Zinnias 101
Zinnias are well-known annual flowers, primarily recognized for their easy and fast growth. Their wide range of growing habits contributes to their popularity, as they can range from short and bushy to tall with a singular stalk. Regardless of their growing habit,...

The Third Place
Have you ever heard of "the third place?" It's a concept introduced by sociologist Ray Oldenburg in his 1999 book, "The Great Good Place. " In the book, Oldenburg writes about the need for a space beyond home (the first place) and work (the second place) where people...

Easy Spring Color with Petunias
Florida is a fun state to live in for many reasons. You are never more than an hour or two away from a great beach, it never gets bitterly cold, and the fishing is phenomenal. I could go on. More than all that though, my favorite thing about living in Florida is...

Diversification of Dooryard Fruit
Here in North Florida, it is not uncommon to see a few citrus trees in a residential landscape. With Florida being the second highest producing state of citrus, it is not out of the normal to see them when you are out and about. They are a great option to keep a lush...

What is Crown Dieback in Trees?
The crown of a tree is the leaf bearing twigs and branches and the spreading green foliage that we see. A heathy, full crown is a good indication of a healthy and vibrant tree. The crown and the foliage it supports is the energy collector and the center for...

Save Water, Save Money, Save Your Plants!
After a relatively cold winter like the Florida panhandle has experienced the last couple of years, it’s always gratifying to see plants greening up in the spring. Anyone who enjoys the outdoors is likely to want to get out there and start helping things grow. That...